05-12-2023 • 55 minutos

Above you will find an important inspiring life changing shiur, that deals with the unknown significance of the code word לפניך. The teachings shared here, have the power to change our spiritual lives forever and help us connect to Hashem, like never before. Roshei Yeshiva, Chassidic Rebbe’s, Rabbonim have been captivated by this message. They are urging everyone to listen, learn and internalize these spiritual teachings and to spread them to Jews everywhere. These insights have the power to improve our relationship with Hashem; HOW we serve Him, HOW we study Torah, HOW we perform Mitzvos, HOW we Daven, and HOW we conduct our daily affairs. Being aware of Hashem’s presence, knowing that we are always in His presence and feeling Hashem's presence everywhere, all the time, will motivate us to spiritual heights never imagined possible before.
If you are inspired by this shuir, please help spread its teachings. Forward this email as is, to one and all and ask them to do the same, for the future spiritual benefit of Klal Yisroel. It will be a zechus for you and your family forever and a life changer to all those who will listen and learn through your efforts.

Comments: rabbiyaakovsinger@lefonecho.com
Hatzlocho V'Kol Tuv

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