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Think About It

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Religión y espiritualidadReligión y espiritualidad


Crying Yes Or Not?
Crying Yes Or Not?
Crying Yes Or Not? Humans cry and shed tears during their life because of various events such as grief over the loss of loved ones or sometimes even because of extreme happiness. Of course, many of us often try to suppress our crying, because we consider shedding tears, especially in the presence of others as a sign of weakness or embarrassment.But contrary to popular belief, researchers from two reputable medical sites, " Medical News Today " and "National Library of Medicine ", have found that crying has many health benefits:Improve vision:Crying helps to keep the eyes moist and prevent the drying of the mucous membranes and thus better vision by maintaining the lubricating effect of the basic tears that are released with each blinkFight against bacteriaCrying also, has a very strong antimicrobial liquid in tears called lysozyme, in addition to killing bacteria and keeping the eyes clean, can also reduce the risks caused by bioterror agents such as anthraxHas a soothing effectAccording to psychologists' studies, crying helps people to reduce their discomfort and relax by activating the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).Helps to relieve painThe tears produced by crying by releasing two chemicals, oxytocin, and endorphin, which help people to reduce physical and mental pain and feel good.Gets support from othersIn addition, crying due to the stimulation of emotions also brings comfort and support to people aroundIn the religion of Islam, crying and tears, in addition to physical benefits, also have a special spiritual value, to the extent that not crying and dry eyes are considered signs of misery for people.Therefore, every year many Muslims around the world and even some followers of other religions hold a mourning ceremony on the anniversary of the martyrdom of the beloved grandson of the Messenger of God (PBUH), Hazrat Imam Hussain (PBUH). By holding a mourning ceremony, while crying over the oppression of this Imam and keeping his name and path alive, they also benefit from its spiritual and afterlife effects.Happiness on doomsdaythe Prophet Mohamad said: O Fatima! All eyes will cry on the doomsday, except the one that will cry over the misfortunes of Hussain.Unlimited rewardsImam Sadiq (a.s.) the sixth imam of the Shia  also pointed to the limitless reward of crying and tears and said: Every good deed has a definite reward except shedding tears for us Ahl al-Bayt (which is immeasurable).Also, there are other works such as the forgiveness of sins, entering heaven, and asking for the Imam's forgiveness for the one who cries, including the spiritual benefits of crying and tears on the oppression of the Ahl al-Bayt, especially Imam Hussain (AS), which are all taken from the hadiths of religious leaders and show The subject of crying and tears is of special importance in Islam.
The beginning of the first world war
The beginning of the first world war
World War 1 was one of the deadliest global conflicts in human history, began on July 28, 1914, and ended on November 11, 1918. The war took place throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and parts of Asia. It destroyed several empires and killed millions of people. The estimated death toll of this war reaches about 40 million people.  In this war, moral principles and humanitarian values were abandoned and biological weapons were used.Although the identification of the causes of this war remains controversial, scholars look at such factors as political, territorial and economic competition, imperialism, the growth of nationalism, arms races, a cult of the offensive, etc. The war began as an excuse, but it had many factors and grounds that have roots in animal aspects of human origin. The main reasons for the outbreak of WWI were the greed of some rich and the power lobbyists behind the scenes, which led to the outbreak of the war. the main point of the story was that the colonial countries had clashed with each other in their interests and eventually the war broke out. Islam is the religion of peace, as its name implies. What is emphasized in Islam is that human beings must live ethically. They must be content for what they have, and take aside avarice and excessive ambition. Of course, if people, and especially the authorities would had followed ethical values, mainly would follow the divine laws, the grounds for such destructive wars as WW1 were destroyed and the people of the world would live more peacefully.
