The Mesmerizing Yet Unwatchable World of Everything Everywhere...

The Downward Facing Spiritual Spiral

13-03-2023 • 33 minutos

Split screens. Fancy effects. Loud overbearing surround sound, but does this fancy movie have a heart?  Today on the Spiritual Spiral, I felt compelled to talk about this year's darling at the Oscars, Everything Everywhere All at Once. I'm not trying to be contrarian here when i say i couldn't watch more than 20 minutes of this movie. Sure the effects and the editing were fast and furious, pummeling my senses, but after 20 minutes, I had a headache and felt zero connection to the characters on screen. I know, I probably sound like a curmudgeon old man sitting on my door step yelling at the kids but seriously, did you actually enjoy this movie? Everything Everywhere to me represents the growing shift in the art world. An imperious attention to the visuals, the sounds, the 3D and the extravagant effects yet very little devotion to a compelling story. And if you strip all that tech and spice away, you're left with a meaningless mess of a story void of any heart. Do you want to check out a GREAT movie with a gorgeous score, rich characters and a powerful story that demands your attention? Go watch David Fincher's SEVEN. I watched it this past week and WOW, what a movie. As always, thanks so much for listening to the show and being so supportive. I appreciate YOU! Remember, my new book SSAFY can be purchased by visiting or on Amazon by clicking HERE and if you enjoy today's episode and you want to support the show, please subscribe to the podcast on iTUNES or Spotify. It's always helpful if you share the show with your friends or maybe head over to iTunes and write a quick review. You can visit my website and sign up for my email list and I'd love to hear from you so please reach out on IG @eddiecohn with any questions. Thanks again for listening.

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