Randon Morris

Randon Morris

Randon Morris is an Entrepreneur, Web Designer and Business Consultant. He commonly seen as a business leader and innovator of new ideas and business processes. read less


Insurance And Working From Home
Insurance And Working From Home
According to Randon Morris, working from home has lots of benefits, like working at your own pace with less pressure. But the question is, will a remote work affect the homeowner’s insurance? Let us look at the different analyses that will throw more light on the issue. When you work remotely, your house insurance may be affected depending on the magnitude of the remote work. If you're the sole owner of the firm, your company is not protected by your primary house insurance policies. You need to include additional coverage to your existing insurance. But once you are a remote worker(fulltime), you're likely to get coverages on losses relating to businesses. According to Randon Morris, this, however, has its limits. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your insurance officers on the magnitude of your house insurance policies. Discuss your remote employment contract with your firm's management board. Questions to ask yourself before getting an insurance Did they employ you as a work-at-home staff in your firm?Are you equipped with devices from work that are used by you every      day?Do you own house/tenant insurance?Are the house insurance covering remote employment? Will the house policy coverage extend to damaged business Tools? You need house insurance to protect your private properties. This doesn't fully cover remote work liabilities. But if you make use of company tools while working from home, the house insurance gives limited compensation, says Randon Morris.
Everything About Pet Insurance
Everything About Pet Insurance
Pet insurance is now becoming popular among pet owners, says Randon Morris. Pet lovers and owners are already buying pet insurance for their pets to reduce the health care expenses of their pets. Pet insurance is a type of insurance policy that helps cover the cost of veterinary care in case of any unexpected illness or injury. For pet owners, this type of insurance policy functions more like property insurance rather than health insurance. With pet insurance, the health care of your pet becomes easy and affordable. Importance Of Pet Insurance As humans get sick, pets also get sick the same way health insurance applies to humans it also applies to pets. Pet insurance helps reduce the cost of vet bills. The cost of caring for a pet's health without insurance can be very expensive e.g., vaccination, medication, routine care etc. Even an unexpected medical emergency can hit you so hard and can cost you a few thousand dollars. Also, hereditary conditions like hip dysplasia treatment can be costly. Pet insurance covers various accidents and illnesses like diabetes, broken bones, ingestion of toxic substances, emergency care, surgery, medications, gingivitis and hip dysplasia. Some pet insurance also covers dental clinics, therapy and behaviour modification. You should know that pet insurance provider will not cover pre-existing conditions. It doesn't imply that pets with pre-existing conditions cannot be eligible for pet insurance but the pre-existing condition will be excluded from their coverage. Also, some insurance policy providers will cover curable conditions but that will be after waiting for some time without any recurring symptoms. Types Of Pet Insurance Pet insurance providers offer various plans which are: comprehensive plans and limited coverage plans. Emergencies like bites, poison or bloat are covered under limited coverage plans while various ranges of illness and injury (hereditary condition) are covered under comprehensive plans. Additional premium services can be included which cover breeding, care and behaviour modification.
Health Insurance for Senior Citizens
Health Insurance for Senior Citizens
According to Randon Morris, few years back, senior citizens could hardly get a health insurance policy due to the health challenges that come with old age and the medical treatment expenses involved. You can hardly find any insurer that is ready to provide health insurance for elderly people above the age of 60 at that time. Thankfully things have changed over the years as senior citizens now have health insurance options, says Randon Morris. What Is a Health Insurance Policy for Senior Citizens? Health Insurance Policy for Senior Citizens is a type of insurance policy that is made especially for people above 60 years of age. It is designed to help senior citizens financially and to cover any medical expenses. In case you are planning to buy health insurance for your parents or you want to buy one for yourself as a senior citizen. Here are some tips recommended by Randon Morris, that can help you make the right decisions, while buying a health insurance policy for senior citizens. Coverage for Pre-existing Ailments Pre-existing ailments is referring to any medical issues that someone has been diagnosed with before buying health insurance. In most cases, senior citizens have higher chances of developing pre-existing ailments than younger ones. Insurance companies in most cases specify the waiting period before they can cover expenses that are related to pre-existing medical issues. You should know that not all insurance companies cover every pre-existing ailment so you should check the list of pre-existing diseases the insurance plans cover before buying. Check the Sub-Limits For certain medical treatments that are costly, health insurance companies place sub-limits on the amount of claim. This means once the maximum amount of claim the company placed on some treatment is reached the insured person will have to pay for the extra cost, says Randon Morris. When choosing a plan, it is better to select the one with no sub-limits or check the list of treatments that have sub-limit before buying. This way you can choose the plan that matches your needs or requirements.
Life Insurance for Mortgage
Life Insurance for Mortgage
In this audio, Randon Morris want to discuss why you should buy a separate life insurance policy to cover the home loan liability and how to go about it. Because the amount of a home loan used to acquire a property accounts for a major chunk of a household's monthly income, if the family's breadwinner dies, it becomes nearly difficult for the family to maintain the household, let alone service the home loan, in such a case. Buying life insurance to cover all of one's financial liabilities is a basic principle of financial planning. When you take out a home loan, you establish a new financial liability, and purchasing a life insurance policy to cover the home loan liability ensures that your legal heirs inherit the house rather than the debt. The life insurance policy is in addition to any ordinary life insurance coverage you may already have in place to protect your family members in the event of your death, says Randon Morris. How to go about it A financial planner's primary recommendation is to purchase life insurance only through a term plan and not through any other insurance product. This piece of advice is also applicable here. If you are tech aware and can do online transactions, I recommend purchasing an online term