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AFMW: Klay S. Williams, Author and Holistic Lifestyle Expert

A Few Moments With...

26-10-2018 • 14 minutos

Author, Speaker and Holistic Life Coach KLAY S. WILLIAMS stopped by to spend "A Few Moments With" FOX News' Crystal Berger. Klay discusses his journey to self-discovery and how that journey turned into a mission to help others create a plan for their lives. In his latest release, "There Is Only Plan A: A Journey Toward Self-Discovery and Renewed Purpose" Klay shares how closing the gap between your past and present develops a life full of meaning, authenticity, and purpose. Klay is a renowned speaker and has traveled the world helping others working with some of the most influential thought leaders including New Age Movement pioneer Deepak Chopra. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: PlanAwithKlay Podcast: Plan A Konversations w/ Klay S. Williams iTunes,Spotify Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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