The Self-Creation School

Leanne Letica

Join Leanne Letica in The Self-Creation School podcast, your weekly invitation to say YES! to a wildly fulfilling life you love waking up to every single day. As the Queen of YES!™, Leanne is known for inspiring women to ditch mediocrity, step up and get more of what they want, and create a life that’s rich from the inside out. Leanne’s transition from a Millionaire's Maid to Self-Created Millionaire showcases the sheer power of a YES! mindset. But the secret sauce to her success? Understanding the true power of possibility doesn't lie in what you DO, but in who you choose to BE. Tune in every Wednesday for in-depth conversations about playing life by your own personal rulebook, actionable tips for dismantling the 'shoulds' that hold you back, and everything in-between, as Leanne guides you in creating a life you love. If you’re ready to give yourself permission to let go of who you SHOULD be and say YES! to who you COULD be, you’re in the right place. Learn more at USEFUL RESOURCES: • Discover What’s Stopping You: • Steal My Self-Creation Secrets: • Grab the Manifesto: • Join Week of YES!: CONNECT WITH LEANNE: • Instagram: • Facebook: read less


Embracing Vulnerability
5 días atrás
Embracing Vulnerability
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica explores the challenging emotion of vulnerability. She discusses how vulnerability can be a gateway to understanding deeper emotions and beliefs, and talks about how sweeping emotions under the carpet can negatively impact life. Through her personal stories, including overcoming a medical emergency and rebranding her coaching business, Leanne illustrates the importance of sitting with one's emotions, rewriting limiting beliefs, and harnessing both positive and negative emotions to move forward. She introduces tools such as the Beliefs Bridge and offers practical tips for embracing vulnerability including shifting stories and cleaning up emotions daily. This episode aims to help ambitious women navigate their vulnerabilities and use them as a powerful tool for personal growth and achieving their fullest potential. Episode Details: 00:00 Opening Up About Vulnerability 02:41 The Journey of Embracing Vulnerability 04:03 A Personal Story of Vulnerability and Growth 16:53 The Power of Emotions in Shaping Beliefs 31:26 Navigating Through Vulnerability: Practical Steps 34:23 Understanding The Beliefs Equation 37:17 Closing Thoughts and Resources Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: My Daily Journal: Week of YES!: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
The Power of Self-Compassion
The Power of Self-Compassion
This episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, hosted by Leanne Letica, focuses on the transformative power of self-compassion. Leanne discusses the negative impact of critical self-talk and how embracing self-compassion can lead to a more fulfilling life. She shares her own personal journey towards self-compassion, highlighting how it enabled her to overcome challenges, improve her relationships, and build a life she loves. The episode emphasizes that self-compassion is about treating oneself with the kindness one would show a friend, and it provides listeners with actionable steps for developing a compassionate relationship with themselves. Episode Details: 00:00 The Power of Self-Compassion: Transforming Self-Criticism into Self-Love 03:47 The Journey to Self-Compassion: A Personal Story 11:16 Understanding Self-Compassion: Its Core Components and Benefits 19:49 Practical Tips for Cultivating Self-Compassion 24:28 Embracing Self-Compassion for a Fulfilling Life Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: My Daily Journal: Week of YES!: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
10 Signs You Are Playing the Support Act
10 Signs You Are Playing the Support Act
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica addresses the 10 subtle signs indicating you might be relegating yourself to a supporting role in your own life instead of seizing the leading role you deserve. Drawing from her personal journey from an almost bankrupt single mom cleaning the homes of multi-millionaires to a Self-Created multi-millionaire and successful businesswoman, Leanne shares insights on the importance of self-worth and choosing one's own story over conforming to societal expectations or the status quo. The discussion includes practical strategies for recognizing and overcoming tendencies like people-pleasing, self-neglect, and downplaying one's achievements, which can keep individuals from fully stepping into their power and living a life that is truly theirs. Leanne offers practical advice on how to become the leading lady in your own story, including increasing self-worth through self-awareness, rewriting empowering personal narratives, establishing boundaries, and seeking professional support if necessary. The episode aims to inspire listeners to reflect on their lives, recognize areas where they may be relinquishing control, and take actions towards claiming their rightful place as the star of their own extraordinary life story. