Where are the Heroes? Episode 4


20-03-2024 • 20 minutos

PLEASE NOTE: The Blog is located at yestohellwith.com. Be sure to view the exhibits while you listen to the podcast. Welcome to Episode 4 of "Where are the Heroes?" We will be exploring the FBI's handling the investigation into PNC's claim that a $4 million loan existed between itself and Orlando Carter and that Carter stole the funds. Key to our discussion are FBI statements, known as 302s, drafted by FBI Agent Kevin Gormley after his interviews with witnesses Ralph Martinez and Sean McAlister, both of whom worked for the bank. What will become rather evident  upon your review of the 302s is Gormley's complete incompetence and his level of prejudice against Orlando Carter.  A competent agent would have taken what were obvious mistakes and confusion with the bank's transaction and determined that there was no crime.

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