The Lexcon Crypto Show

Andrew Hemingway

The Lexcon Crypto Show leads the listener deep into the world of #CryptoRegs. What are #CryptoRegs you ask? It is the convergence of Cryptocurrency and Regulation. Today there is a massive earthquake happening around crypto and regulation. The regulators (SEC, CFTC, White House, Congress, etc.) are finally taking Crypto seriously and sending out a flurry of bills to try to solve current issues. Lexcon Crypto is a voice in this conversation to bring this important discussion to light and to inform the stakeholders of the Cryptoverse. read less
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Robert Materazzi CEO of Lukka- Institutional Custody of Crypto and Tools Needed to Support
Robert Materazzi CEO of Lukka- Institutional Custody of Crypto and Tools Needed to Support
Lukka CEO Robert MaterazziHello and welcome back to another episode of Lexicon Crypto. We are excited that you are here. We have started to see quite an increase in listeners as the show has begun to gain some traction, and we know it's in great part because of our subscribers and followers. And wanna thank you for that.Please share the show, share the content as you liken as you feel it is helpful to you and to those in your social network. We love getting comments and questions. We've been able to field a lot of those things and even make connections along the way. We're building quite a community here and we're excited to see that and excited that you are a part of it.Today's guest is Robert Materazzi . He's the CEO of Lukka. Lukka is an exciting new platform that has been in the space and in the crypto space now for a little while, but really has started to over the last, I would say, six to 12 months, and Robert will correct me, but I'd say six to 12 months really started to gain some traction and I think that traction is as the market is starting to mature, Starting to evolve to a place where visibility data further insight is growing critically important, especially as we start to see institutional money starting to really view crypto as a viable asset.They need to have the infrastructure in place to be able to support that. And Robert, we're really excited to have you on the show today. We're excited. To hear from you and learn more about Lukka, why don't we start just simply, how did you end up starting a crypto company? Yeah, thank you and thanks for having me, Andrew.We and so I'm actually not the founder of Lukka. I've been with Lukka now just over, over four years. However, the company was founded in 2014 and.  and I was asked to be CO about two years into my employment here. So that was at the beginning of 20 originally, Coco and then the SoCo after we closed our series C fundraise. In end of 2020, that was led by State Street. Okay, great. I was at PWC before, to answer your question, and I was not working in crypto. However, I was working in a lot of large technology and risk driven programs that were very focused. The underlying technology, operational cybersecurity risks associated with all the different products that support the financial institutions across financial services and was introduced to Lukka.I had my eyes opened by an interview on how material crypto assets were being used across the world, even back then, which was really mind blowing, right? And that caused me doing more research and really, When we realized that these assets are traded for one another in fractional quantities across borders without fiat, often as part of the transaction.Anyone that understands that I think would agree that this has the potential to change just commerce across the world in ways that we haven't seen before. So it was really, that was the, I'd say the beginning of the decision and on why I was attracted to the. And then Lukka was doing all the plumbing for that
Wondering About Kardashian, Elections, Gamefi and Crypto!
Wondering About Kardashian, Elections, Gamefi and Crypto!
Episode 4Andrew: [00:00:00] Hello and welcome back to Lex Con Crypto. We're excited that you are here for yet another episode today, Alex and I are in the studio and we're focused today around this this pesky question that's been bothering us for a little bit. When you're involved in the crypto space, you, you have to do a lot of wonder.You wonder where this is all going. What's gonna happen next? You wonder what new technology's gonna be introduced what new crime is gonna be perpetrated. There's all sorts of things that, that we speculate and wonder about. And so we thought we would do an episode on just that what is it that we are wondering about this week in relation?The crypto market and specifically around regulation. Yeah. Did I, you know, is banter going? But we necessarily wanna to split up a [00:01:00] couple episodes for you. One, with what we're watching in the news, what we've been seeing, and two, what we're wondering. Being things that aren't maybe grounded so much in news stories, concepts being put into words, things that maybe are a little bit futurist, maybe overly paranoid or excited on our part.Alex: But this is the safe space for us to share some of our wonder. And I know Andrew has a couple topics of wonder for us. What do you got? Andrew: My first thing that I'm just wondering about, I want you to know that it's not wondering at the level of losing sleep at night wondering, but definitely something I think about is.What is the outcome of this midterm election have on the development of crypto regulation? And of course there are several bills, two in the Senate, three or four in the house that are being closely watched and have [00:02:00] come very close to completion. But just were did not have enough bipartisan support to be able to.Through to the, the, the House or Senate calendars and to get votes on. And so I'm very, very curious. I'm, I'm wondering how the outcome of the midterm election does power swing from the, from, from Democrat hands in the house to Republican hands. You know, is there a shift in, in the Senate does that usually, I mean, you're, you're a student of political person that it surprises me, like you said, you're not being kept up at night.Not that level of wonder, but I would say for you, it's not an uninformed, you know, curiosity. I would think that you have a pretty good sense of, Yeah. Republicans are probably gonna take the house. Well, it's, it's a, it's a historical fact that the party. Who loses the presidency wins the midterm election.It is the, it is the anomaly that the, that the, the party who wins the presidency also wins the midterm. That's [00:03:00] just Do you think, do you think that the wonderment of it for you is the fact that, you know, this is happening, like so many of these things, so many of these unresolved regulatory things in crypto that maybe folks like you and me have been riffing on for a while, seems that we are.
