The Axiom World

Jack Cambell

Be a VOICE, we are here to give the voiceless a VOICE!, email us, and share what you have to say! This is for you! Help us FIND the CURE for the ”cure”. We have a mission to help save the world from TOTAL ANNIHIATION!,! BY bringing you the AXIOM ( the other truth) you do not have. WE NEED YOU WE CAN NOT save lives all by ourselves! We need the world! We love you and this is why we have almost lost everything to help you, to help yourself We love you! LOOK now at John‘s blog, it could save your life! HELP US SAVE THE CHILDREN OF THIS WORLD. STOP THINKING AND TAKE THE CALL TO ACTION! Email us NOW @ WE NEED YOUR VOCE! read less


SOON TO BE BANNED !!! John hit a home run with information collected from research done in Chile about on what is in covid vaccine formulations specifically, what is KILLING PEOPLE! GRAPHENE OXIDE and HYDROGEL! (SM102) POISON!!! John and others are  very close, and may already have the CURE FOR THE "cure".  John was contacted by a scientific researcher that works with this lab who felt he was closer than anyone she had seen to finding out the truth of all this and she felt this was the final puzzle piece that he needed and shared it.  Here John discusses the research archives published by the scientists of La Quinta Columna and Orwell City and combines their findings with everything else we know thus far.  This new information brings us to what may be the end of this trail.  For the first time in over a year and a half of study and speculation by everyone that still has a voice we have what we need to get out in front of this constantly evolving, completely planned and scripted narrative and fight it from a position of strength and knowledge. For the first time, John may be closer than many other doctors advertising their findings on uncensored media platforms. John Lukach (speaking of the group he has assembled)- "We believe we have as much a chance as any of them to discover how to reverse the damage these covid vaccines have wrought.  I can already mitigate some of it.  The next step, and most important work is still to be done and if someone out there can offer an assist in uncovering another piece of this puzzle, I have a job for you, a way to contribute, and together I believe we absolutely can save the world!   Email us @  or CALL 1-888-419-419-8492, Join the  HOW TO ESCAPE DEATH AND INJURY IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED ANY OF THE COVID VACCINES.  People we love took "the shot heard around the world" I do not want them to die, I believe we can find the cure for the "cure" and we can start NOW! Be a voice help us save the world.. Jack
5g is turned up! The AXIOM of Aryon (Indo-Iranian) .BIDEN IS COMMING FOR YOUR GUNS!
5g is turned up! The AXIOM of Aryon (Indo-Iranian) .BIDEN IS COMMING FOR YOUR GUNS!
5g IS being turned up, and going get higher! The waves are actually EMF WAVES!! THEY ARE GOING TO MAKE IT LOOK REAL!! FALSE FLAG!! , Kamla Harries is ( Indo-Iranian. Aryan | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica JUDGE  JOE BROWN TAUGHT ME THIS  ) YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO THROUGH OUT HISTORY! CHILD SNIFFING BIDEN IS COMMING FOR YOUR GUNS! Blog ( Natural Health News and Scientific Discoveries - Infowars: There's a War on For Your Mind! Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos Geoengineering Watch | Exposing the climate engineering cover-up THIS THE AXIOM!   We believe we have as much a chance as any of them to discover how to reverse the damage these covid vaccines have wrought.  I can already mitigate some of it.  The next step, and most important work is still to be done and if someone out there can offer an assist in uncovering another piece of this puzzle, I have a job for you, a way to contribute, and together I believe we absolutely can save the world!   Email us @  or CALL 1-888-419-419-8492, Join the  HOW TO ESCAPE DEATH AND INJURY IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED ANY OF THE COVID VACCINES.  People we love took "the shot heard around the world" I do not want them to die, I believe we can find the cure for the "cure" and we can start NOW! Be a voice help us save the world.. Jack
