Episode 6, Posadism with Andy Gittlitz

Ideologica Obscura

25-04-2022 • 1 hora 1 minuto

In this new episode, Thomas and Eren sit down and interview Andy Gittliz, a fellow podcaster from the Antifada podcast and writer of the book I Want To Believe: Posadism, UFOs, and Apocalypse Communism. We discuss how a working-class,  Argentinian footballer and bricklayer became one of the wackiest and most well known Trotskyist thinker of today. Through the topics of aliens and nuclear annihilation, political violence and sex, and senility and dolphins, we chart how his ideas became the modern meme ideology that is Posadism.

Check out Andy's podcast, twitter, and works at the link below. Also check out his book, 10/10 Ideologica Obscura rating! https://linktr.ee/gittlitz

And check out our Twitter at https://twitter.com/IdeologicaP

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