America's Blindness to (Hindu) Human Rights

Hindu Heritage Hub

14-08-2020 • 32 minutos

The negative media coverage about CAA is based on an idealogy and disdain for Hindus and Hinduism; if not, why would they not condemn the Islamic republics neighboring India for failing to protect its minorities from ethnic cleansing and instead chastise the government of India for an act of compassion.

CAA is an act of compassion and grants citizenship to those who have been ethnically cleansed in neighboring Islamic republics. In the coverage of the CAA, the media also failed to recognize that India also granted citizenship rights to persecuted Christian refugees, as they, unlike persecuted Muslims, do not have the option of seeking refuge in the neighboring Islamic countries.

The media’s criticism of the Indian government has nothing to do with the granting of citizenship to these unfortunate refugees but is rather based on ideological differences with the government. These media (and even the politicians) have a fixed classification framework for victims and victimizers and use that framework as a basis for assessing all geopolitical events. The principals of these media organizations are arrogant; they believe they know what is best for the citizens of India and want their policy prescriptions to be implemented in India, even if those policies are antithetical to the views of India’s citizens.

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