5g IS being turned up, and going get higher! The waves are actually EMF WAVES!! FOCED SHOTS comming, FEMA is comming to knock on your door! Swing Flue DEATH HISTORY ! THEY HAVE KILLED PEOPLE WITH A " Vaccince" OF THE THEY People are getting confused, 5g is making people sick. KNOW YOYR HISTORY! AXIOM of the CHILD SNIFFING BIDEN IS COMMING FOR YOUR GUNS! A caller from Guinea, somthing is happenning down there, look at the satellite images! WE ARE FOLLING UP ON TOMORROW NIGHT @ 12.00 A.M. PST THIS THE AXIOM! LOOK AT JOHNS HARD WORK SOON TO BE DOCTOR, Blog ( 210526-143517-401054593.pdf ( (sm102) Natural Health News and Scientific Discoveries - Infowars: There's a War on For Your Mind! Fox News - Breaking News Updates | Latest News Headlines | Photos & News Videos Geoengineering Watch | Exposing the climate engineering cover-up THIS THE AXIOM! Blog ( We believe we have as much a chance as any of them to discover how to reverse the damage these covid vaccines have wrought.  I can already mitigate some of it.  The next step, and most important work is still to be done and if someone out there can offer an assist in uncovering another piece of this puzzle, I have a job for you, a way to contribute, and together I believe we absolutely can save the world!   Email us @  or CALL 1-888-419-419-8492, Join the  HOW TO ESCAPE DEATH AND INJURY IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED ANY OF THE COVID VACCINES.  People we love took "the shot heard around the world" I do not want them to die, I believe we can find the cure for the "cure" and we can start NOW! Be a voice help us save the world.. Jack
H.R6666, White House officially announces vaccine “strike forces” that will go door-to-door
H.R6666, White House officially announces vaccine “strike forces” that will go door-to-door
H.R.6666 In THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.  FEMA is comming door to door to give your vaccine. If so, do this,   It’s official: The White House has publicly and un-apologetically announced the deployment of “strike forces” — a military term — to go door-to-door across America, targeting unvaccinated people in their own homes. This was proudly announced yesterday by Jen Psaki. And they aren’t even hiding it anymore. My best advice on how to handle this is: If they come to your door, don’t answer it.If they keep knocking, call the police.If they break in your door, defend yourself.At all times, video record whatever is happening. And upload your video to or other free speech platforms, like www.bitchute.comEvery human being has the right to self-defense. An assault with an experimental vaccine that has already killed at least 9,000 Americans (according to is, of course, an assault with a deadly weapon! Who is Klaus Schwab? 12 Disturbing Quotes from Margaret Sanger (Planned Parenthood's Foundress). Geoengineering Watch | Exposing the climate engineering cover-up Natural Health News and Scientific Discoveries -   We believe we have as much a chance as any of them to discover how to reverse the damage these covid vaccines have wrought.  I can already mitigate some of it.  The next step, and most important work is still to be done and if someone out there can offer an assist in uncovering another piece of this puzzle, I have a job for you, a way to contribute, and together I believe we absolutely can save the world!   Email us @  or CALL 1-888-419-419-8492, Join the  HOW TO ESCAPE DEATH AND INJURY IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED ANY OF THE COVID VACCINES.  People we love took "the shot heard around the world" I do not want them to die, I believe we can find the cure for the "cure" and we can start NOW! Be a voice help us save the world.. Jack
The Axis of Evil (Klaus Swabb, Bill Gates), THIER PLAN IS HERE! 8,000,000 MISSIING Children!
The Axis of Evil (Klaus Swabb, Bill Gates), THIER PLAN IS HERE! 8,000,000 MISSIING Children!
Jack dives in and tells you THE PLAN OF N.W.O BE PERARIED! Jack reveals the plan AGIAN,   THE COMMITTE OF THE three hundred. Dr John Coleman is a famous Intelligence Officer from the CIA.  Listen to Swabb Himself!    Bill Gates admits plans to reduce population through use of vaccines  SHOCK VIDEO! Bill Gates Admits To Depopulation Plan Amid Coronavirus Outbreak (  Home Page - The Western Journal  San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus faces backlash for 'we're coming for your children' video | Fox News  San Francisco Gay Men's Choir faces backlash for 'we're coming for your children' video – USA TODAY SUN  SHOCK VIDEO! Bill Gates Admits To Depopulation Plan Amid Coronavirus Outbreak (  The man in the iron lung | Polio | The Guardian  Mercury Poisoning: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and More (  Lead poisoning - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic  State of the Nation | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary    We believe we have as much a chance as any of them to discover how to reverse the damage these covid vaccines have wrought.  I can already mitigate some of it.  The next step, and most important work is still to be done and if someone out there can offer an assist in uncovering another piece of this puzzle, I have a job for you, a way to contribute, and together I believe we absolutely can save the world!   Email us @  or CALL 1-888-419-419-8492, Join the  HOW TO ESCAPE DEATH AND INJURY IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED ANY OF THE COVID VACCINES.  People we love took "the shot heard around the world" I do not want them to die, I believe we can find the cure for the "cure" and we can start NOW! Be a voice help us save the world.. Jack.
This morning I was talking about my daughter getting the shot and many of you were quite supportive to me.  I want to tell you all thank you, but I also want to start tonight's show with a story about her from this week-end. She was in Las Vegas for a friends’ bachelorette party and they were out at a bar last night and she noticed a group of men with a woman that was clearly very intoxicated.  She overheard them asking her where she lived and all kinds of questions like that and it did not sit well with her.  She left her group of friends, went over to the table and asked what was going on.  The men said that this girl was really drunk and they were trying to find out where she lived so they could take her home.  My daughter was not having this and told them thanks for helping, but I’ve got this now.  She tried talking with the gal, but she was really out of it.  She got her phone and found her mom’s phone number and contacted her to find out where she should take her.  Her mom was in Texas, but my daughter gave her phone number to her and had her send the address to her phone.  She ordered an Uber, and had some friends that she was with help her to get this girl home.  She told her friends they were to go on the Uber ride, but not to get out of the car, not to walk her to her door or anything – just to watch from the Uber to make sure she got home o.k.  The men kept trying to ‘help’ but my daughter very sternly told them to back off, she’s got this. She had a bad feeling about the whole thing, and knew in her heart if she didn’t take charge that something bad would happen to this young lady.  This morning, my daughter received a sincere thank you call from that girl.  Her friends had ditched her, she was very drunk, obviously, and was extremely grateful.  Hearing this story makes me realize that my daughter really has been listening to me for all of these years.  Despite the eye rolls, the sighs, the looks of ‘you're an idiot dad’. She was listening.  And that’s what I want all of you to remember.  As we talk about all of these subjects to others.  We get the eye rolls, the sighs, the looks.  But people are listening.  They are hearing what we are saying.  Maybe they aren’t reacting or doing anything today.  And maybe not tomorrow – but they are listening and we need to keep up our fight.  Do Not Be Silenced!  Thank you.  The death squads are coming. Door to door. To inject you with your kill shot and to put you into the internet of things. Because you are becoming the internet of things when you get injected. With the highly magnetized graphene oxide sm102 is a chemical that kills you. The bias Luciferous MAKES YOU GLOW kill. Our 1776 is here. Do not be pressured by the phycological MANUPLTION! They have no constitutional right at all to give you the shot. The time IS NOW NSTAND UP BE A VOICE SAY NO!. Standup and fight. Do not be pressured by the psychological pressure of covid. It is a game. Polycybergone war games conference was this weekend. They are going to shut down the internet and create mass panic. Make sure you have cash, food, dry food storage, water, follow links below. The evil axis of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab - their plan is coming for the global reset. First, they have to kill you off. They cannot get you with the shot. Know your constitutional rights. They have no rights to force inject you. Do not answer your door if they knock.  They are NOT health officials. Let them know they are trespassing, and they are requested to leave your property and that you are calling the authorities. Record everything. Post on,, telegram and all of your other sources. Twitter will delete them quickly, so will YouTube. Keep posting. If they come at you with a shot - that deadly bioweapon they claim is a vaccine - that is assault with a deadly weapon, DEFEND YOUSELF – do not harm or attack IF THEY DO NOT ATTEMP TO ASSUALT YOU CALL THE POICE!. Shut your door.  Lock it.  Do NOT open it in the first place. Do not let them inject you with this deadly bioweapon graphene oxcide – highly poisonous magnetic metal, (think mercury or lead poisoning) sm 102 hydrogel, bioluminescence, DNA changing shot.  Call the police. Do not fear - stand up, save a life. BE A VOICE THE TIME IS NOW NE THE RESITANCE!    The Axiom World Alliance can be found on Spotify and Telegram. Make a flyer with our QR code, copy my link:   Just make flyers with nothing but the QR code and my link. It costs you $5.00 in paper. Post it everywhere. Be a voice. Save lives.    We believe we have as much a chance as any of them to discover how to reverse the damage these covid vaccines have wrought.  I can already mitigate some of it.  The next step, and most important work is still to be done and if someone out there can offer an assist in uncovering another piece of this puzzle, I have a job for you, a way to contribute, and together I believe we absolutely can save the world!   Email us @  or CALL 1-888-419-419-8492, Join the HOW TO ESCAPE DEATH AND INJURY IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED ANY OF THE COVID VACCINES.  People we love took "the shot heard around the world" I do not want them to die, I believe we can find the cure for the "cure", and we can start NOW! Be a voice help us save the world. Jack.
Your text MEASSAGES YOU ARE BEING READ! LOOSING YOUR FREEDOM, update from John  Lukach's blog.
Your text MEASSAGES YOU ARE BEING READ! LOOSING YOUR FREEDOM, update from John Lukach's blog.
