State Rights in Criminal Prosecution? Perhaps.

Plead the Fifth (Cir.)

22-12-2022 • 30 minutos

In this episode, we discussed a recent case U.S. v. Seekins, in which the federal public defender attempted to push the Fifth Circuit to revisit the scope of interstate commerce in the criminal justice context. By a close vote (7-9), the Fifth Circuit refused to open this door. However, Justice Ho, in his dissenting opinion, laid out a blueprint for the defendant to get the the Supreme Court's attention. Will this case be the case for the conservative Supreme Court to cut back on the scope of interstate commerce? Joel Page, the federal defender who prepared and argued this case, offered his thoughts in this episode.

Host: Leo Yu (SMU Law)
Guest: Joel Page (Appellate Chief of the Federal Public Defender's Office (NDTX))