Quiz #103 How would you explain RFRA to a kindergartner?

The Religion Law Quiz Podcast

28-05-2024 • 3 minutos

How would you explain RFRA (i.e., the Religious Freedom Restoration Act) to a kindergartener?

(Scroll down for the answer)

Answer:  Here’s how the Supreme Court succinctly summarized RFRA in 2020:

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 (RFRA) prohibits the Federal Government from imposing substantial burdens on religious exercise, absent a compelling interest pursued through the least restrictive means. 107 Stat. 1488, 42 U.S.C. § 2000bb et seq.

Tanzin v. Tanvir, 141 S. Ct. 486, 489, 208 L. Ed. 2d 295 (2020)

Disclaimer: The Religion Law Quizzes are provided as a service to you. They are intended only for educational purposes. Nothing in the Quizzes is intended to be legal advice and they should not be relied upon as conclusive on any issue discussed therein.


Welcome to another enlightening episode of the Religion Law Podcast. In this episode, your host Michael Fielding dives into the concept of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) through the prism of the 2020 Supreme Court's Tanzan v. Tanvir decision.

The RFRA is a significant statute that has been adopted by several, but not all, states in the US. The episode revolves around a unique question: How would you explain the RFRA to a kindergartner? Break down complex, legal terms into easy-to-understand language is a valuable skill, as it suggests a deep understanding of the concept at hand.

Drawing from the court's words, Fielding throws light on the act's purpose - it prohibits the federal government from imposing heavy burdens on religious practices unless there's an extremely compelling reason, and it is pursued through the least restrictive means available. In simpler words, it requires the government to minimize its interference in religious practices.

Short but substantial, this episode offers valuable insights into the RFRA and its implications on the practice of religion in the US. It is designed to enhance listeners' understanding and equip them with the skill to articulate this complex concept in simple terms. Remember, sharing knowledge can make a big difference in your community.

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