Jack talks about big tech censorship on your computers and your phones. They are going to censor real information on the death shots and Covid 19.  Announced by certain administrations.   Jack spoke with John Lukach today and reads you the updates from his blog. We will never stop the fight for the CURE for the "cure"!   Reader Mail Bag - Mid July 2021 7/12/2021 0 Comments   I might later regret doing this, but then again, maybe not, so here goes…   I get a fair amount of email.  Thus far it has not been an unmanageable amount, and thus far everyone has gotten an answer from me.  I also read the blog comments.  They are individually sent to my inbox.  If a comment does not contain a question I file it and move on.  Sometimes I comment back anyhow if there is something to add.  Of the rest, it includes daily correspondence from those on my research team, reporters looking for commentary, articles and papers people send me they think I should look at, the occasional whistleblower and on average about 10 book requests per day.   Like I said, everyone gets a response that requires one although sometimes you might have to wait a few days for it if I get behind and they pile up.   The people that email with questions I kind of love and hate at the same time.  I want to answer questions, since that’s what we are all doing here; trying to get to the bottom of whatever the scam of the day is, right?  I am less enthusiastic about answering the same questions over and over again, and there is a bit of that.   For example, take PCR test questions.  If you are just now beginning to question the PCR test you have been completely asleep for over a year now.  But I also realize this is a cornerstone of the entire con game, a root of the poisonous tree so to speak, so destroying its credibility is of paramount importance here, and not knowing the PCR is completely garbage is somewhat forgivable, because it takes a few minutes of reading to understand even a basic overview of the process, but by this time, if you haven't at least googled the thing to see who created it, why they created it and what it actually does and someone slaps you for that, you have no right to get upset about it.  It is YOUR responsibility, to know if medical procedures being forced upon you have any merit or applicability to your own situation, and if its ok with you to bend over for any random person who asks to swab your backside, well, that is what it is…   Here is what I am getting at:   I am what people like to call a critical thinker.  I not only ask really good questions, I also answer them, with really good answers.  And I don't play "fill in the blank" in this process.  Everything must fall into line with everything else to be an acceptable answer and every answer is subject to new information that comes out constantly.  You can't become comfortable hanging your hat on anything.  If you do that you become a lousy source.    So, the first rule of doing this well is to be up on the latest information.  I would say the latest news, but as most of you who come here for it regularly understand all too well, the "news" is total bullshit.  That is ALL either first or second hand observations and accounts which would all need to be vetted to take as truth or they are propaganda pieces designed to stir the pot and cause confusion.  Knowing which is which requires that you do this as a full time job.  That said, this is my full time job, so if you choose to argue or debate me come prepared like an attorney would prepare for a court battle.  (Because I am really good at this and can effortlessly crush most any false assertion like a boss.)   Everyone has questions but a polite discussion is preferable to an adversarial one.  Let's aim to just clear up the confusion here, since there is a lot of it going around, and see where that takes us.   I want to post some Q&A I get.  I will not personally identify anyone in doing this to preserve the privacy of those posing questions I choose to publish, but some people ask good questions and good questions are the kind I like.    Good questions mean I am fulfilling my mission here.  The mission is to make you a better thinker, because lets face it, it is easy to be a parrot and repeat things.  People don't get nearly enough encouragement to actually think about what they are repeating.  Repeating things gets old quick, and repeating things serves the enemy.  There is an enemy, by the way.  He is posing as your friend and keeping up a pretty good act, and all these faux "friends" are currently spending as much time defending their false images as they are creating new lies to fool you. "Creating" may not be the right word here.  What the enemy is doing is more similar to following a malleable playbook that was created in advance.  Each chapter in this playbook builds upon the chapter before it and together the main thrust of the entire thing is to deliberately, inexorably, advance an agenda, the end result of which has a small group of people in charge of everything below them, with infinite and infallible data and pre-programmed punishments installed at every point of departure from a narrative they have written for us to follow.    Freedom is dead, resistance is futile, compliance is best if you want to live.  As you can see, because they have all the money in the world and can simply print more when they ever they want to they are very pleased with themselves, and this hubris has their collective heads pretty swollen.  It's like an abusive parent child relationship where we are the petulant children. Mom and dad have some great baby monitors and they have HUGE wooden spoons they can paddle our asses with, but there's more of us than there are spoons.  