E7:T14 "Illuminate Your Path: Navigating Spirituality with Kaelan and Ecstatic Self - A Transformative Podcast Experience"


09-04-2024 • 35 minutos

Ilumina tu camino: navegando por la espiritualidad con Kaelan y el yo extático: una experiencia de podcast transformadora

Introducing Kaelan: Spiritual Guide, Author, and Workshop Leader. With over a decade of experience, he's guided diverse clients from CEOs to federal judges. His two books, "Journey to the Ecstatic Self" and "I Dreamt of Flight," inspire personal growth. From ashram residency to corporate workshops, Kaelan's wisdom shines. Based in Washington, DC, he shares his journey with his husband and pets."

Presentamos a Kaelan: guía espiritual, autor y líder de talleres. Con más de una década de experiencia, ha guiado a diversos clientes, desde directores ejecutivos hasta jueces federales. Sus dos libros, "Journey to the Ecstatic Self" y "I Dreamed of Flight", inspiran crecimiento personal. Desde la residencia en el ashram hasta los talleres corporativos, la sabiduría de Kaelan brilla. Con base en Washington, DC, comparte su viaje con su esposo y sus mascotas".

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