Ideologica Obscura


Ideologica Obscura takes the viewer on a journey into the world of wacky and esoteric political ideologies. This podcast uncovers the multitude of visions for society and the historical context they arose from. We wish to educate through a mix of rigorous research and low-brow humor because many a true word is spoken in jest. Ideologica Obscura is a comedy and education podcast and thus does not encourage or endorse any of the discussed ideologies, persons, or organizations. read less


Episode 3. National Bolshevism, Part 3, Post-Soviet Era
Episode 3. National Bolshevism, Part 3, Post-Soviet Era
In this third and final part of the National Bolshevism, Thomas and Eren discuss National Bolshevism emergence in post-Soviet Russia with Eduard Limonov and his National Bolshevik Party in the 90s and into the 21st century. Check out Ayden's muisc! Russian fascism: Traditions, Tendencies, Movements - Stephen D. Shenfield, 2000. The Beast Reawakens: Fascism’s Ressurgence from Hitler’s Spymasters to Today’s Neo-Nazi Groups and Right-Wing Extremists- Martin A. Lee, 2013. “Eduard Limonov’s National Bolshevik Party and the Nazi Legacy: Titular Nations vs Ethnic Minorities” in Cultural and Political Imaginaries in Putin’s Russia - Andrei Rogatcheviski, 2019. Entangled Far Rights: A Russian-European Intellectual Romance in the Twentieth Century - Marlene Laruelle, 2018. Post-Soviet Russia: A Journey Through the Yeltsin Era - Roy Medvedev, 2000. Translated by George Shriver.   Making post-Soviet counterpublics: the aesthetics of Limonka and the National-Bolshevik Party - Fabrizio Fenghi, 2018. An Investigation Into Red-Brown Alliances: Third Positionism, Russia, Ukraine, Syria, And The Western Left-, 2018.“Burundi : Fachosphère d’influence,” Libération-  Dominique Albertini et Pierre Benetti, 2016. Totalitarianisms: The Closed Society And Its Friends - Juan Francisco Fuentes, 2019. The Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein, 2008.