The Shelf

Patsy & Lydia

The Shelf is a Podcast featuring 2 mature ‘middle young’ women who will in the company of our tribe, discuss, luminate the good and dissect the absolutely shocking but always keepin it real The Shelf came about where Patsy and I wanted to do something where we could be our authentic selves mixing three of our very favourite things: 1. Talking, catching joke 2. Drinking 3. Spending time with sisters Curious? Join us and own your space on The Shelf Artwork by Alexandra Popoola read less


RE-PUBLISHED- S4-Campfire #2 Enough Is Enough
RE-PUBLISHED- S4-Campfire #2 Enough Is Enough
In this campfire  we explore the impact of hostile environments ️urging listeners to delve deeper into its effects on individuals and society. From systemic discrimination to personal attacks, hostile environments create spaces where individuals (victims) feel marginalised, oppressed, and unsafe.Recent discussions, like Vinicius Junior's experience at Real Madrid and Diana Abbott's struggle to be heard, shed light on the pervasive nature of hostility in professional sports and politics. These instances underscore the challenges faced by those navigating discriminatory spaces.Alarming statistics reveal the daily discrimination faced by black women, emphasizing the urgent need for action to address systemic injustices and foster inclusive environments where all individuals are valued.While the challenges are daunting, simple actions like promoting diversity, implementing anti-discrimination policies, and fostering open dialogue can help combat hostile environments. Together, we can dismantle structures that perpetuate injustice and create a society where everyone can thrive.As Donna Summer's iconic song "Enough is Enough" reminds us, it's time to stand up against injustice. Join us in this important conversation, follow us for updates on future campfires  and share your thoughts with friends and colleagues. Together, let's create a more inclusive and equitable world. Stay curious, and keep striving for positive change.
S3 Campfire #13- GBU: Clothes Shopping + Decluttering = Deep Joy (mind, body & soul)
S3 Campfire #13- GBU: Clothes Shopping + Decluttering = Deep Joy (mind, body & soul)
Its a New Year, its a new day and we're feeling good......We look back at memories made in 2022 with mixed emotions.... happiness, pain and some apprehension of what's to come. We commit to ' moving & showing up differently' we take an 'honest' look at 'How' we looked...I'm thinking of my own Christmas/NY pics/selfies, especially so where I've not felt that great and its all captured within that 'stilled' memory for life, we've all been there, after all 'a pic/selfie tells a thousand words'. Maybe like the many you're thinking a wardrobe revamp would help as you're tired of struggling to find things you love and fit you like they did 'way back when'. If that's you and you're wanting to gift yourself a late NY 'treat' that's a guaranteed investment in YOU, take some time and explore the services of a Personal Stylist. Like Cinders your 'fairy clothes mother' will be there to 'hold your hand' and take away the noise, pain and drama of the mystery that is, ‘what to and what not to wear' to coach you so you’re more aware of YOUR ‘own’ personal style. A signature style just for YOU to make YOU feel and look amazing and ‘ready to do’ in any situation on any given day, week, month or year. Buzz words such as Style Personality & Style Recipe these 'phrases' will be revealed in this humorous but informative campfire. Joining 'The Shelf 'conversation today we have The lovely soul, Claire. A business owner, wife, mother of two sons and a dog. who I quote "loves living life to the full, with fun, fashion and style". Claire is everyday glam, just take a look at her website. Supporting her clients to invest in their own self-esteem and confidence - "Transformation of mind & style accessing power to become UNSTOPPABLE!' "The clothes you wear speak volumes about you - even before you say a word". I Got Style is an inclusive business empowering all genders and non-conforming genders through coaching & transformation of your mind and style. Taking you on a journey to explore you within a safe space, working from the inside out. Curious, Intrigued? Get your self 'Shelf ready, armed with your tipple of choice and The Shelf’s latest Campfire. Sit back, relax and join us as we discover how 'style therapy' saves YOU time, money and frustration, educates you about colours so you can become your own personal Stye Director. After all, "Fashions fade, style is eternal" - Yves saint laurent
S3 Campfire #8 - More of Us Everywhere - Across the pond- USA G.L.A.M
S3 Campfire #8 - More of Us Everywhere - Across the pond- USA G.L.A.M
