The best noses in biosecurity: Australia’s biosecurity detector dogs
Australia’s biosecurity detector dogs and their handlers play a vital role at our airports and mail centres. They help intercept biosecurity risk items, like food, plants and meat, brought in by passengers or through the mail. In this episode of Detect and Protect, we are joined by Jeff and Colleen from the detector dog team. Listeners will learn more about how the dogs are selected and trained, the new and different ways the dogs are being utilised and the interesting experiences they’ve had at the border. From salamis strapped to a passenger’s body, to trials where the dogs are being trained to detect COVID-19 – welcome to the first episode of Detect and Protect, the Australian Biosecurity Podcast. For more episodes, or to subscribe to the podcast series, visit awe.gov.au/podcast-series.For more information on Australian biosecurity, visit www.biosecurity.gov.au. To learn more about the biosecurity detector dogs visit www.agriculture.gov.au/biosecurity/australia/detector-dogs.