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction: Are You the Star of Your Own Story? 01:48 From Shadows to Spotlight: Personal Journey 02:46 The Status Quo's Script vs. Self-Creation 03:46 The Illusion of External Success 06:32 Identifying the Roles We Play to Hide 09:00 Chief People-Pleaser: Sacrificing for Approval 14:46 Chief Self-Denial Officer: Neglecting Your Needs 20:12 Chief Not Enoughness: Minimizing Your Worth 23:32 Reclaiming Your Star Role: Steps to Self-Worth 27:38 Bonus Tips for Transformation 30:45 Closing Thoughts and Resources Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: My Daily Journal: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
Stop Telling Yourself These 3 Lies
Stop Telling Yourself These 3 Lies
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica explores common self-imposed limitations, such as feeling not good enough, not being ready, or not having enough time, and offers insights on how to overcome them. Leanne discusses the power of rewriting the stories we tell ourselves to move past these limitations and confidently pursue a life that fulfills us. Through examples and practical advice, she encourages listeners to say YES! to their dreams and aspirations by challenging misconceptions about readiness, time management, and self-worth. Also featured are tips on overcoming negative self-talk, avoiding comparison, and practicing self-compassion. Additionally, Leanne invites listeners to join her free workshop and weekly newsletter for further Self-Creation secrets. Episode Details: 00:00 Unveiling the Lies That Hold You Back 01:20 The Power of Saying YES! to Life 01:33 Debunking the Lies: Not Ready, Not Enough Time, Not Good Enough 04:28 The Fallacy of Being 'Ready' 08:55 The Truth About 'Not Having Enough Time' 11:57 Overcoming the 'Not Good Enough' Lie 19:12 Practical Tips to Rebuild Your SELF Wealth 21:55 Closing Thoughts and Resources Mentioned Resources: Want a backstage pass to my weekly Self-Creation secrets? Join CREATED, it's the weekly email that helps you create YOUR SELF so you can create a LIFE YOU LOVE. Imagine saying YES! to your dreams after just ONE A-HA moment you had reading CREATED over your Wednesday morning latte or sneaky glass of champs. #makeyourownrules For A-HA moments join today at: Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: My Daily Journal: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
My 3 Morning Musts for Self-Created Success
My 3 Morning Musts for Self-Created Success
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica shares her insights on the importance of morning rituals for setting up your day for success. Leanne highlights how not being a morning person by nature doesn't stop her from engaging in three non-negotiable morning rituals that fuel her Self-Created success. She emphasizes the transformative power of reading her Unapologetic YES! Story, adhering to her Self-Created Woman's Manifesto, and journaling to finish her day on paper before it starts. These practices help align her actions with her ultimate life goals, foster positive self-beliefs, and ensure each day contributes meaningfully towards achieving her biggest, boldest dreams. Leanne encourages listeners to consider how their mornings might be reshaped to better support their journey toward a fulfilled and self-authored life, offering free downloadable resources like her daily journal pages to aid in this pursuit. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction to Morning Rituals for Success 02:06 The Power of Non-Negotiable Morning Rituals 04:51 Unapologetic YES! Story: The Big Picture 06:37 Personal Manifesto: Your Rulebook for Life 08:20 Journaling: The Ultimate Game-Changer 11:29 Reflecting on Your Day and Setting Intentions 17:38 Closing Thoughts and Free Resources Mentioned Resources: Get My Manifesto: the FREE Assessment: My Daily Journal: Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
How to Show Up For Yourself and Your Dreams
How to Show Up For Yourself and Your Dreams
This episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, hosted by Self-Creation Coach Leanne Letica, focuses on helping listeners overcome the common barriers that prevent them from showing up for themselves and achieving their dreams. Leanne outlines the importance of knowing what you want, understanding your motivation (your 'why'), becoming who you need to be to achieve your dreams, identifying where changes are needed in your life, and mapping out actionable steps ('your how') to make those dreams a reality. She emphasizes the need to be specific about desires, to understand the deep motivations behind these desires, to visualize and align with the future version of oneself, and to schedule and commit to the necessary actions that will close the gap between the current and future self. The episode is filled with practical exercises, tips, and strategies, including the seven layers exercise for uncovering your 'why', and detailed advice for planning and adapting your daily routine to align with your goals. Leanne also provides resources like a free quiz and a mini-workshop to support listeners on their journey to saying YES! to a life that fulfills them. Episode Details: 00:00 The Struggle of Showing Up for You and Your Dreams 02:14 Laying the Groundwork: The Five Keys to Showing Up 02:54 Key #1: Knowing What You Want 07:32 Key #2: Understanding Your Why 11:24 Key #3: Becoming Your Who 13:45 Key #4: Identifying Your Where 16:08 Key #5: Mapping Out Your How 26:43 Bonus Tips for Implementing Your Plan 29:33 Final Thoughts and Conclusion Mentioned Resources: Discover what’s stopping you from saying YES! to a life you love and I’ll show you how to shift it using my unique Self-Creation Shift™ quick-fire approach. You can apply this method to shift any of your limiting stories! Take the FREE Assessment here: Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
Me, My SELF and My Storyteller: Overcoming Negative Self-Talk
Me, My SELF and My Storyteller: Overcoming Negative Self-Talk
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica focuses on transforming negative self-talk into empowering narratives. She draws a vivid analogy between decluttering a physical closet and curating a 'mental wardrobe' of self-talk that supports and celebrates one's best aspects. Leanne discusses how negative self-talk, represented by a metaphorical 'storyteller' within us, can distort our self-image and hinder our aspirations. She shares her personal journey of overcoming self-doubt fueled by childhood experiences and introduces a step-by-step process for identifying, challenging, and replacing harmful self-narratives with empowering 'designer stories'. The episode emphasizes the importance of curating a 'mental closet' filled with positive self-talk that encourages confidence and action towards achieving one's goals and offers practical tips for maintaining this mindset. The episode is a call to action for listeners to actively engage in shaping their self-talk to lead lives that are aligned with their deepest ambitions and desires. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction: Taming Your Inner Critic 02:19 The Power of Self-Talk: Revamping Your Mental Closet 03:23 Personal Story: Mrs X and Overcoming the Critic Within 14:18 Curating Your Mental Closet: A Step-by-Step Guide 23:23 Practical Tips: Maintaining Your Designer Collection of Positive Stories 29:43 Conclusion: Embracing the Power of Positive Self-Talk Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
The Identity Habit Hack: Being vs. Doing
The Identity Habit Hack: Being vs. Doing
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica explores the profound connection between an individual's identity and their habits, and how adjusting one's self-concept can lead to lasting habit change.Leanne argues that the secret to overcoming the challenge of changing habits isn't found in what actions you take but in the identity you embrace. She introduces the concept of the 'Identity Habit Loop', a cycle where habits reinforce identity and vice versa, making habit transformation more effective and less reliant on finite resources like willpower. She also provides practical steps for listeners to help them reshape their identity and reinforce new habits using the Identity Habit Loop.This episode encourages listeners to focus on 'being' rather than 'doing', presenting an alternative approach to achieving personal goals and adopting new habits while inspiring them to say YES! to a life that truly resonates with their aspirations. Episode Details: 00:00 The Secret to Changing Habits: It's Not What You Do, It's Who You Be 02:21 The Frustration of Habit Change and Relying on Willpower 06:22 Identity vs. Action: Transforming Habits from the Inside Out 12:52 The Identity Habit Loop: A Game Changer 16:42 Three Steps to Reshape Your Identity and Habits 25:28 Final Thoughts and Conclusion Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
The Fastest Way to Your YES!
The Fastest Way to Your YES!