Under The Shelf 2022 Vision - ‘More of us Everywhere’ we welcome a guest from ‘across the pond’. The Shelf is a lover of all things that positively and authentically promotes self-care, self-love and creating a sense of wellbeing (physically & mentally). Even better when we get to relate a subject to real life stories where individuals have realised their dream so much so that their hustle has switched to being the ‘bread & butter’. With that in mind who could resist the opportunity to share a space with the creator of straplines such as, G.L.A.M 😊 ‘Glow like a mother’ & the equally ‘intriguing’ statement ….” because mum life is complicated enough, and 5 minutes is really all you need” We invite you to get Curious, pull up a chair and your tipple of choice as we get ‘skin-terested’ in the congested and loud marketplace dedicated to ‘New Mum’s’ skincare. We learn some key concepts, that our guest has in their strategic toolkit from ‘overflowing cups’, a Win, Win, Win ideology encompassing social media generation & dedication to searching for opportunity yielding collaborations. This woman really isn’t Playing! Find out if The Shelf quartet Glowed G.L.A.M……You decide, whatever the outcome, whatever your generation remember to ‘love the skin you’re in, it’s the only one you’ve got’. Enjoy! Patsy & Lydia Host credits: Margaret & Hellen Edit credits: Che Cardoso #gender reveals #singlemompartnerships #fillyourcup #winwinwin #acrossthepond
S3 Campfire #7 - The Matrix of Life - The Shelf meets Energizer Pod
S3 Campfire #7 - The Matrix of Life - The Shelf meets Energizer Pod
Extra, extra, hear all about two Young men paving their way over social media, gathering 1.2 million viewers on their way, #energizerpod, vocalising nuggets of wisdom to them and their tribes, what’s not to hail up and take to a campfire! Generation X - Gen Xers -  The first generation to grow up with personal computers and tech-savvy. Experiencing shaky economic times as children in the 1980s and '90s. Gen Xers are resourceful, independent, and keen on maintaining a work-life balance. Generation Z, or Gen Z. - The 'Z' in the name means "zoomer", as this is the first generation known to 'zoom' the internet. Gen Z is the smartest, best-educated generation, having an unlimited wealth of information at their fingertip, which as we'll hear has not gone to waste....yay! Hitting you with a fact - Did you know, most of those who are a part of Gen Z are the children of Generation X, the generation of 'The Shelf’. Like a Phoenix, out of the ashes of our labours and struggles we see a new generation that's carrying the torch and doing things their way in an 'always on' technology driven world. Today's Campfire sees Generation X -  'The Middle Young' explore what podcasting means to Gen Z - 'birthed' and raised by 'WE. These inspiring young men share their authentic journey, we discover the Energizer purpose and understand how they continue to navigate this new world ‘unashamedly’ brandishing their own ‘Trendsetter’ style, and convictions essentially paving the way for those already clipping at their heels - The Alpha Generation. We discover there's certainly a lot more that connects us than divides and throughout the campfire we listen and ‘drop in’ what we hope are pearls of wisdom…after all every generation should thrive and strive to be a 'better' reinvention of the last. So here’s a personal invitation to sit back, relax with your tipple of choice as we spend time ‘chasing the white rabbit’ through the Matrix of Life, to get Curiously Energized. Stay Curious Patsy & Lydia Edits by Che Cardoso
S3 Campfire #6 Financial Planning Tabata - Stop, Start, Continue & Reduce
S3 Campfire #6 Financial Planning Tabata - Stop, Start, Continue & Reduce
Hey, hey Shelfies, thanks for staying curious We're back with Part 2 of our finance campfires, and we are re-joined by our Finance PT Bianca Williams, Certified Financial Planner (CFP).  You'll recall Bianca joined us in Season 2, Campfire 3 where we talked about relationships with money and Bianca asked if we commit time to review and look at our finances as we may do with other things in our lives. Bianca again gives us some great insightful information about things we can do if we are trying to align our finances in particular in this climate of increased inflation, high utility costs, and general cost of living.  We also talked about seeking support from family and friends and the value we place on the things we buy.  M&S sandwich v homemade?  We'd love to hear your thoughts on this.  Not sure about you, but it's actually causing us some real headspace in terms of thinking about what and how we spend our money these days...... The key take-aways for this Campfire are the Financial Planning Tabata - Stop (what can you stop doing to recoup some finances), Start (what should you start doing to add value to the things you are spending money on and what should you start doing to build on your finances), Continue (what's going well), and Reduce (OK, we don't need to stop this completely, but let's reduce it slightly). What great advice.  Simple and easy to implement. As always, share your comments and thoughts on this campfire on our social media pages. Thanks for staying curious Patsy & Lydia Edits by Che Cardoso
S3 Campfire #5 - The Queens of Criminal Justice
S3 Campfire #5 - The Queens of Criminal Justice
