Sermon: "Being Present with Hope" + November 26, 2023 + Pastor Hector Garfias-Toledo

Sermons @ TLCS

26-11-2023 • 18 minutos

Sermon for November 26, 2023
Pastor Hector Garfias Toledo

Pastor Hector's sermon for the First Sunday of Advent centers on the significance of staying awake amidst adversity, as he draws parallels between the struggles of the Israelites and our own yearnings for hope and liberation. Emphasizing that hope is an active force, he challenges us to reject societal pressures, embody the promise of God's love, and actively engage in bringing forth real change and healing for all.

First Sunday of Advent
Being Present with Hope

Advent can be filled with worry about finding the perfect Christmas gifts. Deep down, we want people in our lives to know they are special and that we love them. But sometimes, we overlook the greatest gift of all…our very presence. As we sing, we are reminded that even if we are feeling poor — in resources, in body or spirit — we can simply be a gift of presence and give our hearts.

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