Estrelles del rock que no saben tocar cap instrument

El celobert

04-12-2024 • 1 hora

Sembla un contrasentit, però en el món del pop hi ha bastants ídols incontestables que, tot i que són compositors de primera categoria, no saben tocar cap instrument, ni falta que els fa. 01 Morrissey - "First of the gang to die" 02 Michael Jackson - "Don't stop till you get enough" 03 James Brown - "Get up I feel like being like a sex machine" 04 José Alfredo Jimenez - "El rey" 05 The Strokes - "Last nite" 06 Fleetwood Mac - "Landslide" 07 The Doors - "People are strange" 08 REM - "Electrolite" 09 The National - "Tropic morning news" 10 Ian Brown - "FEAR" 11 Bobby Charles - "Small town talk" 12 Eric Burdon - "Spill the wine" 13 Sade - "Your love is king"