Temple Reading Class With Brother Jason

Brother Jason

On this Podcast we study the Supreme Wisdom of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad Allah Master Fard Muhammad Messenger. As the Bible 1Corinthians 4:6 Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself and Apollos for your benefit, so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying, “Do not go beyond what is written. Our goal is to build Temples so that the Messengers Program can be practiced in peace. read less
Religión y espiritualidadReligión y espiritualidad


Islam will Unite Black
Islam will Unite Black
Today's discussion, titled "Islam Will Unite Black," discusses the transformative power of Islam in unifying African American communities. Drawing from Elijah Muhammad's insightful teachings, we explore how Islam, as presented in his works, specifically "Our Saviour has arrived," offers not just a religion but a pathway to reclaiming identity, dignity, and a sense of community among Black People.Elijah Muhammad posited that the principles of Islam—emphasizing justice, equality, and righteousness—are inherently aligned with the struggles and aspirations of Black People. He argued that the misinterpretation and misuse of Islam have obscured its true essence, which is to bring peace and unity among people. Through the correct understanding and practice of Islam, Muhammad believed that the Black community could achieve not only spiritual fulfillment but also social and political empowerment."Islam Will Unite Black" highlights the historical context of Islam within African American history, noting its role in providing a counter-narrative to the oppressive experiences faced under systemic racism and inequality. The session aims to inspire listeners to envision a future where Islam acts as a unifying force, bridging gaps within the African American community and fostering an environment of mutual support, respect, and understanding. This future is built on the principles of Islam, which advocate for peace, unity, and the upliftment of the oppressed.As we discuss this subject, we encourage an open-minded approach to understanding how Islam, as taught by Elijah Muhammad, can serve as a foundational pillar in the quest for unity and peace among Blacks, guiding the community towards a collective healing and empowerment.
God of Right Prescribes the Best Foods!
God of Right Prescribes the Best Foods!
In today's temple reading, we explored the enlightening teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad on the divine connection between our dietary habits and spiritual well-being. The reading, "God of Right Prescribes the Best Foods," delved into the critical importance of adhering to dietary laws that not only promote physical health but also enhance our moral and spiritual purity.The Honorable Elijah Muhammad's guidance emphasizes that the food we consume should be viewed as more than mere sustenance. Instead, it's a means to achieve closer alignment with divine righteousness. By following the prescribed dietary recommendations, we're not just nurturing our bodies but also honoring our souls, reflecting a deep commitment to living in obedience to God's will.Highlighting specific foods recommended for consumption as well as those to be avoided, the reading serves as a reminder of the sanctity of our bodies as temples of God. It stresses that maintaining the purity of these temples through careful dietary choices is integral to our spiritual journey and overall well-being.Today's session called upon us to reflect deeply on the choices we make regarding our diet, encouraging a holistic approach to health that encompasses both our physical and spiritual dimensions. It's a call to action for individuals and the community alike to embrace a way of life that resonates with the divine wisdom imparted by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, fostering a stronger, spiritually aligned community.
Beautiful Appearance And Long Life
Beautiful Appearance And Long Life
Divine Wellness: The Path to Beauty and Longevity" is a podcast inspired by the timeless teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, particularly as found in his seminal work, "How to Eat to Live." This podcast is a sanctuary for those yearning to enrich their lives through spiritual and physical nourishment, as guided by the profound insights of one of the most influential leaders of our time.Each episode is an invitation to explore the deep connection between our physical well-being and our spiritual growth. Through the lens of the chapter "Beautiful Appearance and Long Life," we embark on a journey to understand how adopting the dietary practices and lifestyle choices prescribed by Allah, through His Messenger, can lead not only to enhanced health and beauty but also to a profound spiritual awakening.Our podcast is more than a series of teachings on health and wellness; it's a call to embrace a culture that uplifts, purifies, and brings us closer to our true essence. The guidance of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad steers us away from the fleeting pleasures of worldly culture, directing us towards moderation, mindfulness, and a life in accordance with divine laws of nutrition and health.Eating once a day, as advised, emerges not merely as a dietary recommendation but as a spiritual discipline that aligns our physical and spiritual journeys. Moreover, the emphasis on proper food for both the mind and body encourages us to be mindful of our consumption, guiding us back to what is pure, true, and life-affirming."Divine Wellness: The Path to Beauty and Longevity" is not just a podcast; it's a communal journey towards a life that mirrors the beauty and majesty of our Creator. It's an opportunity to commit to divine guidance in our daily lives, witnessing the transformation within ourselves and becoming beacons of light and health in our communities.Join us as we delve into these teachings with open hearts and minds, ready to embrace and practice this divine wisdom. Together, let's embark on this path of beauty, health, and spiritual fulfillment, supporting one another and embodying the divine principles that lead to true and abundant life.For inquiries, to share your journey, or to join our community, please reach out to us at [your email]. Let's connect and grow together on this journey of Divine Wellness. Brotherjason@templereading.org
