The Podcast for Real-Life Heroines

Susanna Liller

Welcome to The Podcast for Real-Life Heroines. I'm your host Susanna Liller, and I'll be your guide as you take your journey from ordinary to extraordinary, as the true heroine in your own life. read less


Season 5 Episode 5 - Interview with Kimberly Becker
Season 5 Episode 5 - Interview with Kimberly Becker
In this heartfelt episode, Susanna chats with Kimberly Becker, a visionary artist and designer who shares her journey from a textile designer to a creator of unique, story-rich clothing. Kimberly delves into the profound influence of her experiences in Paris and her deep-rooted passion for women's rights and empowerment through fashion. This episode is a celebration of creativity, resilience, and the powerful role of personal stories in shaping one's life and work. Episode Highlights 1:08 Introducing Kimberly Becker6:12 Kimberly discusses her unique background and how she got started in the industry.19:17 Kimberly opens up about her career turn and what being a massage therapist taught her.23:09 Susanna and Kimberly chat about the collections Kimberly is working on now.30:18 Kimberly talks about how she used dolls to make a difference.43:38 Kimberly shares a heartfelt message to the listeners. Get To Know Kimberly Becker Kimberly is an inclusive clothing designer and fine artist. With training at Rhode Island School of Design and Ecole Lesage in Paris, France. She has a unique background that has led her to the collection she is now passionately developing. She believes deeply that women's bodily autonomy is a basic human right and a Democracy cannot survive if women do not have that right. She has fought hard to help women from around the world to be educated and lifted up to achieve their dreams. She graduated from RISD in 1990 with a degree in Textile Design, spent about a decade in NYC and the deep south in the textile industry, And she’s a mom of two amazing humans and have an exceptionally supportive husband and sweet pup named Honey. Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 5 Episode 4 - Interview with Stephen Gerringer
Season 5 Episode 4 - Interview with Stephen Gerringer
In this illuminating episode, Susanna engages in a profound conversation with Stephen Gerringer to delve into his unique journey from teaching to becoming a pivotal member of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. They explore Stephen's profound personal transformation, guided by mythology and self-discovery, illustrating the universal relevance of myth in modern lives. This conversation highlights the transformative power of embracing one's narrative, the importance of following your personal bliss, and the impact of mythology on personal and communal growth. Episode Highlights 1:01 Introducing Stephen Gerringer 9:50 Stephen recounts his struggles with Graves disease and his experiences with refusing the wake up call. 19:25 Susanna and Stephen discuss the stages of the hero’s journey and the importance of answering the call. 29:23 Stephen shares how embracing his gifts and following his bliss has led him to working with the Joseph Campbell foundation. 41:08 Susanna and Stephen explore the power of myth and feeling guided on your hero/heroine’s journey. Get To Know Stephen Gerringer Stephen Gerringer and his wife Destiny live in Modesto, California. After 9/11, Stephen stepped away from teaching English and Literature in junior high to pursue his interest in the mythic imagination. He has been a Working Associate of Joseph Campbell Foundation since 2003, where Stephen’s responsibilities have included writing essays, facilitating collaborations with other institutions, and speaking on mythic themes to JCF Mythological RoundTable® groups, outside organizations, and college and high school audiences. Stephen is the author of Myth and Modern Living: A Practical Campbell Compendium, and editor of Joseph Campbell's latest work, Myth and Meaning: Conversations of Mythology and Life, published this past November by New World Library. Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 5 Episode 3 - Interview with Rebecca Goff
Season 5 Episode 3 - Interview with Rebecca Goff
In this inspiring episode, Susanna sits down with Rebecca Goff, a remarkable transitions coach with a unique story of resilience, transformation, and the pursuit of passions beyond the conventional path. From her origins in accounting to embracing her love for music and hair styling, Rebecca shares her journey through significant life transitions, including the profound impact of personal loss and the quest for meaningful legacy. This conversation is a testament to the power of listening to one's inner voice, exploring diverse talents, and the courage to redefine one's identity at any stage of life. Episode Highlights 1:06 Introducing Rebecca Goff8:38 Rebecca shares how she took the leap out of her comfort zone and the importance of exploring your passions on the Heroine's Journey. 16:56 Rebecca discusses what led her to becoming a transitions coach. 19:16  Rebecca explains how using the eclipse method of decision making can help with gaining clarity.31:29 Rebecca and Susanna discuss how you’re never too old to make a transition. Get To Know Rebecca Goff Rebecca is a retired accountant with 30 years experience.  