Jeff Fielder (Mark Lanegan, Amy Ray)

Performance Anxiety

12-06-2024 • 2 horas 5 minutos

My guest today is just fun to talk with. It’s Jeff Fielder. I first heard Jeff when researching for Mark Lanegan’s episode. He’s worked with so many people and made so much great music that it’s almost unbelievable. But he started off admiring rock before playing any. He grew up in Alaska with much older brothers. Long haired, Les Paul playing, Barracuda driving brothers. So Jeff got into music early. In fact, he started gigging before middle school in a 17 piece jazz band led by his future middle school music teacher and at one point, probably took one guitar lesson from the devil. His family moved to Seattle in the heyday of grunge. He played in a few bands that should have gone farther than they did. He started hanging out with Dave Abruzzesse and getting into session work. But after a while he put down music completely and became a craft bartender. But working with one artist brought him back. That’s when things started to snowball and they haven’t stopped. He’s played with Mark Lanegan, Amy Ray, Indigo Girls, Satchel, and Painted Shield. And despite his best efforts to the contrary, has made beautiful music with his wife, Tekla Waterfield. Most recently, he’s recorded a wild cover of Megadeth’s Peace Sells…But Who’s Buying with some amazing musicians, including mutual friend, Mike Squires for Couch Riffs. Keep an eye out for Jeff on the road with Duff McKagan and Indigo Girls. Follow him on Facebook and Instagram @jefffieldermusic. Follow us @PerformanceAnx on Instagram & X. Reach out and let us know who you want to hear from. Support us with coffee at or merch at Now check out the wild story of Jeff Fielder by Jeff Fielder on Performance Anxiety on the Pantheon Podcast Network. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit