Five minute magic pt.15 - Choose the right business name

Creativity For Sale with Radim Malinic

16-05-2024 • 6 minutos

Welcome to five minute magic from Creativity For Sale Podcast. A quick fire episode, sharing tips and tricks from the pages of the book of the same title.

Every week I'll be sharing one or two ideas that can give you. And actionable take away for your creative career, your business, or just the food for thought for the weekend ahead. These are taken from the audio book, and you can find the full version below. ~

Today I start with an example of Chris Tucker from Tucker and Partners. I can guarantee you that for the rest of the day, you will not forget about Chris Tucker or Tucker and Partners. It's actually an example of one of my real clients that I had to sneak in into the book because he made such an impression and he used to say, you know, every time he used to call me, he would make it with such a verb that, you know, you can only think about Chris Tucker from Tucker and Partners. Anyway, in this episode, we talk about naming. and everything that goes with it. So from, you know, different ways, how you can name your business all the way to, trademarking process and making sure that your name, if it's unique, can also stay yours and not being infringed by anybody else.

Creativity For Sale: How to start and grow a life-changing creative career and business by Radim Malinic - Out now.

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