Sermon: "The Encounter" + September 17, 2023 + Trinity Lutheran Church & Schools

Sermons @ TLCS

17-09-2023 • 20 minutos

Sermon for September 17, 2023

The Encounter

Pastor Hector and David Greenlee talk with several of the participants of this past summer's youth mission trip to Spokane about their experiences encountering others.

Quest: Travel as a Spiritual Act
Week 2 - The Encounter

Jesus often crossed paths with others not from his “tribe.” He did not shy away. Actually, he most often sought out these opportunities. He met people in their daily lives and locales, such as the Samaritan woman at the well and her community, and engaged with them at the point of their deepest yearning. When we seek out and open to new encounters, new people, new relationships, we allow ourselves a spiritual rendezvous with humanity. And in this act, we discover more depth within us than we previously imagined. How can we shift our perception, redefining “strangers” as “friends we have not yet met?”

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