Sí, ja sabem que queda una mica carrincló, però no ens podem estar de dir-ho: no hi ha res més encisador que els arbres mig despullats i les fulles de colors caient quan arriba la tardor.
01 Simon & Garfunkel - "Leaves that are green"
02 Yves Montand - "Les feuilles mortes"
03 Paolo Nutini - "Autumn"
04 Anímic - "Les fulles fan d'ocell"
05 Van Morrison - "When the leaves come falling down"
06 Sun Kil Moon - "Among the leaves"
07 June Tabor - "The leaves of life"
08 Ella Fitzgerald - "Lullaby of the leaves"
09 Darryll-Ann - "The leaves"
10 Paul Lindsay - "Autumn song (the leaves on the trees are falling)"
11 Colapesce - "Le foglie appese"
12 Madison Beer - "Envy the leaves"
13 The Transports - "The leaves in the woodland"
14 This Pine Box - "The leaves"
15 Mansions On The Moon - "Leaves fall"