Crying Yes Or Not?

Think About It's Podcast

12-09-2023 • 3 minutos

Crying Yes Or Not? Humans cry and shed tears during their life because of various events such as grief over the loss of loved ones or sometimes even because of extreme happiness. Of course, many of us often try to suppress our crying, because we consider shedding tears, especially in the presence of others as a sign of weakness or embarrassment.

But contrary to popular belief, researchers from two reputable medical sites, " Medical News Today " and "National Library of Medicine ", have found that crying has many health benefits:

Improve vision:

Crying helps to keep the eyes moist and prevent the drying of the mucous membranes and thus better vision by maintaining the lubricating effect of the basic tears that are released with each blink

Fight against bacteria

Crying also, has a very strong antimicrobial liquid in tears called lysozyme, in addition to killing bacteria and keeping the eyes clean, can also reduce the risks caused by bioterror agents such as anthrax

Has a soothing effect

According to psychologists' studies, crying helps people to reduce their discomfort and relax by activating the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

Helps to relieve pain

The tears produced by crying by releasing two chemicals, oxytocin, and endorphin, which help people to reduce physical and mental pain and feel good.

Gets support from others

In addition, crying due to the stimulation of emotions also brings comfort and support to people around

In the religion of Islam, crying and tears, in addition to physical benefits, also have a special spiritual value, to the extent that not crying and dry eyes are considered signs of misery for people.

Therefore, every year many Muslims around the world and even some followers of other religions hold a mourning ceremony on the anniversary of the martyrdom of the beloved grandson of the Messenger of God (PBUH), Hazrat Imam Hussain (PBUH). By holding a mourning ceremony, while crying over the oppression of this Imam and keeping his name and path alive, they also benefit from its spiritual and afterlife effects.

Happiness on doomsday

the Prophet Mohamad said: O Fatima! All eyes will cry on the doomsday, except the one that will cry over the misfortunes of Hussain.

Unlimited rewards

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) the sixth imam of the Shia  also pointed to the limitless reward of crying and tears and said:

Every good deed has a definite reward except shedding tears for us Ahl al-Bayt (which is immeasurable).

Also, there are other works such as the forgiveness of sins, entering heaven, and asking for the Imam's forgiveness for the one who cries, including the spiritual benefits of crying and tears on the oppression of the Ahl al-Bayt, especially Imam Hussain (AS), which are all taken from the hadiths of religious leaders and show The subject of crying and tears is of special importance in Islam.

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