It's an  inequity they are dealing with… with vaccines.   Many of you may not be aware of this but according to my web stats, this page is read by about 100,000 people each month.  That’s a LOT of eyes, and they are in every country I can name off the top of my head.  It occurred to me this morning that is a sizable army of thinkers and worker bees.  I might be inviting a tsunami of email here, but at the risk of doing that, lets see if together we can all act as one big brain and cut down on the time it takes me to assemble the puzzle at hand.  Let's swing this army into action, yeah?    Right now I am not really looking for additional medical explanations for whatever doctors think is going on.  I closely follow whatever is said by about 8-10 respectable doctors that have chosen to lead the charge against the covid pandemic hoax, so don't send me any of that unless they are talking about the last thing I talked about.  What I need now is CHEMISTRY STUFF.  I want to know more about graphene and graphene oxide and its uses, applications, and potential dangers.  I want to know about anyone duplicating the work of La Quinta Columna, and anything new being discovered in vaccine vials. ​ Let me get a few FAQ's out of the way first.  Here are some things I have covered to death: For a time everything was being called covid, but during that time, covid was flu.  Flu is not an illness.  It is an natural detoxification process and instances of flu are no longer counted which explains there being no flu anymore (apparently).  People DO NOT DIE of flu.  Some of what is now being called covid may just as easily be called graphene oxide poisoning.   Covid inoculations are not vaccines and they do not offer immunity or reduce transmissibility.  They are unapproved, unsafe, ineffective and very dangerous and they are killing people both slowly and quickly and causing tens of thousands of deaths and MILLIONS of serious permanent injuries!   Covid vaccines are not all the same and even within brands the actual contents of the formulation, meaning the specific ingredients and percentage of each varies significantly batch to batch and nobody is being required to tell you what is in any of them.   VAERS sucks.  But it is reliable enough to provide usable, actionable information despite it being dismally incomplete and for the most part several months behind.  It was DESIGNED to be a pain in the ass.  It was DESIGNED to be hard to use.  It was DESIGNED this to discourage its use.   Masks do nothing but harm.  Masks covered with or created with graphene cause more harm.  That’s the beginning and the end of it.   Neil Ferguson and Christian Drosden are con artists.  They make money on every pandemic declaration so they help to make such declarations possible.  Ferguson provides the scary estimates of death that have never ever been anywhere reasonably close to correct concurrently with Drosden providing a test for the scary illness.  That test has ALWAYS BEEN the same PCR kit now, once again, being inappropriately used to detect covid.   Anthony Fauci is pure evil and he is less a doctor and more an unscrupulous inside trader that uses his position to manipulate the market for whatever he is invested in, in this case and many previous cases, Fauci has been, and still is, invested in pandemics and pandemic solutions.  He profits from you being scared, he profits from you being sick.   Pharma does not seek to cure you.  Pharma seeks to profit on sickness.   The FDA is not a regulatory agency looking out for your health.  It is an agency that regulates how possible it is to prosecute Pharma.   The medical community is at the mercy of their licensing boards which are run by Pharma.   Bill Gates is pure evil and he has three evil pets that he controls completely.  They are the UN, the WHO and the CDC.   The World Economic Forum is pure evil HQ, and Klaus Schwab is as insane as Bill Gates.   PCR tests are garbage.  Officially, the instructions for processing them include identifying the 8 base pairs of human chromosome #8 primary assembly as SARS-CoV2.  So even if the PCR says you don't have it, you do.   I do not subscribe to germ theory.  Louis Pasteur is a fraud.  I refer you to "The Private Science of Louis Pasteur" by Gerald Geison as evidence of this.  Antone Bechamp has a better explanation for illness than Louis Pasteur.  Please look into his "terrain theory" for more information on that.   Without germ theory there are no viruses.  So I don't believe in viruses.  Someone show me a virus that is not a bacterium.   SARS-CoV2 does not exist.  No properly done isolation means no virus and there is no properly done isolation.   Virology is a quack science.  Epidemiology is little more than statistical mathematics.  Put the two together and there is a virus causing radiation deaths at Chernobyl and Fukushima. To prevent us from endlessly debating those are my proposed "house rules" for the field we are playing on here.  Now, lets apply what we know to some mail and help you all get those mental synapses firing. ​ This one comes from a guy in Australia, which appears to be even worse than Canada at this point in terms of health bureaucrat police state hell.  So I can understand why this fellow might still be at the stage of understanding he is at.   From: Gary Sent: Monday, July 12, 2021 4:19 AM To: JL Subject: FW: COVID Jabs are FULL of Graphene Oxide - My recent interview with Jack Campbell   John   Just came across this study from 2017.   They found graphene inhibited the invasion of Malaria parasites.   We know Ivermectin and hydrodroxy are anti parasitic medicines and strangely work well on covid, which you question whether it actually exists.   