Where are the Heroes? Episode 3


22-02-2024 • 21 minutos

PLEASE NOTE: The Blog is located at yestohellwith.com. Be sure to view the exhibits while you listen to the podcast.

In the last episode, Orlando Carter denied having a $4 million loan with PNC Bank. If Mr. Carter is telling the truth, why did PNC claim that the loan existed? Why did bank officials assert that the funds were stolen?

Either PNC lied or Mr. Carter is lying. What is the truth?

Since the FBI and DOJ investigated PNC's accusations and confirmed the loan existed, then Orlando Carter MUST BE guilty, right? No. The fact is that the FBI and DOJ never asked PNC for proof of the loan. Moreover, the FBI did not ask other government agencies to confirm the existence of the loan. Finally, the FBI and DOJ did not conduct a forensic financial audit of either PNC or Mr. Carter.

Without accomplishing any of these three options, the Federal Government must have gratuitously accepted that the loan existed and Carter stole the money.

This episode is packed with information and an amazing revelation!

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