We Need Not Have Fear For The Future
We Need Not Have Fear For The Future
Welcome to our podcast, where we dive deep into the transformative teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as presented in "Message to the Blackman in America." Each episode, we explore themes of empowerment, spiritual awakening, and the importance of shedding fear for a brighter future. Guided by the wisdom of Elijah Muhammad, we discuss how to reclaim our rightful path and align with the divine guidance of Allah.Our sessions are more than just discussions; they are a call to action for Black men and women in America to awaken to their true potential and purpose. We believe that by understanding and following the teachings specifically meant for us, we can collectively overcome the challenges we face and make meaningful change in our communities and beyond.This podcast is for those ready to embrace a journey of growth, enlightenment, and transformation. It's time to make a real difference and work together towards a future that aligns with the path of righteousness laid out by Allah. If you're moved by our discussions and eager to be part of this change, reach out to us. Let's connect, grow, and follow the path of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad together.Your host, Brother Jason, is here to guide you through this journey. If you have questions, insights, or simply want to join our mission to bring about positive change, email me at brotherjason@templereadingclass.org. The world has strayed from the path of Allah; let's work to bring it back.Together, we can be the change we wish to see. Let's start now.
Knowledge of God Himself Part 2
Knowledge of God Himself Part 2
Join us for another enriching episode in our spiritual journey podcast, hosted by Brother Jason, as we dive deeper into the heart of divine wisdom with Part 2 of "The Knowledge of God Himself" from "Our Saviour Has Arrived." This week, we explore the profound teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad on how God created Himself, a concept that challenges us to broaden our understanding and embrace the limitless possibilities of faith.In this episode, we continue to unravel the mysteries that have captivated seekers of truth for centuries, offering insights that promise not only to enlighten but also to transform. The wisdom shared in this series is a beacon for those yearning to comprehend the essence of our existence and the Creator's role in shaping it.As we journey through this sacred knowledge together, remember, this podcast is more than a source of spiritual education; it's a call to action for unity, growth, and the pursuit of enlightenment. We are looking to build a community of learners, thinkers, and believers who are eager to explore the depths of their faith and understand the teachings of Elijah Muhammad.If you're moved by the discussions and wish to dive deeper into this journey, we invite you to join our class. Your voice, your questions, and your insights can greatly contribute to our collective understanding and growth. To become a part of this enlightening experience, please reach out to us at brotherjason@templereadingclass.org.Let's embrace this opportunity to grow together, seeking the knowledge that not only educates but also unites and uplifts. Thank you for lending your ears and hearts to this significant exploration. Together, let's build a foundation of understanding that transcends the ordinary, guided by the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad on the creation of God Himself.
The Knowledge of God Himself Part 1
The Knowledge of God Himself Part 1
Welcome to a special episode of our enlightening podcast series, where we immerse ourselves in the profound teachings of "Our Saviour Has Arrived." Join your host, Brother Jason, in a captivating multi-part exploration of one of the most significant chapters, "The Knowledge of God Himself," based on a Saviour's Day address from February 26, 1969.In today's session, we unlock the secrets held for millennia, a knowledge once shared among only twelve men - the knowledge of God Himself. The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad emphasized that understanding the essence of God is the pinnacle of all wisdom, a truth that had been shrouded in mystery until now. This chapter, the longest in the book, offers unparalleled insights into the divine, as revealed by Elijah Muhammad.This podcast is not just a listening experience; it's an invitation to journey together into the depths of spiritual understanding. As we unravel the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, remember his words: "Of all the knowledge that one may have or obtain, the knowledge of God is the greatest and most necessary of all knowledge."We encourage every listener to not only absorb the wisdom shared today but also to become a beacon of knowledge in your own communities. Share this episode with friends, family, and seekers of truth. And should you wish to delve deeper, discuss, or even share your insights, reach out to us at brotherjason@templereadingclass.org.Thank you for dedicating your time to this journey of enlightenment. Your quest for understanding does not end with this podcast; it's just beginning. Let's continue to seek, share, and grow together. As Salaam Alikum, dear brothers and sisters, and welcome to an exploration that transcends the boundaries of knowledge.
