Psychedelic Water with Keith Stein (Founder) and Ben Rogul (Director of Marketing) today on Dazed And Infused with Latham Woodward only on Cannabis Radio. Making waves on social media and selling out their first production run nationwide is the first legal psychedelic for mild mood-boosting, hangover-free fun: Psychedelic Water. Founder Keith Stein, Director of Marketing Ben Rogul, and CEO Pankaj Gogia are behind the "Summer of Psychedelics" that is a new herbal supplement unlike anything else with its unique mood-boosting experience. These independent thinkers and creative pioneers launched Psychedelic Water to offer a psychoactive, lightly carbonated fruit-forward blend that is a calming mood-enhancer that makes you feel good without messing you up, slowing you down, or leaving you hungover. Psychedelic Waterworks because of its one-of-a-kind blend developed by the team to find a legal, natural, delicious, and effective combination of ingredients. After selling out 3 months of inventory in only 3 weeks of Psychedelic Water on word of mouth alone, as social media organically found and touted its effects, the company has expanded operations. In addition to being now available at, you can now find it on Amazon and later this Summer in stores around the country.