In 2022, she became a self-employed entrepreneur.  While she maintains a small accounting/consulting practice, Rebecca has found that her real passion is in helping people through transitions.   She is currently building her Transition Coaching practice to help people navigate some of life’s major transitions including first time employment for stay at home mom’s, mid-career changes or pivots, transitioning to retirement, and navigating transitional finances due to loss of a parent or partner. Rebecca helps people design holistic lifestyles that support personal pace, build a legacy, and account for self-expression and identity.  Rebecca is available for one on one coaching sessions to help you navigate your own transitions. Website: Insta: Facebook: Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 5 Episode 2 - Interview with Kyung-sun Baek
Season 5 Episode 2 - Interview with Kyung-sun Baek
In this moving episode, Susanna interviews Kyung-sun Baek, a trailblazer in integrating dance and body wellness. Kyung-sun shares her transformative journey from South Korea to the United States, detailing her experiences in modern dance and her discovery of gyrotonics as a healing art. She discusses the profound impact of physical movement on personal healing and growth, offering insights into how embracing change can lead to self-discovery and empowerment. Episode Highlights 1:21 Introducing Kyung-sun Baek10:54 Kyung-sun discusses everything gyrotonics and how she got into it as a former dancer. 22:02 Kyung-sun shares how she left her comfort zone and started on her heroine's journey. 32:19 Kyung-sun talks more about trusting yourself and one tip that everyone should remember. Get To Know Kyung-sun Baek Kyung-sun Baek is a wife, mom, and owner of Freeport Mind-body Fitness in Freeport, Maine. Originally from South Korea, she began her journey in Modern Dance in Korea, later expanding her passion for choreography in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 2001. Between 2003 and 2010, Kyung-sun immersed herself in the modern dance/improvisation and teaching scene in the Netherlands and Korea laying the foundation for her profound life purpose. Since 2015, she has committed herself to working with individuals and groups, seamlessly guiding them towards feeling fit, embracing flow, building strength, and unlocking empowerment through the integration of body and mind. In 2010, Kyung-sun transitioned to the United States with her husband to start a family, and their daughter is now 12 years old. Check Out Her Website Follow Her On Facebook Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 5 Episode 1 - Interview with Debra LaCoppola
Season 5 Episode 1 - Interview with Debra LaCoppola
In this deeply personal episode, Susanna chats with Debra LaCoppola as they explore Debra's journey through caregiving for her father. Debra shares insights from her book, "360 Care: A Handbook for Caregiving to Your Parent," which blends practical advice with heartfelt stories. The episode highlights the importance of self-care, the emotional challenges of caregiving, and the profound impact of this experience on personal growth. Debra's story is a testament to the transformative power of love, dedication, and resilience in the face of life's challenges. Episode Highlights 2:06 Introducing Debra LaCoppola 13:36 Debra discusses why she juices, how it changed her life, and her favorite recipe. 19:40 Debra talks more about what it's like being a caregiver to a loved one. 28:02 Debra shares the gifts she received as a caretaker and why she wouldn't trade that time for the world.  Get To Know Debra LaCoppola Debra LaCoppola was born, raised, on Long Island New York. A photographer, director and producer, she holds a BFA in photography from The School of Visual Arts in New York City. LaCoppola and her husband/ business partner Charles Meier have spent the majority of their photography career working in New York City, Los Angeles and Seattle creating award winning photography and Advertising campaigns, for the Chopra Center, Hilton Resorts, Disney, Microsoft and more. Her work as a visual storyteller has created several short film (stories) for business as well as documentary style. Debra’s journey as a caregiver for her father lasted 4 years as she continued to work, flying coast to coast completing photography assignments and using self care as a means of survival to find balance and grace while staying creative. When the pandemic hit in 2020, she wrote her first book about her experience as a caregiver and how she managed to navigate the treacherous waters using self care. She interviewed 7 additional caregivers using her tools as a visual artist in the same manner in which she creates visual stories – This is how she created her first book, Care 360° A Handbook for Caregiving to Your Parent. Debra and her husband currently live in Palm Springs California and work coast to coast. She is now in the process of writing her second book with the continued theme concerning end of life stories about Grief. Check Out Her Website Follow Her On Instagram Follow Her On Facebook Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 4 Episode 10 - Interview With Linda Carey
Season 4 Episode 10 - Interview With Linda Carey