The vaccines have been found to contain graphene.   Could the disease people are catching and spreading be parasitic rather than virus. Could this be the reason they put graphene in the vaccines?   Food for thought.   Gary   From: JL [] Sent: Monday, July 12, 2021 10:26 AM To: Gary Subject: RE: COVID Jabs are FULL of Graphene Oxide - My recent interview with Jack Campbell   There!  Now, that’s the spirit!   That is the type of question that tells me you are able to think critically, Gary.  Tell ya what…  Let's take that car for a spin, eh?  How about you try and answer your own question this time.  I can tell you how I would go about it.  I would start with the definitions for parasitical and bacterial infections, then read up a bit on malaria, maybe a bit on the two drugs you mention around the time they were first introduced and get the theory straight from the guy who made them.   I think what makes it tough is this; answering this at all means you must have a foot firmly planted in germ theory, which I don't.  Because it is a fact of life that people guide themselves based upon it I have to recognize it, but I do so more as one would make an observation from across the room.  In other words, you can't sail around the world if its flat.  Because people believed it was flat for years, nobody attempted it and if they did they were dismissed as a liar mostly.   Do non-existent diseases require cures?  Pharma thinks all that is required is to harbor the disease without any of the more annoying symptoms.  Is this study only there to provide a reason to put graphene into a vaccine vial?  Ghost-written papers is how Pharma manufactures 'need'.  Their PR requirement is that they are to appear as an entity just 'trying' to do some good.  Such papers are also the 'evidence' lawyers trot out when they are defending Pharma's rationales.  i.e. "don't blame me, you are the one with the problem. I am just 'trying' to fix it".  I would investigate the author to see if he also published a paper that says eating chocolate destroys belly-fat.  You kind of see where I am going with this?   If covid is just flu (which is NOT an illness), something I believe, then it doesn’t require a cure, but doctors are the people we look to when we are scared of something and don't know what to do about it.  They gotta say something right?  "Go lie down and wait" seems like a terse, even crappy piece of advice.  Rockefeller spent a LOT of cash to make us believe that.  And being summarily dismissed by such a learned guy leaves a person kind of unsatisfied.    Imagine covid is an itchy scalp and go from that point to global pandemic.  What may require a cure is whatever they dosed the really bad case patients with, that were peddled out to present the fear in a way you would be afraid of.  There really were not that many of those, certainly no more than we might see normally, and what do we really know about any of those individual cases.  Nothing.  Did any of those poor fools smoke 5 packs a day?  I dunno.  It's not important to your fear, just the fear, that’s what is needed here. So, why are they really dead and what's the real cause?   You see, now the hunt begins…  You can't just answer one question, Gary, but lots of people do and that causes confusion and confusion is the enemies friend.  This stuff balloons quickly.  Whatever you come up with has to present as a decent explanation in every circumstance people can throw at you.   Let me know what you come up with. -John ​ This next one came from one of my research associates and it is pretty shocking.  This is the response of an actual doctor, the likes of which you might run into, so BEWARE of guys like this.  They are out there.                                                                                                                                              From: xxxxxxx Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2021 6:42 PM To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: Discussion with MD   First time I got a feel for how and why they treat COVID patients the way they do.   He literally said that he and his staff laugh at people who have not had the "vaccine" who come down with COVID (although he was clueless about PCR calibration cycles and such)... so actually it could be any patient with any SOB and here's this ER staff pointing their (glowing) finger and saying "told ya so" about the vaccine. ​ I asked him what he actually "did" to treat these patients.  He rambled about differing parameters, age, distance to ER, other conditions, oxygenation etc. then he said if they can be sent home they're given "supportive care" which he refused to define.  I took that to mean no drugs given even prophylactically . He could easily have prescribed any number of effective agents at this point but that's not what his hospital does. If they return sicker, then he does use mAbs or antivirals but I told him the data show they're no better than chance, why not use Clinda/Dexa which has a randomized/controlled trial showing 99.8% efficacy, or Clinda/HCQ+budesonide.  He said "HCQ is worthless" and ignored the whole proposition.  He said "we just follow what CDC/WHO tell us to do." If the patient returns in far worse state they forward him onto another institution where they're generally put on vents, MAYBE get dexamethasone, but it's not standard.  On vents 80-90% die.  Someone said vents were as close to a symbolic guillotine as they could come, implying it was a Noahide sacrificial mode?????  I don't know about that stuff.    So to me his sucky attitude, his recipe card following, this is just murder for hire, reminds of when Fauci blockaded aerosolized pentamidine which had stellar data for AIDS patients.      