In this episode of The Self-Creation School Podcast, host Leanne Letica explores the essential role of self-worth in helping women say YES! to themselves and their dreams. The discussion builds on the previous episode's exploration of the five YES! Blocks – Permission, Possibility, Passion, Purpose, and Persona – common barriers that prevent women from embracing a life they love. Leanne emphasizes that self-worth is foundational to navigating these blocks and outlines a three-step process to build self-worth and transform one's life. The episode offers practical tips on editing negative self-worth stories, aligning with a new identity of high self-worth, and embodying this identity in day-to-day life to say YES! to one’s dreams. Leanne also mentions a FREE quiz to identify one's predominant YES! Block and invites listeners to join her FREE mini-workshop, the Week of YES!, to further empower their journey towards living a life they are truly obsessed with. This episode is for women seeking to embrace their worthiness, dismantle barriers to their aspirations, and lead a life aligned with their true desires. Episode Details: 00:00 Unlocking the Power of YES! 01:04 Recap: The Five YES! Blocks 05:41 The Ultimate Game-Changer: Self-Worth 08:31 Self-Worth and the Five YES! Blocks 17:22 Three Steps to Building Your Self-Worth 23:15 Embodying Your New Worthy Self: Practical Tips 27:44 Final Thoughts and Conclusion Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
How to Say YES! to You and Your Dreams
How to Say YES! to You and Your Dreams
Hosted by Leanne Letica, this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast explores the less discussed topic of midlife reinvention in women, a phase in their lives where they seek more meaning, fulfillment, and personal identity. The episode highlights the prevalent issue of women habitually putting their needs, wants, and dreams aside to prioritize others and the deep-rooted tendency among women to say ‘no’ to themselves.Leanne sheds light on the concept of ‘YES! Blocks’, which encapsulate the challenges women face when attempting to prioritize their own desires and dreams during this transitional midlife phase. These blocks include Permission, Possibility, Passion, Purpose, and Persona, each representing a unique set of obstacles that prevent women from fully embracing their true potential and desires.By sharing insightful strategies and encouraging women to explore and overcome their YES! Blocks, the episode is designed to support women in navigating the empowering opportunity one’s midlife offers to a more meaningful and fulfilling life. Leanne's approach combines personal anecdotes with professional insights, aiming to inspire listeners to break free from limitations and societal expectations, and to say YES! to a life filled with purpose, joy, and self-acceptance. Episode Details: 00:00 The Midlife Phase in Women: A Personal Journey 01:39 A Common Struggle: Saying No to You and Your Dreams 04:13 Overcoming the Roadblocks to Saying YES! 08:34 Granting Permission: The First Step to Embracing Your Desires 15:01 Exploring the Possibilities: Dreaming Beyond Boundaries 19:20 Igniting Passion: Fueling the Journey to Your Dreams 23:58 Finding Purpose: Creating a Life of Meaning 27:54 Shaping Your Persona: The Key to Living Your Dream Life 31:34 Confronting the Storyteller: Rewriting Your Limiting Stories 34:24 Final Thoughts, Free Resources and Conclusion Mentioned Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: the FREE Workshop: Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
The Limitless Language Shift
The Limitless Language Shift
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica shares the profound impact of everyday language choices on our lives. She recounts a personal story about how the word 'BUT' negatively affected her life and relationships, and how changing small, seemingly insignificant words in her vocabulary led to significant positive changes.Leanne discusses concepts like growth mindset versus fixed mindset and the power of internal and external language in shaping our reality. She offers practical advice on how to pivot from limiting language to empowering alternatives, like replacing ‘BUT’ with ‘AND’, ‘SHOULD’ with ‘COULD’, and the transformative addition of ‘YET’. Practical tips are also provided to help listeners identify and change limiting language patterns.The episode emphasizes that mindful practice and intentional word choices can open the door to limitless potential in our lives. Episode Details: 00:00 The Power of 'But': A Personal Revelation 01:43 The Ripple Effect of Changing One Word 04:28 The Profound Impact of Your Choice of Words 06:25 Embracing a Growth Mindset Through Language 09:06 Game-Changing Words: ‘But’, ‘Should’ and ‘Yet’ 14:04 Transformative Language: ‘Why’ to ‘How’ and Beyond 17:01 Expanding Your World with ‘I Am’ and ‘What If’ 19:21 Practical Tips for Empowering Language Use 24:28 Final Thoughts and Conclusion Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
