#10 Kristin Gutierrez - How to be a better leader including for yourself

Language Surfers

29-11-2023 • 54 minutos

Kristin Gutierrez is a two-time award-winning, bestselling author of “Be A Better Sales Leader” and an international keynote speaker.

In this interview, she shares with us

- how she was able to climb the corporate ladder up to Vice President of sales

- her perspective on leadership

- how to get out of our own way

- the importance of nurturing relationships

- the benefits of asking for help and having mentors

Kristin has a simple yet powerful mission: to help leaders get out of their own way and lead beyond their role, unlocking remarkable potential within themselves and their teams.

🔗 Link to her book "Be a Better Sales Leader": https://lnkd.in/dhckJY9Z

Check her wepage: https://www.kristingutierrez.co/home-page60721895 Enjoy the episode!!