In this powerful episode, we meet Linda Carey, a beacon of resilience and hope in the face of metastatic breast cancer. Linda, the president of the Tutu Project, shares her journey from diagnosis to becoming a voice for those affected by cancer. Through her story, we explore how art, photography, and personal advocacy play pivotal roles in her coping strategy and her mission to support others. This episode not only dives into Linda's personal battles and victories but also highlights the transformative power of vulnerability and the arts in healing and advocacy. Episode Highlights 1:12 Introducing Linda Carey. 7:50 Linda talks about her start on The Heroine's Journey. 26:03 Linda talks about facing her fears. 40:11 Linda shares her parting words, who she is, and a few tips for future heroines. Get To Know Linda Carey  Linda Carey is the president of The Tutu Project, a breast cancer nonprofit. She has worked for over 25 years as a manager and still photography producer for commercial and editorial assignments for Bob Carey Photography. Since being diagnosed with breast cancer for the first time in 2003, Linda emerged from behind the scenes as a voice, advocate, and inspiration for others touched by the disease. As co-founder of The Tutu Project, she has led wildly successful digital campaigns, including 2015’s Dare2Tutu, and written compelling articles for like-minded outlets. Linda continues to speak at conferences about living with Metastatic Breast Cancer as a chronic disease, and about how art and photography have helped her cope with her diagnosis. Linda also works with AstraZeneca Life Beyond Pink Program, has spoken at Cleveland Clinic’s Patient Experience: Empathy & Innovation Summit, and the Texas Christian University’s Pink Luncheon.   Check Out Her Website Donate For October (Breast Cancer Awareness Month!) Connect via Instagram Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 4 Episode 9 - Interview With Karen D'Silva
Season 4 Episode 9 - Interview With Karen D'Silva
In this inspiring episode of the podcast, Susanna delves into the creative and entrepreneurial journey of Karen D'Silva. Karen shares her extensive experience in enhancing brand and artist visibility through strategic marketing, alongside her personal passion for clay artistry, which led to the creation of her own oyster plate company. Throughout the episode, Karen discusses the interplay between her artistic endeavors and her professional skills, highlighting the challenges and triumphs of balancing creativity with business acumen. Her story is a vivid illustration of pursuing one's passion and turning it into a viable enterprise. Episode Highlights 1:21 Introducing Karen D'Silva 9:43 Karen talks about how she started seeing her life from a different perspective. 20:00 Karen discusses her comfort zone challenge. 33:25 Karen talks more about starting and finishing The Heroine's Journey. Get To Know Karen D'Silva Karen has over 25 years of experience helping artists and brands enhance their reach and engagement.  This work has led her to found Karen D’Silva Creative Services, which focuses on helping photographers, artists, agencies, and small businesses produce and create relevant marketing campaigns around their content. Throughout her career, Karen ran the creative department for Photonica’s North American region. She directed and edited art for Getty Images in New York and helped lead Image Bank’s creative department. Karen’s work now focuses on helping photographers and other artists expand their businesses through digital marketing, social, and branded strategy. Karen has always been an artist herself. As a clay artist, she started Serving Oysters - an oyster plate company born out of her creative side and was launched with her marketing side. Karen has always strived for balance in her life. Making art and showing artists and small businesses how to make their dream businesses successful is her goal.  Karen is also a graduate of The School for Real-Life Heroines! Check Out Her Website View Her Clay Art Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 4 Episode 8 - Interview With Karen Briscoe
Season 4 Episode 8 - Interview With Karen Briscoe
In this enlightening episode, Susanna is joined by Karen Briscoe, a mega real estate agent and author, who shares her transformative journey of mastering her time and achieving personal fulfillment. Karen introduces us to her concept of "Flip Time, Love Life", inspired by her realization that true fulfillment comes from prioritizing meaningful activities, a principle she elaborates in her books and speaks about through her podcast experiences. This episode not only explores time management and productivity but also dives into the power of personal transformation and self-realization. Episode Highlights 01:14 Introducing Karen Briscoe 7:37 Karen shares how her Heroine's Journey started.   21:00 Karen talks about why you should love the life you have.  30:04 Karen discusses her favorite tip.  