Jim Wetrich - Stifled

Tell Me Your Story

21-08-2024 • 57 minutos

website @ www.wetrichgroup.com book site @ https://jimwetrich.com/ Stifled is for future-minded leaders who want to keep up with an unprecedented pace of change in the workplace and deal with the issues that result from these changes. Great leaders and managers are not about control. They inspire, enable, and get the hell out of the way. A leader recognizes a person’s potential—a great leader helps develop that potential to its fullest. Stifled explores the techniques of successful leaders and managers in detail, offering ideas and solutions to all the challenges facing today’s organizations. In the wake of a global pandemic, a blossoming worldwide social consciousness, and a titanic shift in how business is done, the major issues of leadership and management have morphed, intensified, and multiplied. From the management of millennials and zoomers, to diversity and inclusion, to the need for transparency, the new global workplace, and managing the quantum speed of business evolution, Stifled tackles them all. Stifled is a must-read for anyone operating in today’s exploding global economy. Questions that Jim can answer to help you and your audience dive into the key themes of stifled: With your extensive experience leading teams across continents and consulting for numerous companies, what inspired you to write "Stifled" and share your leadership insights at this point in your career? The subtitle of your book, "Dealing with the issues that result from unprecedented workplace change," seems quite timely. Could you elaborate on some of these issues and how your book addresses them? Your book emphasizes that great leaders inspire, enable, and empower rather than control. Could you provide a couple of key examples from your career that illustrate how this approach has been successful? "Stifled" appears to focus not just on what leaders should do, but also on what they should stop doing. Could you highlight a few common practices or behaviors that leaders often engage in, which can undermine their team's productivity? In your book, you mention the need for transparency and the challenges of managing the quantum speed of business evolution. Could you provide insights into how leaders can strike a balance between transparency and adaptability? The business landscape has witnessed significant shifts due to factors like the pandemic and social consciousness. How do these changes impact the leadership qualities and skills that are now crucial for success? Diversity and inclusion are crucial topics in today's workplace. How does "Stifled" address these issues, and what advice would you offer to leaders striving to create more inclusive environments? You've mentioned coaching and mentorship as areas of focus in your current work. How can these practices contribute to developing better leaders, and what role do they play in addressing the challenges discussed in your book? Many readers appreciate actionable takeaways from business books. Could you share a few practical strategies or tactics from "Stifled" that leaders can implement to overcome the stifles you've identified? Your book has garnered praise from various influential leaders and authors. Could you share a particular story or experience that prompted one of these endorsements, and how it reflects the impact of your leadership philosophy? "Insightful and thought-provoking! James dives into all the little things we do to undermine the productivity of our organizations and the people we manage. The business world is moving too fast to not adapt and change with it - if you're feeling behind the curve with your workforce, read this book and take its advice!"

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