Simple Foods Are The Best
Simple Foods Are The Best
Welcome to "Temple Read Class with Brother Jason," a podcast dedicated to illuminating the path to spiritual and physical well-being through the teachings of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. In this series, we delve deep into the wisdom of "How to Eat to Live, Book 2," focusing on the message that simple foods are not just the best choice for our bodies but also for our souls.Elijah Muhammad teaches us that the elegance of simplicity in our diets is more than a nutritional guideline; it's a spiritual directive that aligns with the natural order and the Creator's design. Each episode of our podcast explores the profound implications of choosing simple, wholesome foods and how this choice impacts our lives, our communities, and our spiritual journey.Our discussions are not just about dietary habits but about embracing a lifestyle that brings us closer to the divine. We explore how the teachings of Elijah Muhammad on simplicity and health are not only relevant in today's world but are essential for building a foundation for a better life here and now. "How to Eat to Live, Book 2" offers us guidance on how to build our own piece of heaven on Earth, emphasizing that true well-being is a blend of the physical and the spiritual.We are on a mission to enlighten, inspire, and unite. If you're drawn to the idea of transforming your life through the wisdom of simplicity, join us on this journey. For those looking to contribute, collaborate, or simply learn more, we're eager to connect with like-minded souls. Reach out to brotherjason@templereadingclass.org and let's build a community that thrives on the principles of health, simplicity, and spirituality.Let's Build Some Heaven While We Live: Your insights, experiences, and support are invaluable as we pave this path together. Whether it's through sharing knowledge, participating in discussions, or contributing in any way you can, your involvement is the key to creating a collective haven of well-being and spiritual fulfillment.Subscribe to "Temple Read Class with Brother Jason" and embark on a transformative journey with us. Together, we'll explore the spirituality of simplicity in eating and living, guided by the timeless teachings of Elijah Muhammad.
He Allah Makes All Things New Part 2
He Allah Makes All Things New Part 2
Welcome to "Renewal and Rebirth: Building a New World," a podcast where we delve into the profound teachings of Elijah Muhammad and explore the transformative journey towards a new heaven and earth as envisioned in Our Savior Has Arrived. In this series, we uncover the divine promise of a world reborn—a world of righteousness, justice, equality, and peace, as ordained by Allah (God), and how we, as a community, can be instrumental in bringing this vision to life.In our last session, we initiated a deeply spiritual dialogue on the necessity of a profound shift in our mindset and lifestyle to align with the divine principles that will govern the new era prophesied by Elijah Muhammad. Today, we continue this enlightening exploration, focusing on personal and collective rebirth required to actualize Allah's vision for humanity.This podcast isn't just a discussion; it's a call to action for introspection, transformation, and active participation in shaping a future that adheres to the principles of Islam—peace, submission to Allah's will, and the pursuit of righteousness. As we progress in our series, we aim to not only educate but inspire you to embody the teachings that pave the way for a new dawn, illuminated by divine wisdom and understanding.We're Building in the Tri-State Area! If you're in PA, DE, NJ, and are moved by the call for renewal, let's connect. Whether you're seeking to deepen your understanding, contribute to community building, or explore ways to implement these teachings in your personal life and beyond, we're here to support and collaborate. Reach out to Brother Jason at Brotherjason@prominentagency.com to learn more and join our efforts towards creating a just, peaceful, and thriving world.Thank you for joining us on this journey of transformation and rebirth. As we explore the mechanisms of this divine renewal, let us keep our hearts and minds open to the lessons and opportunities that lie ahead. Together, let's be part of the testament to Allah's power to make all things new, embracing our roles in birthing a world that reflects divine perfection.Tune in, be inspired, and let's transform the world around us, one step at a time.
