Blues is the truth 703

Blues is the Truth

11-05-2024 • 2 horas

Edition 703 of "Blues is the Truth," curated and presented by the incomparable Ian McHugh, marks a historic moment as it becomes the inaugural show to grace the airwaves of Buddy Guy Radio. As always, McHugh delivers an electrifying blend of blues classics, deep cuts, and emerging talents, promising listeners an unforgettable journey through the soul-stirring landscape of blues music.

The episode features the beloved regular segments that fans have come to cherish, including "The Song Remains the Same," where timeless tracks are revisited and celebrated, and "The Title Track Tango," a segment that delves into a pair of albums by spotlighting their titular tracks. Additionally, the revered Paul Michael introduces a standout selection in "Blues Driver," ensuring that each moment of the show is filled with sonic treasures waiting to be unearthed.

Buddy Guy's unmistakable touch graces the airwaves with soulful melodies and searing guitar licks, setting the stage for an unforgettable musical odyssey. Among the luminaries featured are Connolly Hayes, Otis Grand, Big Harp George, Jimmie Vaughan, Johnny Guitar Watson, Doug Macleod, The Guv’Nors, T Bone Walker, The Cinelli Brothers, Billy Bragg, Brigitte Purdy, Paul Cook Blues Band featuring Katie Bradley, David Sinclair 4, Long John Baldry, Linsey Alexander, Mississippi Heat, Steve Purcell, Big Mama Thornton, BB King, Richard Townend and the Mighty Bosscats, Travelling Blue Kings, Duke Robillard, Amba Tremain, and the Steady Rollin’ Revue.

With a lineup as rich and diverse as the blues itself, edition 703 of "Blues is the Truth" is a testament to the genre's enduring power to captivate, inspire, and move audiences of all backgrounds. So, tune in, turn up the volume, and let the blues wash over you in all its raw, unfiltered glory.