Drug Reform (with Ant Lehane)

Red in the Face Podcast

21-07-2021 • 59 minutos

With the Euro’s and the lifting of restrictions we’ve had a bit of a delay in pod content but we hope to continue to steady get episodes out as the months roll by.

This episode we were joined by Ant Lehane to chat about drug policy in the U.K and what reform/legalisation would practically look like. Ant is Head of Comms for Volte Face and the Secretariat for the Labour Campaign for Drug Policy Reform. Checkout their work on the links below 👇

Ant Lehane - https://twitter.com/antlehane?s=20

Volt Face - https://volteface.me

Labour Campaign for Drug Policy Reform - https://www.labourdrugpolicy.com

Morning Star Article - https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/b/calls-reignited-for-non-violent-drug-offenders-to-be-released-as-research-reveal

Tribune Article - https://tribunemag.co.uk/2020/05/its-high-time-for-the-left-to-debate-drugs-policy

Red Pepper Article - https://www.redpepper.org.uk/a-new-drug-policy-for-the-21st-century/