Israel Today: Ongoing War Report - Update from 2024-06-25 at 16:03

Israel Today: Ongoing War Report

4 días atrás • 5 minutos

- **Israel's High Court Orders Ultra-Orthodox Draft, Threatens Netanyahu's Coalition Stability**
- **US Urges Israel to Avoid Conflict with Hezbollah Amid Rising Tensions**
- **Houthis Target Israeli Vessel in Arabian Sea, Escalating Regional Conflict**

The time is now 04:00 PM in New York, I'm Noa Levi and this is the latest Israel Today: Ongoing War Report.

Israel’s High Court of Justice has ruled unanimously that the state must draft ultra-Orthodox Jewish men into military service, a decision that could destabilize Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government. Historically, ultra-Orthodox men have been exempt from mandatory military service, a point of significant political contention. The court's decision underscores the need for legislative action to address military exemptions, especially as Israel remains engaged in conflict with Hamas in Gaza and prepares for potential hostilities in Lebanon.

The court stated that the executive branch lacks the authority to exempt yeshiva students from military service without an appropriate legislative framework. This ruling, which also mandates the cessation of funding to yeshivas whose students evade service, was prompted by petitions from civil society groups advocating for the inclusion of ultra-Orthodox men in mandatory military service.

The ultra-Orthodox community, making up approximately 13 percent of Israel’s nearly 10 million population, has traditionally received exemptions to study in religious seminaries. This arrangement is seen as vital for preserving Israel's Jewish identity but has led to political friction. Netanyahu's coalition, which includes ultra-Orthodox parties vehemently opposed to such conscription, might face instability due to this ruling.

Netanyahu's Likud party has proposed a bill to gradually increase ultra-Orthodox enlistment, though it has not yet passed committee stages and requires further parliamentary approval. Critics argue that the bill does not adequately address the military's needs following the October 7 attacks. Opposition leaders have welcomed the court's decision, emphasizing the need to uphold the law and issue draft orders to those who have evaded service.

Meanwhile, the United States is urging Israel to avoid a major conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon. Top American officials are pushing for diplomatic solutions to prevent another Middle East crisis, amidst daily exchanges of fire between Israeli forces and Iran-backed Hezbollah. The Israeli military has confirmed plans for an offensive in Lebanon, which has raised concerns in Washington about a potential escalation into a regional war.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, during talks with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant at the Pentagon, emphasized the catastrophic consequences of another Israel-Hezbollah war and advocated for diplomacy as the best route to de-escalation. Gallant acknowledged the importance of working closely with the US to achieve readiness for any scenario while also seeking a diplomatic resolution. The ongoing cross-border violence has already resulted in significant casualties on both sides, and the US is committed to ensuring Israel has the means to defend itself.

In other news, Yemen’s Houthis claimed responsibility for targeting the "Israeli MSC Sarah V" vessel in the Arabian Sea with a newly developed ballistic missile. This escalation adds another layer of complexity to the regional conflict dynamics.

Domestically, former Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz expressed confidence in Israel's ability to dismantle Hezbollah’s military power swiftly. Speaking at the Herzliya Conference, Gantz emphasized the need to return displaced residents to their homes and suggested that Israel's military might could bring Lebanon to a standstill if necessary. He also underscored the importance of building alliances, including normalization with Saudi Arabia, to counteract Iranian influence.

In Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, a senior Hamas political leader, mourns the loss of his older sister, Zahr Abdel Salam Haniyeh, who was killed in an Israeli airstrike near Gaza City. The attack also claimed the lives of Haniyeh’s sons and grandsons earlier this year. Despite these personal losses, Haniyeh remains steadfast in his position against Israel.

Lastly, former Shas MK Moshe Maya condemned the High Court's ruling on ultra-Orthodox conscription, calling it an offense to religion and vowing resistance. The Labor Party’s Naama Lazimi criticized Maya's stance, arguing that it distorts Sephardic tradition and is driven by political motives.

These developments reflect the multifaceted nature of the ongoing conflict and the complex socio-political landscape within Israel, as well as the broader regional implications.

Thank you for tuning in to this Israel Today: Ongoing War Report update.
I'm Noa Levi. Stay safe and informed.
Keep in mind that this AI-generated report may contain occasional inaccuracies, so consult multiple sources for a comprehensive view. Find the code and more details in the podcast description.


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