Ep 118: Remote vs In Office vs Hybrid... Which is best?

Marketing Agency Exposed Podcast

21-10-2022 • 47 minutos


*jeopardy countdown plays* “Which work environment is best: remote, in-office, or hybrid?” The answer to this question depends on what your goals, growth projections, team size, and personality are. There are pros and cons to all of these methods, and we unpack each of them as well as subleasing, mental health, office dogs, and more in this week’s episode!


On this week’s episode, we talk about the pros and cons of remote, in office, and hybrid work. Remote working makes it possible for your employees to have a flexible schedule, travel, and prioritize time with family and friends. In office working provides human connection, team camaraderie, and the potential for higher productivity. Hybrid work environments are a mix of both of these; a happy medium. Any of these methods could work well for your agency, but hybrid seems to be the most optimal. We dive deep on what elements are important to have in an office to create a healthy place where your employees can grow and thrive creatively while being productive. We also explore what the workforce will look like and want in five years as well as the importance of having a holistic perspective for your business. All of these things depend on the goals you have for your business, the size of your team, your personality, and your dreams and desires.

Top 3 Curtain Pulls in this episode:

  • Hybrid offers flexibility and human connection. There are many pros and cons to remote and in office work environments. The beauty of a hybrid workplace is that it combines the positive traits of both of the other methods. Human connection and flexible schedules are important for mental health, and a mentally healthy employee is a happy, productive, and creative employee. While hybrid offers a happy medium, any of these methods could work for you and your business; that’s the beauty of running your own agency! “The hybrid model seems to be the most optimal of all the studies. You can get that team creativity and workflow and face to face, which is really important, but you also get the freedom.”
  • Future growth and goals for the business as well as team size and personalities impact what work environment would work best for you and your agency. If you are extroverted like Brad, quarantine may have been a challenge and had a negative impact on you and your work. Others who are introverted thrived during quarantine and work best remotely. The future goals for your business, the size of your team, and the personalities of your employees influence what kind of work would be best for your business. “Five years down the road, you have to move into offices. You may stay partially remote, maybe not, you never know. What kind of stuff would you need for sure at that office for your employees to thrive there?”
  • Have a holistic view of your business. Due to the pandemic, the business world has become more aware of the importance of creating a healthy work environment where employees can thrive and grow creatively while being productive. It’s important to take these elements into consideration when deciding what works best for your business. “I think in order to make a really good, creative, productive, healthy environment, we as business owners have to think beyond just the square footage, desks, and computers.”

For more tips, discussion, and behind the scenes:

About The Guys:

Bob Hutchins: Founder of BuzzPlant, a digital agency that he ran from from 2000 -2017. He is also the author of 3 books. More on Bob:

Brad Ayres: Founder of Anthem Republic, an award-winning ad agency. Brad’s knowledge has led some of the biggest brands in the world. Originally from Detroit, Brad is an OG in the ad agency world and has the wisdom and scars to prove it. Currently that knowledge is being applied to his boutique agency. More on Brad:

Ken Ott: Co-Founder and Chief Growth Rebel of Metacake, an Ecommerce Growth Team for some of the world’s most influential brands with a mission to Grow Brands That Matter. Ken is also an author, speaker, and was nominated for an Emmy for his acting on the Metacake Youtube Channel (not really). More on Ken:

Show Notes:

[0:42] Ken opens this week’s episode by chatting with the guys about the interview with Rogan and Zuckerburg, technology, social media, and mental health.

[5:08] Ken talks about how humans struggle with addictions to technology and how wisdom and restraint will become increasingly necessary as technology advances.

[10:20] Bob discusses how there are many different ways to run your business as a result of the pandemic. “It's an interesting time, because while there's so many agency owners that have gotten rid of office space altogether, there's some that are going back to the office. And most are doing some sort of hybrid. There's pros and cons to all of those.”

[13:38] Ken talks about the net positive and net negative effects of hybrid and remote work. He also discusses convenience and how often, “as you grow, you learn that convenience is not necessarily serving you.”

[16:35] Bob discusses some of the benefits of a hybrid work environment. “The hybrid model seems to be the most optimal of all the studies. You can get that team creativity and workflow and face to face, which is really important, but you also get the freedom.”

[18:00] Bob says that the best work environment depends on your desires, personality, and management style.

[21:25] Brad asks the guys, “Five years down the road, you have to move into offices. You may stay partially remote, maybe not, you never know. What kind of stuff would you need for sure at that office for your employees to thrive there?”

[22:48] Bob answers Brad’s question and discusses the importance of team size, growth projections, and what the goal of the space is.

[24:42] Brad talks about the possibility of purchasing extra office space and leasing it out until his company needs that space.

[27:23] Ken talks about defining the vision and future goals for the business, size and the cost associated with it, and subleasing.

[30:04] Brad discusses the benefits of subleasing as well as the idea of purchasing and owning a space. “We could have 60% of the office, and then sublease 40%, which actually helps us subsidize our own fees and rent. I also like that there's people, even if they don't work for us, with different ideas and different backgrounds.”

[31:27] Brad talks the guys through a few of the things he’s taking into consideration as he plans for his company’s new office space.

[33:12] Bob asks the guys, “five years from now, what's the workforce going to look like?”, igniting a discussion about what a workplace should look like and how it can become a place your employees want to work.

[35:55] Ken elaborates on what he believes is the ideal work space. “Ideally, people come here because that's the best place for them to work. And they deal with some frictions in life, because it's worth it. You've got everything you need to do a really good, productive day of work that you believe is better than in your bedroom. How do we make this the best place in my employees’ mind?”

[38:54] Bob talks about the importance of taking a more holistic approach to business.

[41:35] Ken closes with a chat about office dogs and says that he tells his kids, “If you want a dog, pray that God changes my heart. Because I can't take a dog right now.”