One more for today.  This one had to do with the Spanish researchers estimate of how much graphene was in the vials they examined.  Dr Jane Ruby, who made an appearance recently on the Stew Peters show repeated the percentage (99+%) and one of my associates challenged the percentage using her own math, and me for repeating it, to which I responded.  Just fyi - In this example Dr Jane Ruby was not correct and neither was I, but the jury is still out because as we know the vaccine product and batch number matters here and they are not consistently mixed nor does there seem to be a consistent "recipe" in use that the public, or anyone, can easily verify. ​ From: xxxxx Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2021 9:11 PM To: undisclosed-recipients: Subject: I'm taking on their psyops     I realize graphene oxide is the topic du jour but even the Spanish researchers said they did find a small amount of RNA in the shots.  So maybe it does not take a lot of that w/v% ... and now I'm skeptical about this calculation Stew Peterson's guest did on the w/v%.  She said it was 747 ng/ul which is 74.7 w/v%, not 99.9103% as she said.  This would make more sense since the shot is going to have buffers and sugar and salts in it, it's still a whole lot, the vast majority.  Exposing the 99% lie: Articles claiming 99% COVID deaths are in unvaccinated people blatantly refuse to state the testing methodology and PCR calibration.  This is critical since as it's been ad nauseum exposed, the PCR over 20 cycles is a false positive.  WHO admitted last summer that 96% of all CV19+ cases were false positives since they were testing at 45 cycles (2^45th! !!! !!!) where motor oil tests positive.  Plus the CARE act is still hugely financially incentivizing diagnostic misattribution and vent-care (no tested drugs like clinda/dexa, etc which had a 99.8% survival).  So if they pay huge sums to get a death certificate after vent use with COVID on it, that's the tilt of the results.  Plus states are still receiving from $30K to $350K per CV19+ patient so this skews results too. It's vitally important that the cycle calibration be disclosed, and to remove ALL financial factors, and further, remove threats or coercion of doctors to not use drugs which actually save lives instead of doing nothing til the patient turns blue then putting them on a vent whereby 90% die. Went to CDC site and they have nothing about this "99%" stuff. This just seems to be more poison shot drug pusher psyop lies.      From: JL [] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2021 5:15 AM To: xxxxxxx Subject: RE: I'm taking on their psyops   That’s the SPIRIT!   Ok, so Dr. Jane Ruby can't do math.  That’s a bit embarrassing, since it means I can't either.  But maybe forgivable since I am not as familiar with the terminology in use here.  (i.e. ul means upper intake level)  I mistakenly assumed it was either a typo or another unusual unit of measure like IU.  Good catch.  But knowing that now, what has changed?  Other than the fact that pharma, who I think it might be safe to assume probably has something to do with setting those upper intake levels, has determined how much of this poison a person can tolerate and likely done so with as little actual concern for that persons overall health as they have shown thus far.   In your opinion, should I now be questioning the 'safety' of 74.1% graphene oxide and looking for some dissent on this or are we back to scrutinizing the mysterious remainder of the formulations as far as what is really dangerous here?   As far as the rest of it goes, systemic corruption, the cash incentives, the PCR…  Reiner Fuellmich is busy suing the Earth and everyone on it over the clear misuse of the PCR as a way to mass manufacture pandemics, so he's on that, and Portugals second highest court offers some precedent on the matter having already ruled that the PCR is invalid for creating covid case counts.  The money being paid out to steer medical treatment options towards death is clearly a hideous corruption, but no more shocking than collecting billions in cancer research money when cancer has been cured numerous times already, and continually pretending that what they currently offer us in the way of treatment options is the best anyone can do.  Righting that and similar wrongs is not going to tell us where graphene oxides upper level toxicity should really be set, (finding that one odd annual flu shot example they cite may be a clue) nor what that leftover 25.9%  in the covid jab really consists of, but maybe the work being done by the Spanish guys will. (and maybe it won't, since they seem to have staked their contributional claims on finding G.O. and all the stuff G.O is capable of.)  Still, they do set a positive example for anyone else with a decent lab and access to vaccine vials, and they have shown what motivated people can find, which is a tasty carrot hanging out there for anyone who can find something equally shocking.  It astounds me, frankly, that over a half a year has passed since these vials were possible to obtain, that more people have not done similar investigative analysis of any of them.   I can't really dismiss easily my observation that, unlike those leading Americas Frontline Doctors, the '5 top docs' on this have yet to produce any actual patient data.  If you have seen them do that correct me, but I haven't seen it.  So far all I have seen them do is bat mechanisms of action back and forth, which is all well and good, but somebody needs to show me an actual Spike P. on a slide.  Someone needs to say "I did this repeatable test here and discovered Syncytin-1 and HIV gp120, and this lipid shit is hydrogel.  