Episode 11, Modern Islamic Anarchism with Javier Sethness, Part 2

Ideologica Obscura

21-09-2023 • 43 minutos

Welcome to Season Two of Ideologica Obscura! We kick off this new season with final part of the Islamic Anarchism series where we interview writer and political theorist, Javier Sethness about the most recent and profound example of Islamic Anarchist theory by Mohammad Abdou. We also discuss Javier's critique of Abdou's book and the alternative that he proposes.

Links to Sources and Javier Sethness's Social Media

Islam and Anarchism - Mohammad Abdou

Against Orthodoxy and Despotic Rule: A Review of Islam and Anarchism - Javier Sethness

Islamic Anti-Authoritarianism against the Ulema-State Alliance: A Review of Islam, Authoritarianism, and Underdevelopment - Javier Sethness

Javier Sethness's Writings https://www.thecommoner.org.uk/author/jaFvier/

Follow Javier Sethness on Twitter @intlibecosoc

Check out our Social Media!

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ideologicaobscurapodcast/

Twitter: @IdeologicaP

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