Too Long Did Read [It]: I Came To This Panda Express For Cole Slaw

Just Between Us

02-10-2024 • 42 minutos

We debate the heat of the Earth’s core before reading an r/AITH about a husband cheating with and impregnating the couple’s surrogate. Should the wife give up her parental rights? Then, a man complains that the woman he left his wife for is not a good girlfriend. Then we explore r/wellthatsucks and r/hypotheticalsituations for gas station antics, getting millions to go back to school Billy Madison style, and choosing to get ears and a tail, master pizza chef skills or 20 dollars. (It makes sense in context, we promise.) Finally, what would you do if you found your maid of honor shit talking you on Facebook right before the wedding?

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This has been a Gallison Production

Produced by Melisa D. Monts and Diamond MPrint Productions

Post-Production by Coco Llorens

Production Assistance by Melanie D. Watson

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