Get To Know Karen Briscoe Karen has been on a Heroine's Journey from being too busy and overwhelmed to loving the life she has while she creates and co-creates the life of her dreams. As a mega real estate agent of HBC Group at KW, she consistently ranks in the top 1% selling over $100 m in real estate annually. In 2016 in her personal life at the age of 57, she was enjoying good health for her age, a long and happy marriage to Andy over 3 decades, and 2 healthy, well-established adult kids. Yet there never seemed to be enough time or money. She felt as though there was something more that was hers to do. Busy had become a competitive arena, a badge of honor. What she found is the only one truly stopping Karen was Karen. She learned how to take time to focus on meaningful activities and work. If she can do it, you can too! Karen Briscoe is the creator of the transformative "5 Minute Success" concept. Her books Real Estate Success in 5 Minutes a Day: Secrets of a Top Agent Revealed, Commit to Get Leads: 66 Day Challenge® and Consult to Sell: 66 Day Challenge® offer a combination of information and inspiration delivered through memorable stories. The daily format with takeaways propels one to achieve success at a higher level in business and life. Her most recent book, FLIP TIME / LOVE LIFE is based on this Heroine's Journey. Karen is the host of the “5 Minute Success” podcast which has over 400 episodes and has ranked #1 on Overcast most recommended in the business category. The show features an amazing array of guests who achieve success at a high level. Karen also is a frequent guest on other podcasts that focus on entrepreneurial, success and motivation, as well as real estate-related topics. She speaks on a national and local level and offers Life Coaching for Mega Agents and THOSE WHO WANT TO BE! Check Out Her Website Join Her Facebook Group Connect With Her On Linkedin Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 4 Episode 7 - Interview With Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
Season 4 Episode 7 - Interview With Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.
In this enlightening episode, Susanna interviews Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen, a renowned psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, and author of 14 influential books. They discuss the concept of the sacred feminine, its connection to nature, and the importance of women embracing their inner wisdom. Dr. Bolen shares insights from her work, including her experiences at the Parliament of the World's Religions and the significance of women's circles in fostering community and support. This episode truly highlights the importance of synchronicity and how it influences our journeys. Episode Highlights 01:36 Introducing Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. 11:21 Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. talks more about the sacred feminine  27:02 Why write about Artemis? 35:19 Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. discusses her favorite tip.  Get To Know Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D.  Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D., is a psychiatrist, Jungian analyst, and an internationally known author and speaker. She is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a Diplomate of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, a former clinical professor of psychiatry at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, University of California Medical Center, and a past board member of the Ms. Foundation for Women, the International Transpersonal Association, and the C.G. Jung Institute of San Francisco. She is the author of thirteen books in over one hundred foreign editions. She is an NGO Permanent Representative to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women from the Women’s World Summit Foundation (Geneva), and also represents Pathways To Peace, The Millionth Circle, Earthchild Institute, Women’s Perspective, and the International Public Policy Institute. She is in three acclaimed documentaries: the Academy-Award-winning anti-nuclear proliferation film “Women – For America, For the World,” the Canadian Film Board’s “Goddess Remembered,” and “Femme: Women Healing the World. Check Out Her Website Grab Her Books Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 4 Episode 5 - Interview With Gayle Colman
Season 4 Episode 5 - Interview With Gayle Colman
In this powerful episode of the podcast, Susanna chats with Gayle Colman, a pioneer in the field of somatic finance and author of "The Body of Money." Together, they explore how financial freedom goes beyond numbers, incorporating intuition and somatic wisdom. Gayle shares her journey from traditional financial planning to integrating body awareness and emotional intelligence in managing finances, providing listeners with transformative insights to foster a healthier relationship with money. Episode Highlights 01:27 Introducing Gayle Colman 13:52 Gayle talks about her most hated words in the finance space and why.  23:55 Gayle discusses her thoughts on the fear surrounding money.  27:41 What are some common limiting beliefs when it comes to money? Get To Know Gayle Colman Gayle Colman is one the country's leading experts in personal financial freedom and the author of The Body of Money: A Self Help Guide to Creating Sustainable Wealth through Innate Intelligence. She is a coach, writer, entrepreneur, and financial planner with more than 35 years of professional experience. Tapping into decades of training and practice developing the field of Somatic Finance®, Gayle's unique meditative and embodiment practices demystify our money woes, tend to wounds created by generational trauma, and put financial agency squarely back in our own hands, creating clarity and confidence around our choices rather than overwhelm. Along with certifications as a CFP® and Master Integral Coach®, Gayle is a Big Leap Coach through the Hendricks Institute and a Certified Teacher in the Gateless methodology. She is co-founder of Colman Knight Advisory Group, LLC, a holistic and integral wealth advisory firm based in Massachusetts. Grab Her Book 'The Body of Money' Check Out Her Website   Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 4 Episode 4 - Interview With Erin Curren