Navigating the Growth Gap
Navigating the Growth Gap
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica explores the concept of the ‘Growth Gap’, the awkward in-between of who you are and who you aspire to be.Leanne discusses how this gap, filled with uncertainty and discomfort, is where significant personal growth and transformation occur. She emphasizes that the Growth Gap represents a phase of opportunity rather than an obstacle, encouraging listeners to embrace the power of saying YES! to the process.Additionally, Leanne provides actionable steps and strategies to help listeners bridge the gap and gradually transform into their desired identity. The episode also covers how to manage setbacks or ‘backslides’, and remain committed to the growth journey, ultimately encouraging listeners to say YES! to themselves and the life they dream of. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction to the Growth Gap 02:12 Understanding the Growth Gap 09:16 Embracing the Discomfort of Growth 10:43 Building the Bridge to Your Future Self 14:48 Transforming Your Identity 21:43 Dealing with Backslides 24:10 The Power of Saying YES! 26:14 Final Thoughts and Conclusion Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
Building Unshakeable Self-Belief
Building Unshakeable Self-Belief
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica explores the transformative power of self-belief in overcoming self-doubt and fear to achieve success.Sharing personal stories and strategies, Leanne encourages listeners to amplify their inner superhero to confidently face life's challenges and pursue their dreams. From defining self-belief, identifying sources of self-doubt, to practical tips for building and maintaining strong self-belief, this episode serves as a roadmap for anyone ready to say YES! to a life that sets their soul on fire.Tune in to learn how to overcome self-doubt and build unshakeable self-belief. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction: The Power of Self-Belief 02:32 The Importance of Building Unshakeable Self-Belief 06:03 Understanding Self-Belief: What It Is and Isn't 10:18 The Impact of Self-Belief on Decision-Making and Resilience 11:48 My Personal Journey: The Power of Self-Belief 14:52 How to Build Your Self-Belief: Practical Steps 26:13 Maintaining Your Self-Belief: Quick Tips 29:56 Final Thoughts and Conclusion Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
Shattering the Shoulds
Shattering the Shoulds
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, Self-Creation Coach Leanne Letica discusses shifting from a life dictated by societal expectations, or 'shoulds', to a life led by personal 'coulds'. She explains how this change empowers individuals to live more authentically and achieve deep, personal fulfillment.Leanne shares her own experience of being bound by 'shoulds' and the impact it had on her life. She also guides listeners on how to 'unmask' themselves, challenge self-imposed limiting beliefs and rewrite their life scripts according to their authentic selves, without conforming to a set of ‘shoulds'.This episode helps listeners question societal norms, challenge external expectations, redefine success on their own terms, and pursue their true potential and innermost dreams. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction: Shattering the Shoulds 01:44 Breaking Free from the Shoulds 04:08 The Chains of Shoulds and Personal Experience 06:21 The Impact of Shoulds on Women 09:38 The Cost of Conforming to Shoulds 13:42 Unmasking Your SELF and Challenging Limiting Beliefs 18:03 Writing Your Own Life Script 18:35 Key Steps to Embrace Coulds Over Shoulds 24:04 Conclusion: Reclaiming Your Narrative Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
Romance Your SELF (The Ultimate Love Affair)
Romance Your SELF (The Ultimate Love Affair)
