Aprofitant que encara estem de vacances escolars i tenim els fills amagats per casa, surfejant per les xarxes, hem cercat cançons on pares i fills comparteixen protagonisme sense tirar-se els plats pel cap.
01 Crowded House - "The howl"
02 Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra - "Something stupid"
03 Kate and Anna McGarrigle with Rufus Wainwright - "Schooldays"
04 Frank Zappa & Moon Zappa - "Valley girl"
05 Linda Thmpson & Teddy Thompson - "Those damn roches"
06 Richard Thompson & Teddy Thompson - "Persuasion"
07 Tweedy - "Summer noon"
08 Tori Amos - "Promise"
09 Leonard Cohen - "You want it darker"
10 Willie Nelson & Lukas Nelson - "Just breathe"
11 Ben Harper & Ellen Harper - "A house is a home"
12 Serge & Charlotte Gainsbourg - "Lemon incest"
13 Kate Bush - "Snowflake"