#7 Paola Gentile Ph.D. - Conference Interpreters´ Self-Perceived Status

Language Surfers

18-10-2023 • 44 minutos

Paola Gentile, Ph.D., an Assistant Professor at the University of Trieste (Italy) shares with us 3 main aspects of her professional experience:

·       her Ph.D. research in which she analyzed the interpreters´ self-perceived status including the gender perspective

·      The beginnings of her career as a conference interpreter and multiple relevant tips on how to start your career as an interpreter

·       “Publish or Perish” in the academic world with a focus on the challenges of editing a book compared to working on an individual article

You can check out Paola´s articles on:

ResearchGate: ⁠Paola GENTILE | Postdoc | Ph.D. in Interpreting Studies, University of Trieste | KU Leuven, Leuven | ku leuven | Associated Faculty of the Arts | Research profile (researchgate.net)⁠

Academia: ⁠Paola Gentile | Università degli Studi di Trieste - Academia.edu⁠

Enjoy the interview!