Join host Leanne Letica as she shares how to send the sparks flying in the most significant relationship of all – the one with your SELF. In this episode, Leanne emphasizes the power of romancing your SELF in helping you say YES! to what you want and guides listeners on how to rewrite their limiting SELF Stories, while cultivating a more positive, self-affirming narrative. She also elaborates on the concept of SELF Wealth, covering aspects like self-love, self-acceptance, self-trust, and self-belief. Leanne offers practical steps to help you rewrite negative SELF Stories, and shares methods to embody and integrate new, empowering beliefs into one's identity. The episode ends with an invitation to join Leanne in her FREE 14-day Romance Your SELF Challenge, a journaling challenge designed to nurture self-concept and build one's SELF Wealth bank balance. Listen in to start on your ultimate romance today. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction to SELF Romance 03:23 Understanding the Importance of Self-Awareness 04:57 The Power of Mindful Self-Reflection 07:03 Rewriting Your SELF Stories 08:17 Identifying and Challenging Limiting SELF Stories 09:59 Rewriting and Embodying Your New SELF Story 15:52 Romancing Your New SELF Story 19:37 Invitation to Join the FREE Romance Your SELF Challenge 21:12 Final Thoughts and Conclusion Romance Your SELF Challenge:Join me for the Romance Your SELF Challenge, a pivotal 14-day experience designed to deepen your self-love, boost your self-confidence, and empower you to SAY YES! to your dreams. This challenge is more than just ANY old date on your calendar. It's an empowering rendezvous with your future, and this Valentine's Day it's my FREE gift to you. To learn more and join visit: Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
What Kind of Woman Are You? (and why it matters)
What Kind of Woman Are You? (and why it matters)
This episode of the Self-Creation School podcast, hosted by Leanne Letica, explores the role and power of 'I AM' statements in shaping our personal identity and reality. Leanne underscores the significance of these statements as affirmations of our self-perception and their role in determining the results and outcomes in our lives. She illustrates how changing negative 'I AM' statements into empowering affirmations can influence our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, subsequently creating a life that aligns with our desires. Leanne offers five practical strategies on how to use 'I AM' statements intentionally to create empowering narratives about ourselves, and introduces the concept of a Beliefs Bridge to effectively bridge the gap between our current and ideal self-beliefs. She outlines how this approach can help listeners harness the potential of these affirmations to become the woman they need to be to create the life they crave. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction: The Power of 'I AM' Statements 01:39 Understanding 'I AM' Statements 03:29 The Impact of 'I AM' Statements on Your Life 04:46 Harnessing the Power of 'I AM' Statements 07:45 Navigating Cognitive Dissonance 08:43 Building a Beliefs Bridge 10:03 Practical Strategies for Effective 'I AM' Affirmations 12:36 The Role of Narrative Psychology in Shaping Your Life 13:48 Taking Charge: Writing Your Own Story 14:32 Conclusion: Embrace Your Power and Start Your 'I AM' Journey Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
Setting Standards for Success
Setting Standards for Success
Life will meet you at the level of your standards. In this episode, Self-Creation Coach Leanne Letica discusses the importance of personal standards and their impact on every aspect of our lives. She shares insightful stories and actionable tips on identifying current personal standards, raising them, and evaluating their alignment with one's goals. Leanne also emphasizes the transformative power of setting intentional standards and stepping out of mediocre existence into a more fulfilling life. The episode is designed for women who are ready to take control of their lives, aligning their standards with their values and aspirations, avoiding self-judgment or criticism, and molding their futures proactively and intentionally. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction to the Power of Standards 01:53 Understanding the Role of Standards in Your Life 03:11 The Impact of Low Standards: Sarah's Story 04:56 Reflecting on Your Own Standards 05:22 The Consequences of Your Standards 06:01 The Power of High Standards 07:23 Choosing Your Standards 09:22 The Power of Raising Standards: Olivia's Story 11:35 Self-Reflection and Evaluation of Your Standards 13:57 Five Actionable Ways to Elevate Your Standards 17:45 Conclusion: Embrace Your Power and Raise Your Standards 19:11 Invitation to Download the Self-Created Woman's Manifesto Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads:Download Transcript
The Power of Permission