CBDCs with Jamiel Sheikh
CBDCs with Jamiel Sheikh
We talk with Jamiel Sheikh about CBDCs what they are and why the whole world is talking about them. Ready or come the CBDCs. Jamiel is a founder, CEO, author, professor & educator, community builder, board member, event holder and MMA lover.Founder & CEO of Instamint, a B2B NFT/DAO minting API platform, which is his primary focus. He is also founder of Chainhaus, a blockchain / DeFi advisory and education company, operator of Blockchain101, an online blockchain education portal and founder of the Central Bank Digital Currency Think Tank which consists of central bankers, bankers and academics and runs CBDC Insider.He has over 20 years of experience in technology, capital markets, real estate and management. Prior to Chainhaus, Jamiel worked for organizations like Lehman Brothers, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Sun Microsystems, SONY and Citigroup. Jamiel is an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School, NYU and CUNY teaching graduate-level blockchain, AI and data science subjects.Jamiel is currently authoring The Decentralized Finance Phenomenon for Columbia Press and is the author of Amazon 100 bestselling Mastering Corda. He runs   Blockchain NYC, New York City's largest blockchain and digital assets Meetup group in NYC consisting of over 30,000+ local members and holds marquee conferences like DEFICON, NFT WORLDS, CBDC Summit and DLT Summit.Jamiel is board member of the Society of Women Coders, a group that seeks to help young females in underprivileged societies better engage in technology, a cause he is deeply passionate about, and sits on board of advisors of several startups while also mentoring startups in the IBM / Columbia LAUNCH accelerator program and is Innovation Fellow at Columbia Business School's Lang Center for Entrepreneurship. He is also expert member of the United Nations Digital Currency Global Initiative and Digital Euro Association.Jamiel holds an MBA from Columbia University's Business School and BBA from Baruch College and is completing his second Masters in Artificial Intelligence from Georgia Institute of Technology.Jamiel enjoys cooking, coding, reading dry & boring whitepapers, dastardly excessive travel, the elegant nuances of MMA and is an active contributor in several Java, Kotlin, Python and Rust open source projects.
AML Compliance and Crypto with Brendan Cochrane, JD CAMS
AML Compliance and Crypto with Brendan Cochrane, JD CAMS
AML is a huge issue in the crypto space and with regulatory agencies taking stronger actions the compliance issue is growing every day. Our guest on today's show is Brendan Cochrane, J D CAMS. He is a leading expert on the AML space and focuses his practice on the crypto space. Brendan Cochrane, JD, CAMS, is a partner at YK Law LLP where he focuses on cryptocurrency and blockchain matters. Brendan is also Principal and Founder at CryptoCompli, a startup focused on the anti-money laundering compliance needs of cryptocurrency and blockchain businesses.  Brendan is a Massachusetts-licensed attorney and Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) with broad legal experience, much of which he accumulated at international law firms in New York and Seoul. Brendan has also worked as a legal analyst for a Tier-1 Fortune 50 commercial and investment bank where he contributed to the bank's Dodd-Frank compliance program, becoming familiar with each of the bank's lines of business in the process. Brendan's experience includes time in the FinTech space working for a startup cryptocurrency business. There, he oversaw investigations into fraudulent Bitcoin and Ethereum transactions utilizing a leading blockchain forensics analytics tool, and piloted anti-money laundering programs for cryptocurrency Money Services Businesses (MSBs).Brendan speaks on anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance issues related to cryptocurrency to various professional associations, including the Association of Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists, the Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists, and the California Financial Crimes Investigators Association. Speaking topics have ranged from the use of cryptocurrency to evade sanctions, dark web marketplaces and cryptocurrency, central bank digital currency (CBDC's), and the implications of El Salvador's efforts to make Bitcoin legal tender.Outside of work, Brendan travels every chance he gets, having visited 42 states and 29 countries thus far. When it comes to fall Saturdays, Brendan, a top graduate of the University of Michigan, watches each and every Wolverines football game with great fervor. And lastly, but certainly not least, Brendan enjoys learning Mandarin Chinese from his wife, an accomplished neuroscientist, so that they can make jokes his parents don't understand.