Know Your Rights Podcast

Jaida Belton

Hi everyone! We are Know Your Rights! We decided to create this platform to give everyone insights on all laws, rights, amendments etc, so they know them. Most Black and Brown people in America have a lack of knowledge when it comes to our government’s laws and rules and regulations. That is a problem for us, considering most of the black lives we have lost over time. I want everyone to know what that they have protections and to not be scared to use them! read less


Abortion May Be Your Right, But Do You Know Why?
Abortion May Be Your Right, But Do You Know Why?
Hi Y'all! Welcome back from my unannounced break! It was a good sense of R&R and I hope you guys are ready for more knowledge! Today, we will be talking about abortion rights, where I stand, AND the history behind Planned Parenthood and its founder.We will FOR SURE have a special guest next week so stay tuned. And any request for episodes or questions just hit us up on our Instagram @knowyourrightspodcast Links as always are provided below:,picture%2C%20drawing%2C%20or%20advertisement.,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D
Clarence Thomas... Are All Skin Folk, Kinfolk?
Clarence Thomas... Are All Skin Folk, Kinfolk?
(DUE PROCESS, ROE V WADE, SAME SEX MARRIAGE, SAME SEX SEXUAL CONDUCT, & ALLEGATIONS)HEY Y'ALL! Thanks for tuning in to episode 4, I really appreciate all of you!This week we will be discussing Clarence Thomas, and his decisions on the Supreme Court and his part as well, some allegations too! And we have some guests next week, stay tuned!!As always, links are below!ttps://
Are We Really Free, Black America?
Are We Really Free, Black America?
OUR VERY FIRST EPISODE! OH SH*T, LET'S GET IT!For our first episode we are going over the 13th amendment, and it's a special one, because this amendment is still affecting our communities today. We will go through a timeline of the 13th amendment, and finish up with how it is currently affecting us.And, of course, I really want an answer. Are we REALLY free, Black America?DISCLAIMER: Now understand me, I am giving you this knowledge so you KNOW what we are up against, not to entice harm, but only conversation. These are just the facts. I do NOT believe everyone in the “Justice system” is particularly bad or good, but I believe it's best for us to know our own rights and history so we are prepared for anything.Links provided below:,%2C%20but%20prisoners%20didn't. Codes | Encyclopedia.com,came%20from%20this%20same%20source.