Why Willpower Doesn’t Work (and what does)

The Self-Creation School

31-01-2024 • 18 minutos

In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica questions the effectiveness of willpower alone for achieving success. She discusses the concept of decision fatigue and how relying solely on willpower results in burnout and stress.

Leanne introduces the concept of identity-based habits, where changing self-perceptions results in changing actions naturally without the necessity for willpower. She offers practical steps to shift from willpower to an identity-based approach and how small consistent actions can cement your new identity.

With various examples and stories, she emphasizes the effectiveness and sustainability of the identity-based approach versus willpower.

Tune in to learn how to fuel your success with who you BE.

Episode Overview:

00:00 Introduction to the Podcast Episode

01:59 The Problem with Relying on Willpower

04:14 The Story of Lisa: A Case Study

06:34 The Limitations of Willpower

09:12 The Power of Identity-Based Habits

12:27 Practical Steps to Shift from Willpower to Identity-Based Approach

15:31 The Challenges and Rewards of the Identity-Based Approach

16:41 Conclusion and Invitation to Further Resources

Mentioned Resources:

Discover what's stopping you from saying YES! to a life you love and I’ll show you how to shift it using my unique Self-Creation Shift™ quick-fire approach. You can apply this method to shift any of your limiting stories!

Take the FREE Assessment here: https://selfcreationschool.com/yesblock

Useful Resources:

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Episode Downloads:

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