Slavery is a phenomenon that torments the soul of wise people from the enslavement and exploitation of human beings. Slavery has existed since ancient times, but only its forms have changed. Although the abolition of slavery has been attempted in recent centuries by humanitarians and those who believe in human dignity, different countries have legally attempted to abolish it, unfortunately, slavery has not yet ended and continues in its new form.According to the latest International Labor Organization (ILO) report, more than 40 million people worldwide are victims of "modern slavery." Although modern slavery does not yet have a legal definition, the ILO says it includes "forced labor, forced marriage, trafficking and human abuse." [1]Contrary to popular belief, many think the West has been modernized, and Western countries continue to use medieval thought to turn to sexual slavery against women and make money using it. According to some estimates, there are about 13,000 cases of slavery in British courts. Modern slavery is like slavery in the past, and it is the largest lucrative trade in the country. Sexual exploitation, forced labor, home service, and sexual exploitation have become the biggest problem in the UK. .[2]The abolition of slavery was enacted in the Great Britain Act of 1833 and in the United States in 1865 the Abolition Act. Notable in these two major events, which mark a turning point in the history of abolition, is that both of these events did not take place with purely humanitarian intentions and were linked to economic and political interests. In the case of Britain's tax exemption, and in the case of the United States, Abraham Lincoln's military tactic of winning over the South, whose economic base was landownership and slavery, was to overcome the enemy and prevent the disintegration of the United States. Although the consequences were effective in abolishing slavery and eliminating the oppression of slaves.Islam has fought the phenomenon of slavery since its inception. The strategy which Islam took towards freeing slaves was gradual, such as the liberation of the slave was great to worship, the obligatory atonement for some sins, and the granting of the right to book a contract with the master for his/her own freedom, etc. Slave-taking prisoners of war was a temporary tactic of Islam, which, if freed the captives, remained a future threat to Islamic society, and if they were imprisoned, they would have been a huge economic burden to the new Islamic society. Therefore, Islam took the captives as slaves and divided them into Muslim houses, but advised Muslims to treat them like a member of their families.If Islam had completely forbidden slavery at once, it was not logical, because the liberation of slaves at once was not fundamentally in the interest of the slaves. This led to the freeing of slaves in large numbers in society without shelter and proper work from which they could live, and the result, of course, was homelessness, poverty, starvation, and perhaps death, as it occurred in the United States. [3]Unfortunately, Islam did not remain in its main path after his prophet, which is the path of the infallible Imams. The leadership of the Islamic society was removed from the hands of divine leaders and placed in the hands of the Taghuti (Satanic) leaders, otherwise with the strategy that Islam had taken towards slavery, the abolition of slavery would have happened much sooner than the West would have achieved it.
Apostasy and the philosophy of Punishing the Apostate
Apostasy and the philosophy of Punishing the Apostate
Apostasy is leaving and turning away from the religion of Islam. A Muslim who turns away from Islam is called an apostate. Apostasy is achieved by denying the existence of God, the truthfulness of the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), the religion of Islam, and the essentials of religion such as prayer and fasting, as well as by openly insulting religious sanctuaries such as the Kaaba. The religion of Islam has considered some punishments for the apostates which this article examines the reasons why the apostate is being punished.It is obligatory for everyone to research the principles of religion to the best of their ability, and if after complete research they believe in a ritual other than Islam, they are excused. Because they have done their intellectual and religious duty, but they have gone in the wrong way. An error that does not subject them to the punishment of apostates in any case. But he/she shouldn’t express any kind of propaganda against Islam.Propaganda and public expression of propositions against Islam is actually a form of rebellion against the existing socio-political system and is basically a security issue. Islam, in order to protect the domestic front from the harm of betrayals and conspiracies and to prevent the influence of enemies and hypocrites whose goal is to destroy the public order and system of the Islamic society and create chaos, the legislation of such a decree for apostasy is completely logical and justified. It is natural that every government and political system is sensitive to the important issues of their country, such as national security and maintaining public order, and if an individual or group targets it, would face the harshest punishments.[1]Based on this reasoning, Imam Khomeini's historical judgment about Salman Rushdie can be justified, that Rushdie targeted the foundation of Islam by writing the "Satanic Book". Imam "Ra" protected the foundation of Islam with a fatwa, while the heads of other Islamic countries were helpless to do anything. Imam's fatwa introduced and established the position of "Wilayah" in the Islamic world. The recent Qur’an burnings are also in line with the Islamophobia policy of the Westerners, which under the guise of freedom of expression, have targeted the base of Islam. This is despite the fact that the Quran is a book of freedom of expression and opinion, where it says: "This is an expression for the people and a guidance and admonition for the pious”. [2] They do not know that by burning the Quran, in fact, they set fire to expression and freedom of expression.Writing of “Satanic Book”, Burning Qur’an and the like, are example of hostilities which the heads of western countries are seeking in their policies against Islam. They find some traitors among Muslims and under the guise of freedom of expression, persuade them to take action against bases of Islam. Therefore, the Islamic State knows its inalienable right to consider punishments for such apostates in order to defend its National Security and Public Orders as well as defending the bases of Islam.