Ep 13: Laura Humphries: The Flying Princess; Published Author; Commercial Pilot

The Leaders of Aviation

29-03-2022 • 48 minutos

Today’s guest, Laura Humphries, is a certified commercial pilot and known as the Flying Princess. Even though growing up, her grandfather worked for Air Jamaica, Laura says she had no interest in aviation.  It wasn’t until after she went to college for economics and was working at a car dealership that Laura was inspired to pursue a career in the air.  She says one day a young, black woman came into the dealership and started raving about her career as a flight attendant.  All it took was seeing someone that looked like her in that position to convince her she could do it too. After going through the process and getting hired on at Delta, Laura spent the next two years as a flight attendant before she started asking herself what’s next?  The answer came when she showed up for a flight and saw a black, female captain.  Again she told herself she could do that too.  Laura not only pursued her commercial pilot’s license, she went on to author a book series about how seeing someone that looks like you doing big things can inspire you to do the same. What You’ll Learn: What flight attendant training entails. How frustration inspired the You Look Like Me series. How long it took to go from private to commercial. What the most memorable moment of flight training has been. Favorite Quote: “I didn’t know seeing a black female pilot would make me want to be a pilot.  It really shows how important representation is.” -Laura Humphries

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