The Power of Permission
Leanne Letica, Self-Creation Coach and founder of The Self-Creation School, explores the concept of giving oneself permission to pursue personal desires and dreams. She emphasizes how societal pressures often dissuade individuals, particularly women, from acknowledging and acting upon their own wants and needs. Leanne encourages listeners to break through societal expectations, rewrite their limiting personal narratives, and authentically align their lives with their passions, values, and purpose. She wraps up the episode by inviting her listeners to join her in her FREE 5-day Week of YES! workshop aimed at empowering women to say YES! to themselves and their dreams. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction: The Power of Permission 02:42 Understanding the Concept of Wanting What You Want 04:17 The Impact of Societal Pressures and Expectations 06:05 The Importance of Recognizing and Accepting Your Personal Desires 07:04 The Power of Giving Yourself Permission 08:48 My Personal Journey: From Self-Denial to Self-Creation 12:00 Breaking Down Self-Imposed Barriers 14:16 Rewriting Your Life Story: A Simple Exercise 17:39 Saying YES! to Yourself: An Act of Self-Love 20:45 Invitation to the Week of YES! Workshop 21:18 Final Thoughts: The Choice is Yours 23:24 Bonus: The Self-Created Woman's Manifesto Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
How to BE a Decisive Woman
How to BE a Decisive Woman
In this insightful episode, Self-Creation Coach Leanne Letica discusses the transformative power of decision-making. She shares her own personal struggle with indecisiveness and how changing this propelled her life forward in extraordinary ways. The episode highlights how you can shape your life's course through decisive actions and learn to embrace the outcomes. Topics discussed include the concept of ‘failing forward’ and how reframing failure can be a stepping stone to success, the drawbacks of indecision, and the pitfalls of outsourcing your decisions. Leanne also shares the common reasons behind indecisiveness along with practical tips on cultivating decisiveness and taking ownership of your life choices. Key takeaways from this episode include understanding the significance of quick, quality decision-making in personal growth, learning to embrace and learn from the outcomes of your decisions, and gaining practical strategies to become more decisive in your daily life. Episode Details: 00:00 Introduction: The Struggle with Indecision 01:58 The Power of Decision-Making 03:37 The Impact of Your SELF Stories 05:37 The Cost of Indecision and Outsourcing Decisions 09:17 Embracing the Concept of Failing Forward 12:25 Unpacking Your Stories Around Failure 15:06 Acceptance: Living with Your Decisions 16:27 Changing Your Identity: Stepping into the Shoes of a Decisive Woman 18:45 Final Thoughts Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript
Why Willpower Doesn’t Work (and what does)
Why Willpower Doesn’t Work (and what does)
In this episode of The Self-Creation School podcast, host Leanne Letica questions the effectiveness of willpower alone for achieving success. She discusses the concept of decision fatigue and how relying solely on willpower results in burnout and stress. Leanne introduces the concept of identity-based habits, where changing self-perceptions results in changing actions naturally without the necessity for willpower. She offers practical steps to shift from willpower to an identity-based approach and how small consistent actions can cement your new identity. With various examples and stories, she emphasizes the effectiveness and sustainability of the identity-based approach versus willpower. Tune in to learn how to fuel your success with who you BE. Episode Overview: 00:00 Introduction to the Podcast Episode 01:59 The Problem with Relying on Willpower 04:14 The Story of Lisa: A Case Study 06:34 The Limitations of Willpower 09:12 The Power of Identity-Based Habits 12:27 Practical Steps to Shift from Willpower to Identity-Based Approach 15:31 The Challenges and Rewards of the Identity-Based Approach 16:41 Conclusion and Invitation to Further Resources Mentioned Resources: Discover what's stopping you from saying YES! to a life you love and I’ll show you how to shift it using my unique Self-Creation Shift™ quick-fire approach. You can apply this method to shift any of your limiting stories! Take the FREE Assessment here: Useful Resources:Discover Your YES! Block: My Self-Creation Secrets: My Manifesto: the FREE Workshop: Connect with Leanne:Instagram: Episode Downloads: Download Transcript