Episode 339 - Historical Quotes - Fitness - The Dakotas - Choreographers - Prison Life

Instant Trivia

16-01-2022 • 8 minutos

Welcome to the Instant Trivia podcast episode 339, where we ask the best trivia on the Internet.

Round 1. Category: Historical Quotes

  • 1: Mass. town where patriot John Parker supposedly said, "If they mean to have a war let it begin here".
  • Lexington.
  • 2: At the 1968 Dem. Convention, this mayor stumbled and said, "The police are here to preserve disorder".
  • Richard (J.) Daley.
  • 3: As reported by Hernan Cortes in a 1522 dispatch, these people said that "by no means would they give themselves up".
  • the Aztecs.
  • 4: In a 1959 American kitchen exhibit in Moscow, he told Khrushchev, "In America, we like to make life easier for women".
  • Nixon.
  • 5: In 1888 this Chancellor told the Reichstag, "we Germans fear God, but nothing else in the world".
  • (Otto von) Bismarck.

Round 2. Category: Fitness

  • 1: A runner's fatigue caused by glycogen depletion is called "hitting" this.
  • "The wall".
  • 2: For boys to win the top Presidential Physical Fitness award, they have to run this distance in 6:06.
  • a mile.
  • 3: These machines mimic the action of running up stadium bleachers, with much more convenience.
  • Stair machines.
  • 4: The West Point candidate fitness assessment is a basketball throw, 2 runs and these 3 exercises with "up" in their names.
  • push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups.
  • 5: The West Point candidate fitness assessment is a basketball throw, 2 runs and these 3 exercises with "up" in their names.
  • push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups.

Round 3. Category: The Dakotas

  • 1: In 1997 the Dakotas were declared disaster areas as the cold hit -80 degrees including this factor.
  • Wind chill factor.
  • 2: Hot Springs, South Dakota has one of North America's largest graveyards of these prehistoric elephants.
  • mammoths.
  • 3: A "Little" river and a "Big Muddy" river with this name flow through both states.
  • Missouri.
  • 4: Much of the Dakotas was once dominated by the Lakota and Nakota branches of this Indian tribe.
  • Sioux.
  • 5: Now a North Dakota city, this junction of 2 rivers was called "Les Grandes Fourches" by French traders.
  • Grand Forks.

Round 4. Category: Choreographers

  • 1: He conceived, directed and choreographed the musical which included the following:"Tonight, tonight, the world is wild and bright...".
  • Jerome Robbins.
  • 2: When Balanchine staged "Orpheus and Eurydice" at this U.S. opera house, he kept the singers in the pit.
  • the Met(ropolitan Opera House).
  • 3: This modern dancer created over 170 works; her career spanned the century.
  • Martha Graham.
  • 4: In a single year he choreographed "42nd Street", "Footlight Parade", and "Gold Diggers of 1933".
  • Busby Berkeley.
  • 5: In the original 1942 production of "Rodeo", she danced the role of the cowgirl.
  • Agnes de Mille.

Round 5. Category: Prison Life

  • 1: Federal prison camps, also called this level of security, may have no perimieter fencing.
  • minimum security.
  • 2: Convict priest John Geoghan was kept in this, abbreviated PC, but was killed by another inmate in PC.
  • protective custody.
  • 3: In 1995 Arizona banned this recreation, fearing that it produced stronger criminals.
  • weightlifting.
  • 4: Nazi imagery and ideas inspire this vicious "Brotherhood" that began in California prisons in the 1960s.
  • the Aryan Brotherhood.
  • 5: It can mean a single charge of which you were convicted, or a procedure conducted several times a day.
  • a count.

Thanks for listening! Come back tomorrow for more exciting trivia!