Season 4 Episode 4 - Interview With Erin Curren
In this enlightening episode, Susanna chats with Erin Curren about her transformative journey through sobriety, discovering her passion for Nia, and the power of authentic expression through body movement and improv. Erin shares her experience of breaking free from societal expectations, the pivotal role of her Nia practice in her personal growth, and the profound impact of Playback Theatre. The conversation delves into the importance of listening to your body, embracing the discomfort of change, and finding alignment with your true self. Episode Highlights 01:31 Introducing Erin Curren.  08:37 Erin explains what Nia is and how it can help.  20:06 Erin explains how it is to see your story in full view.  Get To Know Erin Curren Erin Curren is a lifelong learner, artist, performer, life coach, and teacher. After earning her PhD in French and teaching in academia she realized she was doing somebody's dream job, just not hers! She has since rediscovered her love of dance and movement and teaches Nia to adults of all ages. Erin has found joy and gratification in serving others through the art and practice of life coaching. In addition, Erin performs monthly as part of The Teller's Garden, a playback theatre company. She can frequently be found camping with her husband, Bob, and dog, Decaf. Follow Her On Instagram  Connect With Her On Linkedin Follow Her On YouTube Learn More About Nia  Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 4 Episode 3 - Interview With Sandy Shroyer
Season 4 Episode 3 - Interview With Sandy Shroyer
In this heartful episode, Susanna interviews Sandy Shroyer, who shares her inspiring journey of retiring and moving to Montpellier, France with her husband Phil. Sandy recounts the adventures and challenges they faced, from selling their house in Texas to navigating French bureaucracy. She emphasizes the importance of pursuing one's bliss, even later in life, and finding joy in everyday adventures. Sandy also discusses the significance of building a supportive community and embracing the discomfort of change. Episode Highlights 01:14 Introducing Sandy Shroyer 06:58 Why Sandy decided to move to France.  18:02 How Sandy was able to turn France into "home" quickly.  29:34 Sandy shares how anyone can find their bliss.  Get To Know Sandy Shroyer Sandy retired from her professional career on January 21, 2022, and the next day she moved with her husband to Montpellier, in the south of France. Her jobs included cooking for hired ranch hands, serving as a staff psychologist at a community mental health center, performing various leadership roles in healthcare firms, managing a lot of highly successful sales executives, and selling technology and services to health systems and health plans. The best part of her career was people—those who became lifelong friends, those who irritated her into learning important lessons, and those who taught her things through their kindness and genius. Her superpower is connecting people, whether it’s professional networking, introducing friends who form their own friendships, orjust figuring out who might like to know someone she knows. She tries never to miss an opportunity to have fun. Sandy and her husband traveled full-time during the pandemic before moving to France, living in Airbnbs in Raleigh, Cape Cod, Savannah, Santa Fe, San Diego, Hawaii, Santa Rosa, Portland (OR), Seattle, Denver, Dallas, and Austin. Sandy writes about her life at and she also is a regular guest blogger on  Check Out Her Website Connect With Her On Linkedin Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 4 Episode 2 - Interview With Anne Baring
Season 4 Episode 2 - Interview With Anne Baring
In this podcast interview, Susanna chats with author, mythologist, Jungian Analyst, Anne Baring about the sacred feminine and why it's critical at this time in our evolution to know what she calls the Dream of the Cosmos. This is the dream of an enlightened humanity striving for harmony instead of being driven by "the quest for power, conquest and control." Anne's work has been to understand and then educate us about the imbalance that threatens our planet. All of her work brings with it a message of hope. Episode Highlights 01:34 Introducing Anne Baring 5:52 Anne discusses what women should be more aware of.  21:02 Anne defines the sacred feminine.  37:10 Anne shares her final tips.  