I mean all that is, thus far, more or less assumptive based on observational patient data coming mostly from Vax injury reports, right?  Even Judy Mikovits, who has so much so say on this, can be summed up effectively as "Fauci-man bad" cause this paper and that paper and this legal case and that wife in charge of NIH ethics and this money over here paid to that guy over there.  I mean, all that is serious and certainly implicates the guy as a bastard, but where's the lab slide or prison wallet with the contraband on it?   And what about those reports of vaxxed women causing unvaxxed menstrual symptoms and miscarriage.  What about unexplainable bruising in unvaxxed spouses.  I have not forgotten about all that.  Let's look hard at that again.  IF that is happening, THAT is a clue not to be ignored that keeps one foot in biology camp.  But it may be explainable.  What if…  It’s the fancy new 5G emitting diagnostic machine in the obstetricians exam room causing miscarriages?  You see how wide a net we have to cast here?  Are any of those goofy VR helmets that catch covid at the airport or the Star Trek phaser-like forehead thermometers hiding anything else?  Who makes those and just got a hefty govt supply contract paid for with CARE money?  I don't even like Wal-Mart aiming a FLIR cam at me when I walk in. (I rarely do, but still)  Just skim this and try to imagine all the hidden trip wires that are possible with this tech:   Back to your earlier comment about Dr. Fleming not being stupid…  I admit, I do make a bit of a joke out of the guy but I don't think he's necessarily stupid either, what I think he is, is complicit.  His faux outrage is standard operating procedure in counter intelligence spy-craft.  He seems like he's on your side but his discovery and finger pointing has little real effect except to stir the already boiling pot, right?  It's not like he hired an attorney to pursue the quarry or anything.  Like so many others before him, he cries wolf and then resumes his routine, medical license unthreatened.  I see these guys slithering all over the map, like glowing vax-tards.  (two still gainfully employed cases in point; Luc Montagniere and Geert Van den Bossche)  Everyone is fair game here.  If news came out tomorrow Lee Merritt was discovered to have a secret Swiss bank account filled with Pharma cash I would not really be all that surprised.  BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT CONTRIBUTING ANYTHING REALLY USEFUL.  They are publicly bitching.  It’s a rather diverse and compelling bunch of theories, an exceptionally educated sort of bitch, but a bitch just the same.  What am I to do with all those theories and why aren't they doing that?  I just see them coming out with more of them.   So, the question is where do we go from here?  I'd like to see Dolores Cahill, who is the only one I have heard say she has, in hand and reviewed, a more detailed ingredient list that is non-public and only available to someone similarly credentialed as herself and possibly for some stated purpose.  I heard her mention it.  I didn't hear her read it.  What's on that list?   It's not so much about any topic-du-jour as it is exposing the serial repetition of deceptive patterns, most of which are passing right over the heads of most lay people, and Pharma just laughs, like parents spelling out swear words in front of their children.  The discovery of ANY G.O. in the shots is really significant, not only because that is also precedent that indicts Pharma, rather glaringly, for willful negligence, but really because it is the kind of negligence anyone can prove.  Now, they don't care if you can prove they are criminals, we know that.  Smoking guns disintegrate into whiffs of perfume whenever a blank check is presented to the right guy as part of a big Pharma swag bag.  But G.O. is the kind of reveal which makes joe six-pack with a dead wife, a grudge and a gun a serious problem for Pharma's public relations dept.  THAT’S why I feel like the discovery of G.O. is the best development thus far in all this.  It provides an easily provable, easily understandable reason not to trust anything they tell us, as well as a way to shine a light on more than one troubling problem area. i.e. great reset, manufactured crisis, propagandist media, elitist motives and agendas, 5G dangers, organized crime on an industrial scale, flaccid democracies…  the whole nine.  When it really does become clear how expendable people are in all this they are gonna get mad and want some payback.  I mean, shit…  you know all this now.  Don't you?    I'm not even asking for all that much.  I am not likely to sweat not having the flying car I have been promised since my childhood, or not taking that lunar vacation, but I would appreciate being able to make an honest living doing something productive without having to make a suicide pact with "Kill" and "MANlinda" Gates.   -John        We believe we have as much a chance as any of them to discover how to reverse the damage these covid vaccines have wrought.  I can already mitigate some of it.  The next step, and most important work is still to be done and if someone out there can offer an assist in uncovering another piece of this puzzle, I have a job for you, a way to contribute, and together I believe we absolutely can save the world!   Email us @  or CALL 1-888-419-419-8492, Join the HOW TO ESCAPE DEATH AND INJURY IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED ANY OF THE COVID VACCINES.  People we love took "the shot heard around the world" I do not want them to die, I believe we can find the cure for the "cure", and we can start NOW! Be a voice help us save the world. Jack.