1428 幸福的秘訣是?|用英語回答:你去過幾個國家了?

Fly with Lily 學英語環遊世界

02-03-2022 • 11 minutos

訂閱我的Youtube視頻日更版本:Fly with Lily


The secret of happiness is the realization that life is a gift, not a right. 幸福的秘訣就是理解生命是一個禮物,不是權利。

Day 2 日記問題:

How many countries have you visited? Talk about them! 你去過幾個國家呢?聊聊你去過的這些地方。

I have been to over 30 countries. I have lived in Spain, Japan, and the States and those are my three favorite countries. Spain is beautiful and relaxing. Japan is comfortable and the food is amazing. People are approachable and easy to talk to in the States. I don’t know where to begin, but I really love the feeling of being in different countries. I hardly get any homesickness, so I think I belong on the road.


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