Get To Know Anne Baring b. 1931. MA Oxon 1951. Ph.D. (Hons) in Wisdom Studies Ubiquity University 2018. Jungian Analyst, author, and co-author of 7 books including, including with Jules Cashford, The Myth of the Goddess; Evolution of an Image; with Andrew Harvey, The Mystic Vision and The Divine Feminine; with Dr. Scilla Elworthy, Soul Power: An Agenda for a Conscious Humanity. Also, a book for children, The Birds Who Flew Beyond Time. Her most recent book The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul (2013, updated and reprinted 2020) was awarded the Scientific and Medical Network Book Prize for 2013. The ground of all her work is a deep interest in the spiritual, mythological, shamanic, and artistic traditions of different cultures. Her two websites are devoted to a new vision of reality and the issues facing us at this crucial time of choice.   Check Out Her Website Check Out Who Anne Recommends: Gregg Braden, Nassim Haramein, Dr. Jude Currivan, Humanity's Team Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get What You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 4 Episode 1 - Interview With Jake Ballentine
Season 4 Episode 1 - Interview With Jake Ballentine
In this episode, Susanna interviews Jake Ballentine, a motivational speaker, success coach, and founder of the Speakers, Authors, and Coaches Network. Jake shares his personal journey of navigating stress, overcoming fear, and making bold life changes. He emphasizes the importance of leaving the comfort zone, following one's intuition, and facing discomfort to achieve growth. Jake's inspiring stories and practical advice provide listeners with insights into embracing their own heroic journeys and transforming their lives. Episode Highlights 01:38 Introducing Jake Ballentine 7:00 Jake's call and why he answered it.  19:38 Jake talks about his course correction. 30:51 Jake's one tip that you should use for your own journey.  Get To Know Jake Ballentine Jake Ballentine is a national award-winning speaker and coach! He has presented live, in front of over 300,000 people all over the U.S.A. He is the founder of “The Speakers, Authors, and Coaches Network” and host of the “Mountain Top Motivation” podcast. His message to the world is that you can reach the “mountain top” of your life if you have the courage to pursue your dreams by putting one foot in front of the other! When he is not sharing his empowering message he enjoys having fun outdoors and spending time with his wife Caitlin and five-year-old son Jacob. Check Out His Website Check Out His Blog Listen To His Podcast Connect With Him On Instagram Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get Whatever You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 3 Episode 10 - Interview With Marcia Agius
Season 3 Episode 10 - Interview With Marcia Agius
In this inspiring episode, Susanna interviews Marcia Agius, the founder of Inspire Always. Marcia shares her journey from being a stay-at-home mom to creating a vibrant community that highlights and supports incredible women. She discusses the transformative power of stepping out of her comfort zone at 50, her 52-week kindness challenge, and the upcoming launch of the Kindness Circle. Marcia emphasizes the importance of self-kindness, community, and the ripple effect of spreading positivity. Join Susanna and Marcia for a heartfelt conversation on personal growth and empowerment. Episode Highlights 01:25 Introducing Marcia Agius 14:30 Marcia talks about why she doesn't believe in competition.  24:38 What's next for Marcia and her work?  Get To Know Marcia Agius  Marcia Agius is a wife and stay-at-home mom of 3. She is the creator of Inspire Always, a contributor to Ask us Beauty magazine, and a philanthropist. Inspire Always is a community that features and highlights amazing women. It is a kind and positive platform that showcases women and their incredible journeys. Everyone has a story and everyone is special. Marcia believes that now more than ever we need to support and uplift those around us so she is building a community and then providing that community with opportunities, tips, and challenges to give back and spread kindness. This photo is at the start of her 52-Week Kindness Challenge. Check Out Her Website Follow Her On Instagram  Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get Whatever You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 3 Episode 9 - Interview With Amanda Painter
Season 3 Episode 9 - Interview With Amanda Painter
Susanna interviews Amanda Painter, an astrologer, healer, and creative professional, in this beautifully enlightening episode of the podcast. Amanda shares her unique journey from working at a global astrology company to carving her own path in spiritual counseling and astrology. She discusses the significance of finding her voice, the importance of play, and the power of creative ownership. Amanda also provides insights into the astrological outlook for 2023, highlighting the key planetary movements and their potential impacts. Episode Highlights 01:20 Introducing Amanda Painter 07:52 Amanda talks about her call.  25:03 Amanda talks all about astrology and horoscopes.  Get To Know Amanda Painter Amanda Painter is an astrologer, healer, actor, editor, and writer currently living in Saco, Maine. She has over a decade of experience writing about astrology for a global online audience and exploring various forms of somatic work, breath work, and energy healing. With her own spiritual counselor and mentor Elisa Novick, Amanda has been practicing the techniques she uses to guide the spiritual inquiry sessions she offers and to connect with old, soul-level trees.  Amanda holds a BA in English and Theater from Clark University and an MA in Literature from Boston University -- which inform her ability to see the narrative told by the planetary players in an astrology chart and to tease out the themes of a client's experience. When not working, Amanda loves to travel, swim, dance, garden, hike, perform live theater, and capture incredible light in photographs.   Shoot Her An Email Follow Her On Facebook Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get Whatever You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
