Where are the Heroes? Episode 1


12-02-2024 • 7 minutos

In the coming weeks, Yes to Hell with .com will be launching its first Podcast series entitled, “Where are the Heroes?”

My name is Beau Johnson. I am the author of The End of Justice. My publisher asked me to share a story, like the ones in my book, depicting a grave injustice. I chose a story that dates to 2008 and is still in need of resolution today.

In Where are the Heroes? you will learn about an innocent man who was convicted of a crime he did not commit and received a 15-year prison sentence.

This innocent man not only fought for his freedom in 2009 during a trial by jury, but after being released from prison, he still fights for his exoneration to this very day. Should we expect anything less from someone who did not commit the crime? Does a guilty man continue to fight after he is released from incarceration?

Tragically, in this story, a major national corporation was the primary cause for this man’s wrongful conviction. Additionally, since the federal agents who investigated and prosecuted the case DID NOT seek the truth, the United States Government is also directly responsible for this injustice.

In this podcast series, I will disclose in detail and with proof that this major corporation lied to the Federal Government. This very lie is what began this injustice. In my opinion, both the officers of the company and the federal agents are guilty of crimes. Stated differently, the Federal Government did not conduct a competent investigation in 2008 and this is where the government makes an even greater mistake, in 2018, a sitting US Attorney and his assistant, lied to keep this innocent man behind bars.

I am going to be brutally honest. If this major corporation does not resolve this injustice, one of my objectives with this podcast series is to seek its financial ruin. If the CEO does not agree to correct the company’s errors, I will expose the truth and ask you, as customers of this corporation and as private citizens, to end your relationship with this dishonest company.

Secondly, I will be seeking the disbarment of a sitting and former US Attorneys, as well as seek criminal investigations into their misconduct. I have firsthand knowledge that they not only ignored evidence provided by a separate federal agency proving that an innocent man went to prison, but that these federal officials in the Department of Justice lied to the public about evidence in this case.

These disclosures will be shocking and underscore the corruptness of the criminal justice system in America.

Many may say that my assertions are foolhardy, that it is dangerous to accuse a billion-dollar giant of criminal conduct, or that accusing federal officials of lying is foolish as well. But here is the rub. If the government is complicit with this company’s crime by refusing to consider both the company’s errors and new evidence, then no one will be able to hold the company, government, or courts accountable. In fact, this is the point of the YestoHellwith podcast.

When there are no more options, warriors must stand and fight for truth.

I look at it this way. If I witnessed a lady being raped, I would intervene. If I saw someone being murdered, I would intervene. In this story, which is an ongoing injustice with no resolution in sight, I am witnessing a crime against an innocent man and I refuse to acquiesce to moneyed-interests or a corrupt federal government.

In this podcast series, I will be asking you to get involved. I hope you are ready, willing, and able. I hope you become a hero.

If you wish to be informed of the release of the first episode of “Where are the Heroes”, please visit YestoHellwith.com and subscribe to the podcast. Please visit the sponsors of YestoHellwith.com. I ask that you consider donating as well.

Be sure to visit the YestoHellwith.com social pages and share the link with family and friends. We are seeking a grassroots effort that will give YestoHellwith organic growth. Together, we can uplift the truth and correct injustices.

Thank you for your consideration.

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