Israel Today: Ongoing War Report - Update from 2024-06-26 at 09:03

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

3 días atrás • 5 minutos

- **Vatican Calls for Middle East Peace Amid Escalating Israel-Hamas Conflict**
- **Israel Begins Drafting Ultra-Orthodox Yeshiva Students Following Supreme Court Ruling**
- **Netanyahu to Propose New Position on Palestinian Autonomy in US Congress Address**

The time is now 09:00 AM in New York, I'm Noa Levi and this is the latest Israel Today: Ongoing War Report.

In the latest developments surrounding the Israel-Hamas conflict, Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin has urged all parties involved to embrace peace proposals. Speaking at a press conference in Beirut, Parolin emphasized the urgent need for peace in the Middle East, including Lebanon, and called for the cessation of hostilities, the release of hostages in Gaza, and the unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid to Palestinians. He highlighted the critical juncture the region is facing, stressing that the entire world does not need more war.

Since the onset of the conflict on October 7, the bloodiest escalation in Gaza's history, the toll has been devastating. Hamas's initial attack on southern Israel resulted in the deaths of 1,195 people, mostly civilians, and the capture of approximately 250 hostages. Israel's retaliatory measures have since led to the deaths of at least 37,718 people in Gaza, predominantly civilians, according to the health ministry in the Hamas-controlled territory. The ongoing violence has raised fears of a broader regional conflict, particularly with the involvement of Hezbollah, Hamas's ally in Lebanon.

In Lebanon, Prime Minister Najib Mikati has called for the decoupling of Lebanon’s stability from the complex conflicts raging in the region. The cross-border exchanges between Israel and Hezbollah have resulted in significant casualties on both sides, with more than 480 people killed in Lebanon, including 94 civilians, and 15 soldiers and 11 civilians in Israel.

On the domestic front, the Israeli Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara has directed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to begin the immediate drafting of thousands of ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students, following a Supreme Court ruling. This historic decision mandates the military service of yeshiva students who were previously receiving annual draft deferments. The ruling challenges the status quo, which has long allowed ultra-Orthodox men to defer military service indefinitely. The IDF has indicated that while approximately 63,000 yeshiva students are eligible for the draft, it can currently absorb only 3,000 new recruits. The ultra-Orthodox community has condemned the ruling as a direct assault on their religious practices.

In a related development, there has been a significant shift in Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's stance on Palestinian statehood. Reports indicate that Netanyahu will present a new position on this matter during his upcoming address to the US Congress, aimed at facilitating normalization with Saudi Arabia. While Netanyahu’s office insists that he remains opposed to a Palestinian state, senior aides have hinted at possible support for increased Palestinian autonomy. This move is part of broader US efforts to stabilize the region and advance diplomatic ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile, tensions between Netanyahu's administration and the Biden administration have surfaced. Netanyahu recently criticized the US for delays in weapon shipments, which the White House has refuted, stating that all transfers are proceeding normally except for one specific shipment delayed due to operational concerns.

In other news, a grenade attack targeted the offices of an NGO promoting Israeli-Palestinian coexistence, causing extensive damage but no casualties. The motive behind the attack remains unclear.

Additionally, the IDF has released a video showing a Hamas projectile being fired at a UNICEF aid convoy in Gaza. The convoy’s mission was to reunite children from northern Gaza with their families in the south. The IDF condemned Hamas for jeopardizing the safety of civilians and obstructing humanitarian efforts.

On a different note, the Israeli government has been facilitating the integration of new immigrants (Olim) through various programs, despite the ongoing conflict. Organizations like Nefesh B’Nefesh have been instrumental in helping Olim navigate the complexities of Israeli society, offering language courses and practical assistance to ease their acclimation process.

These events underscore the multifaceted nature of the conflict and the numerous efforts, both domestic and international, to address its humanitarian and political dimensions.

Thank you for tuning in to this Israel Today: Ongoing War Report update.
I'm Noa Levi. Stay safe and informed.
Keep in mind that this AI-generated report may contain occasional inaccuracies, so consult multiple sources for a comprehensive view. Find the code and more details in the podcast description.


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