US Attorneys Lie about Shredding of Evidence

The End of Justice with Beau Johnson

14-01-2023 • 8 minutos

In 2018, Beau Johnson met with US Attorney Benjamin Glassman from the Southern District of Ohio and Chief of the Criminal Division Kenneth Parker about a federal criminal case. Specifically, Johnson wanted Glassman and Parker to address a new finding by the Department of the Treasury (DOT) which called into question the existence of a $4 million loan. Surprisingly, though, at the start of the meeting, Glassman made a claim that any evidence of a $4 million loan had been shredded by the DOJ. Glassman's claim was a lie. The loan was never credible. The loan never existed. Rather than investigate the DOT finding, Glassman ignored a sister agency's conclusion and persisted with his lie that the DOJ shredded documents that were never real.