Ken Elliot - Manifesting 123 And You Don’t Need #3

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31-07-2024 • 1 hora 12 minutos Manifesting 123…and you don’t need #3 This page: Description Next page: 20 questions Description: On the rarest of occasions, a revolutionary book comesalong that changes everything. This is the breakthrough you have been waiting for. The simplicity and power of Manifesting 123 is breathtakingand readers are reporting wonderful and sometimes spectacular results. Manifesting 123 has re-invented manifesting with new andbasic information you haven’t known before. This is the go-to manual forcreating the life you desire. Manifesting 123 is unique because it clearlyillustrates how our thoughts actually begin to take form on the other side andflow into our physical world. Ken reveals a number of first-handexperiences creating simple to complicated objects in thought that were viewedby others 2,400 miles away - in real time. No more guessing whether or notyour intentions are creating the intended result. Ken clearly describes howyour thoughts begin to build by taking form immediately. This changeseverything. Manifesting 123 also gives you a new and elegantway to eliminate worry. Worry is a powerful thought that can manifest whatyou don’t want. Now you can off-load the fear that blocks your path tohappiness and fulfillment. It is a simple and empowering solution. No more waiting, wishing and hoping for the result. Youare building the outcome immediately. The techniques in this book do notrequire any special skills or abilities and it is something that anyone can do. Available as paperback or audio MP-3 CD in standard orelectronic versions. Ken Elliott 2016 copy Ken Elliott is an artist and writerliving in Castle Rock Colorado. Over the last 15+ years, he has learned how ourthoughts actually take form to create what we are thinking. His book is at thecutting edge of Manifesting with new information that changes everything! The book,“Manifesting 123 …and you don’t need #3” is not an ordinary manifesting or lawof attraction book. It is the go-to manual for creating anything. 20 questions 1. How did you learn about manifesting? 2. Whatmakes this book different? 3. Cananyone do this? It is difficult? 4. Soour thoughts actually from up instantly? How? 5. Whatare the three great gifts? 6. Visionboards and lists. Why is your procedure different? 7. Whatis possible and what is not? 8. Whatis the chapter about the Rose and the Duck about? 9. Whatis the difference between a big miracle and a little one? 10. Whatis #1? The Movie and going to your future 11. Explainthe analogy about driving on the interstate and taking a bus to Chicago. 12. Whatis #2? Dealing with fear. Again, revisit the driving on the interstate analogy. 13. Shouldwe be careful about what we say? 14. Doesthis work for “bad” people? 15. Whydon’t we need #3? (You are so powerful. Who you really are) 16. Whatis the bonus? Why is gratefulness important? 17. Story: creating happiness, less stress andwaking up with the solution 18. Story:curing a glaucoma that was leading to blindness 19. Story:manifesting money and the equivalent of money, more time, happiness 20. Story:what NOT to ask for Keep up with manifesting tips and new stories via thewebsite and bi-weekly newsletter at 200 success stories from the newsletter are archived on the manifesting123 website. Available on the website in all ebook versions, audiodownloads and MP3 CDs KenElliott, author of Manifesting 123 and you don’t need #3 303-995-1611 · Ken Elliott has startling new information that brings newtools and clarity to the subject of manifesting. This information changes everything because itdescribes the basis of creation itself.

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