Herp House Rock! - Episode 26 - Bushveld Reptiles Takes Us to South Africa and Back for House Snakes!

Herp House Rock!

10-10-2020 • 2 horas 13 minutos

Herp House Rock! - Episode 26 - Bushveld Reptiles Takes Us to South Africa and Back for House Snakes!  Warren Klein is a good brother from South Africa and he has some crazy experiences.  He shares his love for animals and especially the various species of African House Snakes.  He is the top person in the US with true lineage on house snakes.

He and his amazing wife, Nicole, have worked in some wonderful and dangerous jobs.  He tells about his job rehoming venomous snakes while wearing a bomb suit in the middle of a jungle in Africa.  It is a great conversation and I hope you enjoy it!