Hey, hey, Shelfies, thanks for staying curious. Today joining Patsy, Lydia, Hellen and Margaret are three young, professional black women all working to help our community and the service users of the criminal justice system. Sureya and Hazel are Paralegals working for the Crown Prosecution Service and Chelsea works for the National Probation Service.   If like me you are a fan of Suits, you'll know just how much solicitors rely on the paralegal, who are not yet officially qualified but know a vast amount of information as many, like Hazel are training to get to the next level.  All have very exciting and emotional stories to share - why they got into that specific line of work, how they cope with the cases they deal with on a daily basis and how they cope as black women in a profession and historical system which is dominated by white males - inside and outside of the courtroom. It's not all grim, listen to Chelsea share a good news story and how worthwhile the job is when justice is finally served.  And take a listen here  to Hezron Brown talk about the impact his Probation Officer had on his life when he was growing up. Listen up, who says they feel like they are Angela Valdez (Power)?  Who in the group will be 'bossing it' soon? Take a listen and then let us know on our Insta page the answers to the above questions.  Don't be shy we really want to hear from you.  If you have or are a service user we'd love to hear from you after listening to this campfire. As always, we hope you enjoy listening as much as we did recording. Stay curious Patsy & Lydia Edits by Che Cardoso
S3 Campfire #3 - John Sorzano - The Shelf’s own Jerry Maguire.
S3 Campfire #3 - John Sorzano - The Shelf’s own Jerry Maguire.
We're back for another campfire “We live in a cynical world. A cynical world. And we work in a business of tough competitors.” Jerry Maguire, 1996.  Today Patsy & I host a ‘larger than life character’ from across the pond, John Sorzano.  John, gives us a snapshot into his glamourous world as a top ‘sports agent’. We discover, Jerry Maguire ‘show me the money’ is one of his favourite films and we use that to take a humorous look into that mysterious world where perceptions include ‘living your best life, mixing with celebrities, and having it all.  We get to understand the realities of what a sports agent says, does, and means behind the scenes. ‘It’s not just a 9-5, if a player or a club rings you at midnight you’re going to answer your phone’ John shows us what the creme de la creme of customer service looks like - ‘clients are more than just customers....they are family’.  With a few laughs along the way, we get to the heart of an occupation that’s shrouded in secrecy and offers as much ‘highlife’ as a compromise.  So get ready to enjoy John, a sports agent aficionado whose purpose isn’t to be ‘just another shark in a suit’, but someone who’s out there for his clients - up at dawn, hustling big with his head and his heart and after it’s all said and done, settling back down to ‘normal life’ antics - navigating the soft play etiquette!  As always, thanks for staying Curious Editing - Che Cardoso
S3 Campfire #1 - Imagine if… In conversation with ‘The Shelf’ & ‘The Couple’ author Helly Acton.
S3 Campfire #1 - Imagine if… In conversation with ‘The Shelf’ & ‘The Couple’ author Helly Acton.
What’s in a name? Do you know who penned this line? A name connects to an identity and individuality, ‘The Shelf’ is something Pasty & I hope does exactly that for you as we ‘drop’ kick Season 3. The usual suspects will know, we’ve slowed it down & taken some much needed time to recuperate, recharge and rejuvenate. Some have even managed to reach ‘home’ and let the sun soak their bones and fill their belly…literally, lucky them. But time waits for no ‘one’ and there have been many WTH shocking moments and some even bigger ‘you couldn’t make this sh*t up antics. Patsy & I along with our co-host and guests will bring ‘our authentic’ Curious Vibrations to amplify and stimulate those same conversations we’re sure your having within your own tribes. Season 3 aims to be a step up from the ‘rear view’ of Seasons 1&2. This campfire see’s us get curious with someone who will forever be considered a Shelf luminary, who without knowing so, inspired Pasty and & I on our purposeful journey, to get doing! It’s great to be back and if you’re a ‘usual suspect’ - ode to a fav movie! it’s time to sit back, enjoy, share and comment. If you’re a returning ‘toe dipper’ let’s us know what’s stopping you from committing and if you’ve just discovered us, a warm welcome to you…pull up the requisite chair and beverage of choice. It’s time to Get Curious. Thanks Patsy and Lydia Edits: Che Cardoso #theshelf #hellyacton #thecouple #staycurious #zipistream #imagineifmoments #listen #share #comment #toedipper #returner #usualsuspect #middleyoung #campfire #cantmakeitup #antics
S2 Campfire Valentine's Special - For Love or Money
S2 Campfire Valentine's Special - For Love or Money
Hey, hey Shelfies, thanks for staying Curious This was an on the spot recording, we had to pivot due to some last minute changes and we pulled this out of the bag.  Join this conversation about a recent Netflix show Tinder Swindler and our views on Valentines Day. Did you watch Tinder Swindler?  If not it's highly recommended.  Have you been caught up in a situation like this?  Do you consider yourself too 'smart' to be able to get yourself into any kind of situation.  Here on The Shelf we share our views and comments with no judgement and we are here to support in as well as sharing our views.  If you do find yourself in a situation like this speak to someone you can trust and report the incident to your local police.  So we wrapping up this season with a Valentines special where you'll hear Lydia, Patsy, Margaret, Hellen and special guest Rick give their views (as always) on Valentine's Day. This campfire takes on a different spin, we discuss two topics and we get a males' perspective.   Do you explicitly communicate your needs, wants and desires to your partner so there is no misunderstanding - either for Valentines Day or any other time?  Who says on the show 'don't expect a thing then you can't be disappointed'? Is Valentine's Day a thing for you?  Do you use the day to go all out for your partner or do you show your partner the attention they deserve 365 days of the year?  This discussion is a mixed bag.  Rick says the day is good to give a prompt to do something extra for your partner because life is so busy you may not always get a chance to at other times.  Do you agree? Or is this just another opportunity to get us spending more of our hard earned money, get us sucked into hype.  Let us know what you think. So Happy Valentines Day to those who celebrate it and for those who don't Happy Independence Day.  It's a great campfire so listen in Stay Curious  Patsy & Lydia Edits by Che Cardoso
S2 - Campfire #7 Reawakening the desire to learn-Middle Young Women in Academia
S2 - Campfire #7 Reawakening the desire to learn-Middle Young Women in Academia
Hey Shelf Listeners, thanks for staying curious.  In this campfire we continue our series on education and owning their space on the shelf, in addition to Patsy & Lydia is four professional NHS workers who, with Patsy are part way through a Masters Degree.  Molly - Chief Clinical Physiologist;  Ann - Chief Pharmacist Technician;  Natalie - Obstetrician Gynaecologist Consultant and   SherBanu - Physiotherapist.   All who are juggling impressive careers, family and life. The masters workload is plentiful.  The paid job is busy and the demands on us all as either parents, siblings, partners or all is such that time has to be spend to work out how to fit everything in.  Are we mad?  A question Patsy asks many times however reflecting on why we are on this journey is something we all do. Ultimately many are on this journey to further careers and fulfill a long aspiration for self development.  Education at this level may not have been an opportunity at another time in life so a few grabbed it with both hands when offered.   Listen to the guests sharing the support they have received from each other, their families as well as the industries they work in.   They will also share some of the difficulties (some overcome and some still going).   You know you'll also get some jokes with us along the way.  Tune in to hear how they keep juggling life with assignments and submission dates.  Thanks for listening and stay curious and blessed Patsy & Lydia Edits by Che Cardoso
S2 - Campfire #6 - Health and wellbeing - 'Self-esteem means knowing you're the dream'
S2 - Campfire #6 - Health and wellbeing - 'Self-esteem means knowing you're the dream'
Thanks for staying curious. 2022 has reached and what better way to set time aside for your New Years transition into a more mentally balanced and fitter version of YOU. Our opening quote is by Oprah Winfrey, who said 'Self-esteem means knowing you're the dream' Join us as we discuss the reason for 'Middle Young' health & wellbeing as we shrug off the exhaustion and think about (our bodies, skin, health and age) The Good, The Scales and our own coping mechanism.  This Campfire is an honest account of how we Level Up. Tune in as we share our strategies on what we do to keep ‘Middle Young’ and how we do it.  You'll hear one of us share a story about supporting someone going to a health check-up only to come away with a list of defects themselves and another host wishing for the thigh gap to return.  Which hosts are we referring to? Has Covid had a negative impact on your health and wellbeing?  Are you feeling more aches and pains since working from home? Has there been a trigger in your life which has resulted in you proactively taking control of your physical, mental & spiritual wellbeing? Listen to Patsy, Lydia, Margaret and Hellen talk about some of the practical things they turned to help them  - netball, walking, running, fitness classes, roller skating, spas and facials.....we hope we've inspired you? Check out the places who are ‘trying’ to help us! Best facials in town - to book your Hydro facial Thanks for listening and stay curious Patsy and Lydia Edits by Che Cardoso