Allah Makes ALL Things New Part 1
Allah Makes ALL Things New Part 1
This Sunday, join us for a profound exploration into the transformative teachings of Elijah Muhammad on how Allah (God), through Master Fard Muhammad's divine wisdom, heralds a new era of existence. Delve deep into the revitalization of the heavens and the earth, unveiling a future where the decrepit old gives way to a revitalized new, both spiritually and materially. Discover the pivotal role of the Black man in America, identified as the lost sheep, now chosen to lead in the ushering of this new heaven on earth. Through a journey across scripture and prophecy, from the desolation foretold in the Bible and Holy Qur’an to the promise of a new growth under the aegis of the Almighty, we invite you to reimagine the very foundations of life, governance, and spiritual fulfillment.In this episode, we articulate the necessity of a mental and spiritual rebirth, emphasizing the creation of a new people purged of the old world's decay. Embrace the vision of a society rooted in righteousness, justice, and equality, free from the shackles of past injustices and the tyranny of a world that has run its divine course. As the old heavens and earth fade, making way for the new, we delve into the significance of this change, not just as a prophecy but as a reality manifesting through divine will and the indomitable spirit of the faithful.Prepare for an enlightening session that not only seeks to renew the mind but aims to bring the new world into existence, fulfilling the prophecies and setting the stage for an era of unparalleled peace and prosperity. Whether through the eradication of sickness, the introduction of a new language, or the establishment of a new form of governance, the message is clear: the renewal of the mind is the first step towards realizing a world where Allah's will prevails, and all things are made anew.Join us this Sunday to be part of this transformative journey, as we align ourselves with the divine mandate to build a future where the legacy of righteousness is renewed for generations to come.Please share this invitation with your network and if you require further information, feel free to email me at brotherjason@templereadingclass.org.
The Days of Allah
The Days of Allah
Welcome to a profound exploration of "Our Saviour Has Arrived" by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, where each Wednesday we delve into the teachings that illuminate the path to a new world. In today's episode, we focus on the pivotal chapter titled "The Days of Allah," as found on page 77, a discourse that unveils the reality of Allah in person and His monumental efforts in establishing a sanctuary of peace and security for the righteous.Elijah Muhammad, like the prophets before him, was divinely chosen to guide us toward salvation right here in America. His teachings, emboldened with divine truths, beckon our unwavering focus as we navigate these significant times. We are living in the Days of Allah—a period marked by Allah's direct involvement in our lives, forging a government that surpasses the flawed systems of today, which are inherently incapable of fostering justice or righteousness.This episode invites listeners to witness the dismantling of an old world rife with wickedness and the rise of a new governance led by the Original People, the Black Nation, who, before outside interference, knew no evil. This transition heralds a profound societal transformation, one rooted in justice, righteousness, and divine law.Join us as we explore "The Days of Allah," heeding the call to righteousness and realigning with the divine attributes of Allah. This is a moment for rebirth, for both our spirits and the essence of our being, as we prepare to step into a world purified of sin. Open your hearts and minds as we embark on this enlightening journey, shedding light on the direction and wisdom Elijah Muhammad offers for our lives today.Please share this podcast far and wide; we need to get this message out. For those ready to deepen their understanding and contribute to our collective journey towards building a new world, contact me at brotherjason@templereadingclass.org. Let's start our journey to enlightenment and transformation together.Tune in to our Wednesday Temple reading class and be part of a community seeking knowledge, enlightenment, and transformation.
The Coming Of God And The Gathering Together Of His People.
The Coming Of God And The Gathering Together Of His People.
In this profound episode of our temple reading class, we dive into the pivotal teachings of "Message to the Blackman in America" by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Themed "The Coming of Allah and the Gathering of His People," this session is a deep dive into the essence of spiritual salvation, especially relevant amidst contemporary debates on the existence of a savior. Contrary to the skeptical views that dismiss the coming of a savior, we explore the foundational teachings about Master Fard Muhammad, as presented by Elijah Muhammad.Join us as we unravel the reality of God, challenging the doubts of those who feel abandoned in their quest for salvation. This episode not only revisits the profound teachings of the Messenger but also sheds light on the profound role of Master Fard Muhammad in delivering and uplifting the Black community.As we dissect these teachings, we recognize the urgency and significance of this knowledge in the context of current global and community events. Elijah Muhammad's insights into the judgment and impending transformation of the world provide a compelling backdrop. He critically examines the role of the U.S. government and societal structures that have historically aimed to hinder the progress and resurrection of the Black people.This episode is more than a class; it's a journey towards enlightenment, urging listeners to choose a path of life, guided by wisdom and truth. As we navigate through these teachings, we encourage you to reflect on their profound implications for our individual and collective lives.Tune in to this enlightening episode to understand the depth of Elijah Muhammad's teachings and the transformative power of embracing this knowledge. Let's embark on this journey together, choosing a path illuminated by the teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.