plan, which is less expensive than traditional term plans with no change in goods. The life insurance policy to be purchased for this purpose should have the same term as the home loan. Lenders typically want single premium term plan policies that are tailored for house loans and incorporate the insurance premium in the loan amount, which is recovered over the life of the loan through increased EMIs. However, I would urge you to opt for an annual premium payment policy rather than a single premium policy. This is because, in the vast majority of situations, house loan borrowers do not repay their loans in full over time, but rather prepay them as and when they accumulate sufficient funds. Because the insurance policy runs when there is a comparable liability outstanding, the portion of the premium previously paid under the single premium policy is wasted. Is it necessary to get the home loan protection plans from the same lender? First and first, let me state unequivocally that neither banking regulations nor any other law requires a house loan borrower to purchase a life insurance policy to cover the loan. Most lenders, however, require the purchase of life insurance with the home loan in order to avoid the bother of taking ownership of the property and having to auction it to recover the outstanding home loan, says Randon Morris.
Ways to Boost your Business Growth
Ways to Boost your Business Growth
Many businesses and startups in various development phases are preparing to enter a new chapter or overcome a crisis, and they’re searching for ways to drive business growth. But a business can find itself struggling to move into that next big phase. This can happen for a number of reasons, whether it’s a lack of infrastructure or bandwidth, not having the appropriate people in place, or even just because of fear. Though it may sound counterintuitive, businesses and individuals are often frozen by their own success. While it’s important to be able to make a plan to successfully weather a particular challenge, truly successful people also plan when a business is still doing well. If your goal is to drive growth, then it’s time for a strategic planning discussion. Envisioning Company Growth in Five Questions A growth plan requires a goal for the future, but just as importantly, it requires analysis of the company’s present situation. Start by asking these five questions to determine your business’ next steps: 1. How Do You Define “Long-Term?” When determining your long-term goals to drive business growth, it’s important to determine what “long-term” means to you and your organization. For some, long-term could be next month or next year. For others, it could be five to ten years from now. Whatever it is, you need to set a specific time frame. Five years is an acceptable answer. Ten years is an acceptable answer. “Five to ten” is not. Specificity rules! No matter what, one key point to remember is that a long-term goal is not the end game. Rather, it is the next touchstone. 2. What Will Things Look Like When You Get There? Once you’ve determined your timeline, define exactly what you want to see happen within that time frame. Once you’ve defined what you want, ask yourself what you want your business to look like once you’ve gotten to that touchstone. In order to better envision your company through its process of growth, consider this advice from authors and partners at Innosight consulting firm, who tell the Harvard Business Review: “Interrogate what is likely to change about your customers, markets, and operating environment, and what isn’t. Focus on what your customers will require, how you’ll meet their new and evolving demands, the resonance of your products and services, and your overall capabilities.” Our industries and technology are always changing and evolving, and you’ll want your business to stay relevant and competitive in the future. Will your company be positioned to meet these changes once it has reached its goals? 3. What is Your Current State of Being? For this question, even more so than others, you’ll need to seek input from all involved –employees, customers, an advisory board or a small group of trusted counselors. Ask your team if the business is progressing or just remaining stagnant. What is going on in the market in which you operate? Where do team members see any gaps? Is everyone in agreement on your current state? If not, dig deeper to understand why there is disagreement. If everyone is in agreement, have a few more questions ready to make sure that you haven’t missed something.
Reasons to Consider Entrepreneurship Now
Reasons to Consider Entrepreneurship Now
According to Randon Morris, many people have been able to reconsider their lives and re-evaluate their careers thanks to the pandemic. During the lockdown period when people were asked to stay home many started working from home which gives them freedom, flexibility and relief from long commutes. After the lockdown, many still want to continue working remotely because of the freedom and flexibility. While some are planning to be their own boss by venturing into entrepreneurship. The truth is that not everyone can become an entrepreneur, says Randon Morris. If you are the type that loves freedom and at the same time want to generate income then you should consider entrepreneurship. With the global economy being affected during the pandemic and many losing their job you should know it is time to venture into entrepreneurship. The pandemic gave people enough time to reflect on how to make sure they provide a reliable future for themselves and family. This is why many are opting for entrepreneurship as you can see many small businesses being established and registered around the world after the lockdown period. Here are reasons to consider entrepreneurship so that you can spend your time on something that is yours. Flexible Lifestyle and Schedule Starting your own business gives you a flexible schedule and lifestyle because you are not being told what to do anymore. You have the choice of working late, half-day or work any time of the day you are comfortable with. Though at the beginning of the business you will be very busy to ensure everything works fine as you grow and start delegating tasks you have enough time to yourself, says Randon Morris. When working for a company they decide how your 9 am to 5 pm hours are spent but that is not the case when you are an entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur, you can have a healthy balance between your work and your life. It is possible to spend time with your family and also create time to work as an entrepreneur because you have control over your schedule and life. Your schedule or job can and should fit into your life. Opportunity To Be Financial Independent No doubt many people lost their jobs during the pandemic and lots of businesses closed down as some investors took precautions by withdrawing their funding. There are investors out there looking for innovative business ideas they can invest in. This is why now seems to be the best time to consider starting your business if you have a business idea or something that can meet a need in your area. Working for someone means you have a fixed income unless you are working based on commission. Your income remains the same regardless of your performance or input.