Season 3 Episode 8 - Interview With Bonnie Marcus
Season 3 Episode 8 - Interview With Bonnie Marcus
In this engaging episode of the podcast, Susanna interviews Bonnie Marcus, an award-winning entrepreneur, executive coach, and author. Bonnie shares her inspiring journey from a kindergarten teacher to a CEO and discusses her passion for helping women navigate the workplace and reclaim their power. She delves into the challenges of gendered ageism and offers insights on staying marketable and visible in one's career. Bonnie also reveals her latest ambitious project—a screenplay for an animated film with an older woman as the heroine, aiming to change societal narratives about aging. Episode Highlights 01:06 Introducing Bonnie Marcus 11:21 Bonnie talks about how her lack of skills helped her make her first leap with her job.  23:34 Bonnie discusses her second leap and how she moved to an unknown place.  39:45 Is Bonnie done taking leaps?  Get To Know Bonnie Marcus Award-winning entrepreneur, Forbes contributing writer, and executive coach, Bonnie Marcus, M.Ed., assists professional women to successfully navigate the workplace and position and promote themselves to advance their careers. She is a leading expert in gendered ageism in the workplace. Her latest book, Not Done Yet! How Women Over 50 Regain Their Confidence and Claim Their Workplace Power, shines a light on this issue and gives women the tools and the voice to defy ageist assumptions to stay marketable and keep their job. With 20+ years of sales and management experience, Bonnie’s extensive business background includes being CEO of a ServiceMaster company and VP of Sales at Medical Staffing Network and two other national companies in the healthcare and software industries. She has held executive positions in startup companies and Fortune 500 companies. Bonnie started her corporate career in an entry-level position and worked her way up to the top of a national company. Her passion is now to help other women embrace their talent and ambition and step into their full potential and workplace power. Bonnie shares her message globally through speaking engagements, live and virtual workshops, blogging, and her popular podcast, Badass Women at Any Age.  Bonnie’s first book, The Politics of Promotion: How High Achieving Women Get Ahead and Stay Ahead, provides a roadmap for women to navigate the complexities of the workplace and position themselves for success. A certified coach, Bonnie has been honored by Global Gurus as one of the world’s top 30 coaches in 2015-2022. She has been acknowledged as one of the top 100 keynote speakers in 2018 by Databird Research Journal. Bonnie received a BA from Connecticut College and a M.Ed. from New York University. Her podcast, Badass Women at Any Age is available on all podcast outlets and is ranked in the top 3% globally. Check Out Her Website Read Her Articles On Forbes Follow Her On Facebook Follow Her On Twitter Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get Whatever You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey
The Heroine's Journey Podcast: Season 3 Episode 6 - Interview With Sarah Lyman
The Heroine's Journey Podcast: Season 3 Episode 6 - Interview With Sarah Lyman
In this podcast interview, Susanna Liller chats with Sarah Lyman about her journey after divorce and how she started her business to help people see divorce in a different light.  Episode Highlights 01:42 Introducing Sarah Lyman 04:19 Why Sarah named her business PurplCouch 21:50 Sarah explains why she chose to work with certain experts in her course and business 35:02 Sarah shares a few insights on marriage and divorce  Get To Know Sarah Lyman  Sarah Lyman likes to call herself a "marriage alumni" - though some folks use the term "divorcee." She has founded a business, PurplCouch, to reduce the confusion, loneliness, and stigma around divorce. Applying her background in communications and design, Sarah has filmed informational videos with experts in law, finance, taxes, and mental health, and woven their advice into an online course called "Fresh Start." Why PurplCouch? When she was first emerging from her own divorce, Sarah realized she didn't need anyone's input on the new furniture, so she bought herself a velour purple couch, and named her business after it. Sarah loves scuba diving, choral singing, traveling, and hiking, and has been trying new things recently, like watercolor painting. She lives in Vergennes, Vermont. Check Out Her Website Follow Her On Facebook Follow Her On Instagram Connect With Susanna Here: Book A Free Discovery Call With Susanna Learn How To Get Whatever You Want With Just A Circle Follow On Facebook Follow On Instagram Follow On Twitter Start Your Own Heroine's Journey