48Telephone Blues (Telephone)
49Long Distance Call (Telephone)
50Hold the Phone (Telephone)
51I'd Rather Drink Muddy Water (Water)
52Cool Drink of Water Blues (Water)
535455Walking After Midnight (Time)
56575859Skeletons in the Closets (Halloween)
60Zombie Jamboree (Halloween)
61Dancing to the Rhythm of the Rock n Roll Band (Dance)
62I Can't Dance (I've Got Ants in My Pants) (Dance)
63Sleeping in the Ground (Sleep)
646566I Like Pie, I Like Cake (Food)
67Them There Eyes (Thanksgiving Leftovers)
68Teach Me Tonight (Thanksgiving Leftovers)
69Good Night Cincinnati, Good Morning Tennessee (Tennessee)
70Trucker from Tennessee (Tennessee)
71By the Light of the Silvery Moon (Moon)
72When My Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again (Moon)
73I Got Four Big Brothers (To Look After Me) (Countdown)
7475Far Away Christmas Blues (Christmas & New Year)
76Mambo Santa Mambo (Christmas & New Year)
77Safronia B (Women's Names)
78Little Maggie (Women's Names)
79Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Hair)
808182When Yuba Plays the Rumba on the Tuba (Musical Instruments)
83Crazy 'Bout a Saxophone (Musical Instruments)
8485868788After My Laughter Came Tears (Laughter)
89I'm Laughing at You (Laughter)
90That's When Your Heartaces Begin (Heart)
91Directly from My Heart (Heart)
9293Chattanooga Shoe Shine Boy (Shoes)
94The House of Blue Lights (Colours)
95Red Cadillac & A Black Moustache (Colours)
9697Ay Te Deja San Antonio (Texas)
98Under a Texas Moon (Texas)
99All That Oil in Texas (Texas)
100The Train Kept a Rollin' (Trains)
101102103The Underground Train (More Trains)
104105Fools Fall in Love (Fools)
106Why Do Fools Fall in Love (Fools)
107Take the 'A' Train (New York)
108I Paid My Income Tax Today (Death and Taxes)
109I'll Be Glad When You're Dead, You Rascal You (Death and Taxes)
110I Cried (Spring Cleaning)
111Take the Devil out of Me (Spring Cleaning)
112Live Fast, Love Hard, Die Young (Spring Cleaning)
(C) 2012 Rock Melon