Honorable Andrew C. Weber - Perspectives: Responding to Global Emergencies

Contact Center Perspectives for the Federal Government

12-01-2021 • 19 minutos

Andrew C. Weber, former Assistant Secretary of Defense & former Director of the Nuclear Weapons Council joins us to talk about his perspectives on responding to global emergencies.  Mr. Weber has dedicated his professional life to countering nuclear, chemical, and biological threats and to strengthening global health security. Mr. Weber’s thirty years of US government service included five-and-a-half years as President Obama's Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Programs. He was a driving force behind Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction efforts to remove weapons-grade uranium from Kazakhstan and Georgia and nuclear-capable MiG-29 aircraft from Moldova, to reduce biological weapons threats, and to destroy Libyan and Syrian chemical weapons stockpiles. In addition, he coordinated US leadership of the international Ebola response for the Department of State. Mr. Weber is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Strategic Risks, a nonprofit, non-partisan security policy institute devoted to anticipating, analyzing and addressing core systemic risks to security in the 21st century, with special examination of the ways in which these risks intersect and exacerbate one another